| - %META:TOPICPARENT{name="OdsPolls"}%
---++ODS Polls Getting Started
1. Virtuoso Server has been installed and is running
1. ODS and other ODS Applications including Polls have been successfully installed
1. Register a new ODS account or login using your Virtuoso installers 'dba' or 'dav' accounts.
---+++Step By Guide
1. Using a web browser, login into you ODS user account or login as DAV or DBA by typing the following URL into your web browser: http://localhost:8890/ods/
1. Select the Polls tab from the ODS Bar.
1. Select the "Create New" Link.
1. Enter your Polls Manager name, URL and click the button labeled "Create and Launch Application", which will create a new Polls instance.
---+++ Create Polls
Once you have created an instance, you are ready to create Polls, edit, delete,vote and view results:
1. Click New Poll from the Polls Main Navigation Bar.
1. Select poll type: single question or multiple questions. For example, select type: single question.
1. In the offered form:
1. Enter you question
1. Enter a short description.
1. Add tag(s)
1. Choose Results visibility options.
1. Choose Poll starting date / or manually to be started
1. Choose Poll clsoing date / or manually to be closed.
1. Click Next
1. In the offered form::
1. Select type pf multiple choice or number range
1. Entered the expcted answers values
1. Next you can "Preview" your Poll or to click Save in order to skip Preview.
---+++ Activate Polls
Once you have created a poll, in order to enable it you should:
1. Click "My Polls" icon from the Polls Main Navigation Bar
1. For a created Poll, shown in the list of the 2nd pane, click the link "Activate".
1. Your poll is ready for user to vote to it.
---+++ Polls Page Overview
Check out some of Polls Managers other features as show below:
1. Use the Navigation bar to view, create, delete and tag your polls.
1. View polls by tag cloud shown in the 1st pane.
1. View polls results by clicking the link "view" for a poll, shown in the 2nd pane
1. Syndicate your polls in RSS, Atom, RDF, FOAF, SIOC(RDF/XML), SIOC(RDF/Turtle) formats
---+++++Figure 1 - Polls Manager
CategoryODS CategoryPolls CategoryGettingStarted