---+ODS Wiki FAQ
---+++ What is ODS Wiki?
ODS Wiki is an integrated collaborative web-based user interface that
allows you to edit, delete, modify, store and share content using links
known as <nowiki>WikiWords</nowiki>. ODS Wiki can be used to collaborate
on documents, track projects and workflows, and build web sites, among
other uses.
---+++What is a <nowiki>WikiWord</nowiki>?
A <nowiki>WikiWord</nowiki> is a name or link to another topic or page
in the wiki.
---+++How to edit a topic?
You can edit content by selecting the "Edit" link at the bottom of the
topic and by entering test in the form provided. You can create or modify
wiki content with the default or ODS WYSIWYG editor. Wiki fully supports
Twiki-based markup and text formatting. A summary of this markup is
provided on the edit screen for quick access.
---+++ How do I insert a graphic images or files using WYSIWYG?
Edit an existing wiki or create a new wiki topic and then select the WSYWIG
editor. On the left hand menu enter in image class and URL or WebDAV
location containing the image and then select the "Insert image" button.
---+++ How do I link to other topics?
You can add links by adding Wikiwords or using Twiki markup to add a link.
---+++ How do I attach documents to a topic?
Navigate to the wiki topic by searching for a topic; view a list of topics
from the index or by clicking on a bread-crumb link. At the bottom of the
desired topic, select the "Attach" Link. In the attach form enter the name
of the file or select the "Browse" button to locate the file you want to
attach, then select the file. Optionally add a check-mark to add a link in
the wiki topic to this file or add a comment.
---+++How do I delete a Wiki topic?
To delete a wiki topic navigate to the wiki topic and select the
"Maintenance" link at the bottom. In the form provided review or change the
topic name and select the "Delete" button, and then select the "Yes" button
to confirm the topics deletion.
---+++How do I rename a Wiki topic?
To rename a wiki topic navigate to the wiki topic and select the
"Maintenance" link at the bottom. In the form provided review or change the
topic name and select the "Rename" button, and then select the "Yes" button
to confirm renaming the topic.
---+++How do I change the parent topic for a Wiki topic?
To change a wiki topic parent topic, navigate to the wiki topic and select
the "Maintenance" link at the bottom. In the form provided review or change
the topic name, choose from the list of available parent topics and select
the "Set New Parent" button, then select the "Yes" button to confirm the
topic change.
---+++ Who can access my Wiki?
A Wiki instance can be set public, for ODS members or private during wiki
creation or modified later through ODS application membership.
---+++ How do I lock Main or my <nowiki>WikiHome</nowiki> but allow sub topics to be edited?
Any wiki topic can be locked from editing. To lock a wiki topic, navigate
to the topic, select the edit link below and in the edit form select the
"Preview" button, then click the "Save" button without marking the "Release
Lock" check-box.
---+++ Can I publish my wiki on other formats?
Yes, you can choose to publish the wiki as a web site or in Docbook format
by selecting from the publishing options at the bottom of the topic.
---+++ Can I subscribe to changes via an RSS or Atom feed?
Yes, wiki topics can be syndicated in RSS, Atom, and RDF formats.
---+++ Where is the content in my Wiki stored?
All Wiki content is stored in WebDAV. All wiki documents can be accessed
via ODS Briefcase under DAV/dataspace/user/wiki/[instance].
---+++ Does Wiki save all revisions of my wiki topics?
Yes, ODS Wiki saves all revisions and tracks differences between edit
versions. Versions can be viewed at the bottom by selecting the version
number next the "Revisions" label on a given Wiki topic.
---+++ How do I search Wiki?
You can perform a simple keyword search on the search input field at the
top. Optionally, you can select the Advanced link and enter a list of
keyword, enter an expression or a list of tags. Search results include the
Name, Size, Owner and Date of the matching wiki topics.
---+++Can I change or customize the Wiki Skin?
Yes, you can choose from a list of templates and skins by selecting the
"Cluster Settings" link at the top. More information you can find [[ODSWikiTemplates][here]]. Additional notes on refreshing new skin you can find [[WikiSkinRefreshHowTo][here]].
---+++ How do I view a global history or log of changes in Wiki?
You can the view the "Change Log" by selecting the default parent
<nowiki>[username]Wiki.WelcomeVisitors</nowiki> topic. The change log provides a list of
topics, actions performed, change date and the name of the person who made
the change. Other summary reports are available under the topic
<nowiki>Main.WelcomeVisitors</nowiki> that includes the wiki owner, wiki members, a list of
the top topics and contributors as well a summary of tagged information.
---+++How do I upstream My Wiki?
ODSWiki supports Atom based upstreaming. Any cluster can be configured to escalate any changes to one or several remote ODS Wiki instances. Detailed information and example you can find [[ODSWikiAtomUpstreaming][here]].
---+++How can I change My Wiki Cluster Settings?
There is special page implemented for this purpose: "Cluster Settings". More information you can find [[ODSWikiClusterSettings][here]].
---+++What Web Services are supported?
Detailed information for the UI endpoint and wsdl location you can find [[ODSWikiProgrammersGuideWebServices][here]].
---+++How can I create my own Wiki Cluster?
Every ODS user can create its own Wiki Cluster. For more information see [[ODSWikiClusterAdministration][here]].
---+++Can I control the access to my Wiki articles?
Yes. For more information see [[ODSWikiControlAccess][here]].
---+++What kind of models my Wiki instance supports?
Wiki supports number of different models types. For more information see [[ODSWikiMemberModel][here]].
---+++Ho Do I Enable Cluster Versioning?
By default the cluster versioning is set to on when creating the cluster. However, you can [[ODSWikiTroubleshooting][manually enable]] it.
CategoryFAQ CategoryWiki CategoryODS CategoryOdsWiki