---+ ODS Controllers
The ODS provide an controllers (API) to manipulate the user accounts as well as
instances, and instances specific data.
The controllers can be accessed via REST using authentication based on OAuth,
sessions or password hash. The details are presented bellow.
---++ Access point
The API can be accessed via REST using
<code><nowiki>http://host:port/ods/api/[method]</nowiki></code>. Parameters
specific to each method are given as URL parameters if using
<code><nowiki>GET</nowiki></code>, as <code><nowiki>www-url-encoded</nowiki></code>
or <code><nowiki>multipart/form-data</nowiki></code> if using
The API can be accessed via UI page using
---++ Authentication
Most API calls which modify data, i.e., IUD operations, need authentication; thus
the request should contain OAuth authentication, or session or password hash. The
user account used to authenticate in either case MUST have relevant access to the
ODS object. This is done by having owner or author membership to the given application.
---+++ OAuth
The user account for authentication must have OAuth tokens generated via ODS ->
Settings -> OAuth keys. This UI provides a list of all applications to which the
user has access (i.e., he is member or owner). If an instance needs to be accessed
with OAuth, user simply selects the instance from the list and clicks 'generate keys'.
The generated consumer key & token will be associated to the active ODS user account
and selected application instance.
Once a consumer token is available, the sequence below must be done in order to
establish an authorized session:
1. client uses <code>request_token</code> to get a token/secret pair for
establishing session using consumer token
2. client asks OAuth server to authorize the token from step 1
3. using authorized token from step 1, client asks OAuth server for
authentication token
4. with authentication token from step 3, clients can access instance data
associated with the consumer token from step 1
To demonstrate the above, we supply a simple client written in VSP:
declare consumer_key, consumer_secret, oauth_token, oauth_secret, signature, timest, nonce varchar;
declare srv, res, signature_base, ret_url, url, tmp, sid varchar;
declare meth, pars any;
consumer_key := {?'key'};
srv := sprintf ('http://localhost:%s/OAuth/', server_http_port ());
sid := null;
res := '';
sid := {?'sid'};
if (sid = '')
sid := null;
-- if selected token is not same as one from the session we need to get new authentication token
if (consumer_key <> OAUTH..get_consumer_key (sid))
OAUTH..session_terminate (sid);
sid := null;
meth := get_keyword ('meth', params, '');;
pars := get_keyword ('pars', params, 'inst_id=15&title=testing&description=Some test post');;
if ({?'rt'} is not null and sid is null) -- request new token for the session
url := srv||'request_token';
url := OAUTH..sign_request ('GET', url, '', consumer_key, sid);
res := http_get (url);
sid := OAUTH..parse_response (sid, consumer_key, res);
OAUTH..set_session_data (sid, params);
ret_url := sprintf ('http://localhost:%s/oauth/oauth_client.vsp?ready=%U', server_http_port (), sid);
-- call authorize
url := sprintf ('%sauthorize?oauth_token=%U&oauth_callback=%U', srv, OAUTH..get_auth_token (sid), ret_url);
http_status_set (301);
http_header (sprintf ('Location: %s\r\n', url));
else if ({?'ready'} is not null) -- get access token
-- we go here when token above is authorized
sid := {?'ready'};
url := srv||'access_token';
consumer_key := OAUTH..get_consumer_key (sid);
url := OAUTH..sign_request ('GET', url, '', consumer_key, sid);
res := http_get (url);
sid := OAUTH..parse_response (sid, consumer_key, res);
if (sid is not null) -- access token is ready, and we can call API
-- here we are ready to call service
if ({?'rt'} is null)
tmp := OAUTH..get_session_data (sid);
pars := get_keyword ('pars', tmp, pars);
meth := get_keyword ('meth', tmp, meth);
url := sprintf ('http://localhost:%s/ods/api/%s', server_http_port (), meth);
tmp := split_and_decode (pars);
params := '';
for (declare i,l int, l:=length (tmp); i < l; i := i + 2)
params := params || sprintf ('%U=%U&', tmp[i], tmp[i+1]);
--params := sprintf ('inst_id=%d&description=%U&title=%U', 15, 'Some test post', 'testing');
consumer_key := OAUTH..get_consumer_key (sid);
url := OAUTH..sign_request ('GET', url, params, consumer_key, sid);
res := http_get (url);
--dbg_obj_print (res);
<head><title>OAuth Client</title></head>
<h1>OAuth client for ODS Controllers</h1>
<form method="POST" action="oauth_client.vsp">
<input type="hidden" name="sid" value="<?V sid ?>"/>
APPLICATION : <br/> <select name="key">
<?vsp for select a_name, a_key from OAUTH..APP_REG do { ?>
<option value="<?V a_key ?>" <?vsp if (consumer_key = a_key) http ('selected'); ?>><?V a_name ?></option>
<?vsp } ?>
if (sid is not null) http (sprintf (' TOKEN: %s', OAUTH..get_auth_token (sid)));
ODS API: <br/><input type="text" name="meth" value="<?V meth ?>" size=50/> <br/>
PARAMETERS: <br/> <textarea name="pars" rows="5" cols="50"><?V pars ?></textarea> <br/>
<input type="submit" value="Execute" name="rt"/><br/>
<pre><?V res ?></pre>
The following is a sample session recorded with the client above :
GET /OAuth/request_token?oauth_consumer_key=50082d0fb861b0e6e67d5d986b8333607ed
D HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8890
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-Length: NNN
GET /OAuth/authorize?oauth_token=86da75079d3aee0fab57a36fcffbf900768e4de3&oauth
b2f6424008b5064fe83e88 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8890
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved
Location: /ods/oauth_authorize.vspx?....
GET /OAuth/access_token?oauth_consumer_key=50082d0fb861b0e6e67d5d986b8333607edc
on=1.0&oauth_signature=sqs/8nmNNnNJiZ/eBa688uNeg9o%3D HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8890
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-Length: NNN
GET /ods/api/
ture=oocIyr6kgoEQkC3WVwzvl6w62W4%3D HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8890
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-Length: NNN
---+++ Session based
The request to the API in this type of authentication must have 'sid' & 'realm'
via 'user.authenticate' method:
To get session id:
curl -i "http://localhost:8890/ods/api/user.authenticate?user_name=demo&passwor
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Length: 32
bfb2b13e4218a99f65b956eb6ba657cb << SID
Perform API call:
curl -i "http://localhost:8890/ods/api/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/xml; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Length: 53
---+++ password hash
This approach is similar to above, but instead of sid and realm we just pass as
parameters to request the user_name & password_hash .
---++ Response format
---+++ IUD operations
The IUD methods return an XML response with code & message format follows:
---++++ On success
<result><code>NNN</code><message>human readable explanation if applicable</message></result>
---++++ On failure
<failed><code>NNN</code><failed>human readable explanation</message></failed>
---+++ Search (get)
The search methods returns results in RDF format according to FOAF, SIOC and SIOC
types module ontology. See ODS RDF model.
---++ API methods
All APIs are acting on behalf of the user who established authentication, i.e.,
the user which is authorized. The APIs where user is subject of removal or freeze
as well as registration the user name is passed as parameter. Therefore user.register,
user.delete would need user name as input parameter where user.update, instance.create
will use the user from authentication information.
---+++ Framework
user.register (
name varchar,
password varchar,
email varchar
user.authenticate (
user_name varchar,
password_hash varchar
user.update (user_info any)
user.password_change (new_password varchar)
user.delete (name varchar)
user.enable (name varchar)
user.disable (name varchar)
user.get (name varchar) (pattern varchar)
user.invite (
friends_email varchar,
custom_message varchar default ''
user.invitation (
invitation_id varchar,
approve int
user.invitations.get ()
user.relation_terminate (friend varchar)
user.tagging_rules.add (
rulelist_name varchar,
rules any,
is_public int default 1
user.tagging_rules.delete (rulelist_name varchar)
user.tagging_rules.update (
rulelist_name varchar,
rules any
user.hyperlinking_rules.add (rules any)
user.hyperlinking_rules.update (rules any)
user.hyperlinking_rules.delete (rules any)
user.annotation.add (
claimIri varchar,
claimRelation varchar,
claimValue varchar
user.annotation.delete (
claimIri varchar,
claimRelation varchar,
claimValue varchar
instance.create (
type varchar,
name varchar,
description varchar,
model int,
public int
instance.update (
inst_id int,
name varchar,
description varchar,
model int,
public int
instance.delete (inst_id int)
instance.freeze (name varchar)
instance.unfreeze (name varchar)
instance.join (inst_id int)
instance.disjoin (inst_id int)
instance.join_approve (
inst_id int,
uname varchar
) ()
instance.notification.set (
inst_id int,
services any
instance.notification.cancel (
inst_id int,
services any
instance.notification.log (inst_id int)
instance.get (inst_id int) (name varchar) (
pattern varchar,
options any
---+++ Briefcase
* [[VirtuosoOdsControllersBriefcase][Briefcase Controllers]]
---+++ Weblog
* [[VirtuosoOdsControllersWeblog][Weblog Controllers]]
* [[OdsWeblogProgrammersGuide][Weblog's Programmers Guide]]
---+++ Addressbook
* [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbook][Addressbook Controllers]]
* [[OdsAddressbookProgrammersGuide][Addressbook's Programmers Guide]]
---+++ Bookmarks
* [[VirtuosoOdsControllersBookmarks][Bookmarks Controllers]]
* [[OdsBookmarkManager][Bookmarks Programmers Guide]]
---+++ Polls
* [[VirtuosoOdsControllersPolls][Polls Controllers]]
* [[OdsPollsProgrammersGuide][Poll's Programmers Guide]]
---+++ Calendar
* [[VirtuosoOdsControllersCalendar][Calendar Controllers]]
* [[OdsCalendarProgrammersGuide][Calendar's Programmers Guide]]
---+++ Feed Manager
* [[VirtuosoOdsControllersFeeds][Feed Manager Controllers]]
* [[OdsFeedManagerProgrammersGuide][Feed Manager's Programmers Guide]]
---+++ Webmail
* [[VirtuosoOdsControllersWebmail][Webmail Controllers]]
* [[OdsWebmailProgrammersGuide][Webmail's Programmers Guide]]
---+++ Discussion
* [[VirtuosoOdsControllersDiscussion][Discussion Controllers]]
* [[OdsDiscussionsProgrammersGuide][Discussions 's Programmers Guide]]
---+++ Gallery
* [[VirtuosoOdsControllersGallery][Gallery Controllers]]
---+++ Wiki
* [[VirtuosoOdsControllersWiki][Wiki Controllers]]
---+++ Messenger
* [[VirtuosoOdsControllersMessenger][Messenger Controllers]]
* [[OAuth][OpenLink's explanation of OAuth]]
* [[VirtuosoOAuthServer][Virtuoso OAuth server]]
* [[VirtOAuthControllers][Using OAuth with ODS]]
* [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquity][ODS Ubiquity Commands]]
* [[VirtOAuth][Virtuoso OAuth Implementation]]
* [[VirtODSOAuthQA][Testing Virtuoso OAuth with 3rd Party OAuth Clients]]
* [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquityTutorialsOAuth][OAuth Ubiquity Tutorial]]
* [[VirtOAuthTestTool][Virtuoso OAuth Test Tool for ODS Controllers]]
* [[VirtOAuthSPARQL][Virtuoso SPARQL OAuth Tutorial]]
* [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquityTutorials][ODS Ubiquity Tutorials]]
* [[VirtOAuthExamples][OAuth Applications Authentication examples]]
* [[][OAuth API]]
CategoryODS CategoryVirtuoso