%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OdsAddressbook"}% ---+Using SyncML with ODS-AddressBook ODS-AddressBook now supports synchronization to DAV [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/Main/SyncML][SyncML]] folder and back. ---++Prerequisites Make sure the following packages are installed: 1. [[https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/download/][ods_framework_dav.vad]] 1. [[https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/download/][ods_addressbook_dav.vad]] 1. [[https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/download/][syncml_dav.vad]] ---++Sample Scenario 1. Go to <code><nowiki>http://<host>:<port>/ods</nowiki></code> 1. Enter ODS user credentials. 1. Click the <b>Briefcase</b> link in the left navigation bar. 1. Your DAV/home/<ods-user> folder will be displayed: %BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/scy1.png" />%BR%%BR% 1. Click <b>New Folder</b>. %BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/scy2.png" />%BR%%BR% 1. Create a regular folder; for this example, named <b><code>mysync</code></b> %BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/scy3.png" />%BR%%BR% 1. Go to the new <b>mysync</b> folder: %BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/scy4.png" />%BR%%BR% 1 Click again <b>New Folder</b>. 1. Name this folder <b><code>contacts</code></b>, and specify the Folder type as [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/Main/SyncML] %BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/sca1.png" />%BR%%BR% 1 Go to the new displayed "SyncML" tab: %BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/scy6.png" />%BR%%BR% 1 Specify the SyncML version and type, for ex.: 1.1 and vcard 1.1, respectively. %BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/sca2.png" />%BR%%BR% 1 Click "Create". 1 The created folder should be displayed in the list of available resources for the mysync folder: %BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/sca3.png" />%BR%%BR% 1. Click <b>AddressBook</b> in the left navigation bar. 1. Your ODS-AddressBook instance will be loaded, and automatically created if you don't have one yet: %BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/sca4.png" />%BR%%BR% * In case of new created ODS-AddressBook instance, create several contacts. 6. Go to <b>Preferences</b> --> <b>SyncML</b> %BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/sca5.png" />%BR%%BR% 7. Click <b>New SyncML</b> %BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/sca6.png" />%BR%%BR% 8. In the form: * Name the SyncML job; e.g., <b><code>test</code></b> * Enter the WebDAV SyncML Path; e.g., <b><code>/DAV/home/[ods-user]/mysync/contacts</code></b> * Enter your ODS username and password %BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/sca7.png" />%BR%%BR% 9. Click <b>Create</b>. %BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/sca8.png" />%BR%%BR% 10. Click <b>Sync</b>. %BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/sca9.png" />%BR%%BR% 11. Specify the direction of synchronization, and click the <b>Sync</b> button. 12. A message will show how many contacts were synced to the ODS-AddressBook instance (In), and how many were synced to the DAV location (Out): %BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/sca10.png" />%BR%%BR% ---++ Synchronization in Background Suppose you have synced your contacts from the ODS-AddressBook instance to the DAV location as described above. When there is a change on some of the fields for a current contact in your ODS-AddressBook, the <b>Save</b> action will trigger a re-sync to the DAV location. ---++ Related * [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/syncml.html][Virtuoso SyncML documentation]] * [[VirtSyncMLAndroidToVirtuoso][How to sync my Android contacts to Virtuoso using SyncML]] * [[OdsCalendarSyncML][Using SyncML with ODS-Calendar]] CategoryODS CategoryOpenSource CategoryAddressBook CategoryOdsAddressBook