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%META:TOPICINFO{author="YrjanaRankka" date="1157370768" format="1.1" version="1.28"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="OpenLinkTwikiUserGuide"}% ---++ What's It? This page is referenced by all category pages. Click Ref-by to list all of them. To learn more about idea of categories, read ---++ Categorization of Wiki Content All pages should be tagged with the categories corresponding to the products (UDA, Virtuoso, iODBC), functionality realms (Blog, Gallery, Admin), subsystems (SPARQL, SQL, RDF), etc., being discussed. Additionally, the function of the document relative to the subject matter (e.g., Spec, Documentation, Plan) must be indicated. This forms a matrix of function x product, where multiple products and functions may sometimes be covered by one page. Thus, searching for `CategoryVirtuoso CategoryQAReport` should deliver a list of (only) Virtuoso-related QA Reports. Create new categories as appropriate -- but please always keep the Category Word singular (i.e., CategoryModule not CategoryModules; CategoryCategory not CategoryCategories). ---+++ Document Function |%CATEGORY%Spec |Any specification, no matter the level of detail covered. | |%CATEGORY%Plan |Any schedule, roadmap, project plan, task assignment document or similar. | |%CATEGORY%QA |Any QA checklist or report. QA Reports get their own. | |%CATEGORY%QAReport |Any QA checklist or report. QA Reports get their own. | |%CATEGORY%Competition |Any review or commentary or list of competitive products. The paper should be categorized additionally with the Virtuoso or UDA product categories to which the competition applies.| |%CATEGORY%Documentation |Anything that documents a finished piece of functionality. Is not applied to the actual wiki version of the documentation since this is outside of the main cluster. | |%CATEGORY%Report |Any report concerning work performed (except Weekly and QA Reports) | |%CATEGORY%Marketing |Any planned or actual marketing material, press material or such. | |%CATEGORY%Product |Any page that is an index of pages related to a particular product. One page of %CATEGORY%Product sort per every product listed in Bugzilla, but no more. | |%CATEGORY%Module |Any page that is an index of pages related to a particular module of a big program. One page of %CATEGORY%Module sort per every module of every product listed in Bugzilla, but no more. | ---+++ Document Subject Matter The subject matter of the spec/report/document is marked by one or more of the following: |%CATEGORY%UDA |General wiki nodes pertaining to product, be they documentation, meeting minutes, specs, QA, or whatever. | |%CATEGORY%Virtuoso |General documents touching on all aspects of the product or a large section of the product. Applies to general roadmaps or general marketing material. | |%CATEGORY%CaseStudy |Customer Case Studies | |%CATEGORY%Customers |New and Existing Customers | |%CATEGORY%DET |DAV extension type - Occurs together with the application category to which this applies, e.g. %CATEGORY%Blog. | |%CATEGORY%DAV |DAV, see VirtWebDAV for a brief list of documents. | |%CATEGORY%DataCenter |Application clustering. | |%CATEGORY%Leads |Business Development Target | |%CATEGORY%Prospects |Business Development Opportunity | |%CATEGORY%SocialNetwork |Any SN documents. | |%CATEGORY%Suspects |Business Development Potential | |%CATEGORY%Tagging |Automatic or explicit tagging of content. | |%CATEGORY%WebAd |OpenLinkVirtuoso applications as advertising platforms, unobtrusive advertising, ad booking, any discussion of advertising support on OpenLinkVirtuoso apps. | |%CATEGORY%ENews |OpenLinkVirtuoso application: eNews | |%CATEGORY%OMail |OpenLinkVirtuoso application: oMail | |%CATEGORY%ODrive |OpenLinkVirtuoso application: oDrive | |%CATEGORY%Blog |OpenLinkVirtuoso application: Blog | |%CATEGORY%OWiki |OpenLinkVirtuoso application: oWiki | |%CATEGORY%ODSBookmarks |OpenLinkVirtuoso application: ODS-Bookmarks | |%CATEGORY%Conductor |OpenLinkVirtuoso application: Conductor | |%CATEGORY%Bandoneon |OpenLinkVirtuoso application: Bandoneon | |%CATEGORY%WA |Web Applications - all product subsystem/application categories from Bugzilla. See lists in %CATEGORY%Product. | |%CATEGORY%Obsolete |Obsolete information - specs, mockups, documentation rendered obsolete by new development or other changed circumstance. | ---+++Department |%CATEGORY%Support |OpenLink Technical Support | |%CATEGORY%Marketing |OpenLink Marketing | |%CATEGORY%Sales |OpenLink Sales | |%CATEGORY%SoftwareDevelopment |OpenLink Software Development | |%CATEGORY%ProfessionalService |OpenLink Professional Services | ---+++ KBASE Document Subject Matter | *OPIE and the KBASE* | | |%CATEGORY%OPIE |OpenLink Product Information Expert | |%CATEGORY%EmployeeCenter |OPIE-resident staff pages, for Support Case handling and otherwise | | *OpenLink product* | | |%CATEGORY%CompetitiveAdvantage |OpenLink product competive advantages | |%CATEGORY%Configuration |OpenLink product configuration | |%CATEGORY%ConfigFile |OpenLink product configuration files, i.e.,, openlink.ini, oplrqb.ini, and so on | |%CATEGORY%DemoApplication |OpenLink product demos, e.g., iodbctest (formerly odbctest), JDBC applets and applications | |%CATEGORY%Download |OpenLink product download process | |%CATEGORY%EnvironmentVariable |OpenLink product environment variables | |%CATEGORY%FileFormat |OpenLink product file formats | |%CATEGORY%FileName |OpenLink product file names | |%CATEGORY%ProductCapability |OpenLink product features and functionality | |%CATEGORY%Glossary |OpenLink product glossary | |%CATEGORY%Compatibility |OpenLink product (in)compatibility -- Up- and down-ward vs database and operating system versions; and among various OpenLink components and versions | |%CATEGORY%Installation |OpenLink product installation | |%CATEGORY%Licensing |OpenLink product licenses | |%CATEGORY%Prerequisite |OpenLink product prerequisites | |%CATEGORY%Uninstall |OpenLink product removal | |%CATEGORY%Service |OpenLink product services that need to be started and maintained (e.g., Request Broker, Broker Admin Assistant, License Manager, etc.) | |%CATEGORY%Upgrade |OpenLink product upgrades | | *OpenLink partners* | | |%CATEGORY%Partner |OpenLink business partners | |%CATEGORY%P21 |OpenLink Partner: Prophet 21, a/k/a P21, Progress DBMS reseller, OpenLink OEM | |%CATEGORY%MFGPRO |OpenLink Partner: MFGPRO, Progress DBMS reseller, OpenLink OEM | |%CATEGORY%PS |OpenLink Professional Services | | *DBMS Engines* | | |%CATEGORY%Ingres |DBMS: CA Ingres and OpenIngres | |%CATEGORY%FileMaker |DBMS: FileMaker Pro | |%CATEGORY%FoxPro |DBMS: FoxPro | |%CATEGORY%DB2 |DBMS: IBM DB2 | |%CATEGORY%Informix |DBMS: IBM Informix | |%CATEGORY%Access |DBMS: Microsoft Access | |%CATEGORY%MSSQLServer |DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server | |%CATEGORY%MySQL |DBMS: MySQL | |%CATEGORY%Oracle |DBMS: Oracle | |%CATEGORY%OtherDatabase |DBMS: Databases for which OpenLink does not build specific database agents, e.g., DBASE, Paradox, Btrieve, MS Access, FileMaker Pro, etc. | |%CATEGORY%PostgreSQL |DBMS: PostgreSQL | |%CATEGORY%Progress |DBMS: Progress | |%CATEGORY%Sybase |DBMS: Sybase | | *Client applications* | | |%CATEGORY%Application |Client Application (ODBC): Any commercial client application (e.g., Crystal Reports, Microsoft Access) | |%CATEGORY%Brio |Client Application (ODBC): Brio | |%CATEGORY%BusinessObjects |Client Application (ODBC): Business Objects | |%CATEGORY%Impromptu |Client Application (ODBC): Cognos Impromptu | |%CATEGORY%ColdFusion |Client Application (JDBC): ColdFusion | |%CATEGORY%CrystalReports |Client Application (ODBC): Crystal Reports | |%CATEGORY%DreamWeaver |Client Application (ODBC): DreamWeaver | |%CATEGORY%FileMaker |Client Application (ODBC): FileMaker Pro | |%CATEGORY%Access |Client Application (ODBC): Microsoft Access | |%CATEGORY%Excel |Client Application (ODBC): Microsoft Excel and MSQUERY | |%CATEGORY%MSProject |Client Application (ODBC): Microsoft Project | |%CATEGORY%DTSWizard |Client Application (OLE DB): Microsoft SQL Server Data Transformation Services (DTS) | |%CATEGORY%LinkedServer |Client Application (OLE DB): Microsoft SQL Server Linked Servers | |%CATEGORY%Odbctest |Client Application (ODBC): OpenLink iodbctest (formerly odbctest) | |%CATEGORY%JDBCBench |Client Application (JDBC): OpenLink JDBC Bench | |%CATEGORY%ODBCBench |Client Application (ODBC): OpenLink ODBC Bench | |%CATEGORY%ODBCScan |Client Application (ODBC): OpenLink ODBC Scan | |%CATEGORY%HSODBC |Client Application (ODBC): Oracle Heterogeneous Services for Generic Data Sources | |%CATEGORY%Powerbuilder |Client Application (ODBC): Powerbuilder | | *Driver Managers* | | |%CATEGORY%iODBC |Driver Manager (ODBC): iODBC | |%CATEGORY%UnixODBC |Driver Manager (ODBC): UnixODBC | | *Drivers* | | |%CATEGORY%JDBCODBCBridge |Driver: OpenLink ODBC Bridge for JDBC Clients, a/k/a OpenLink JDBC Driver for ODBC Data Sources | |%CATEGORY%ODBCJDBCBridge |Driver: OpenLink JDBC Bridge for ODBC Clients, a/k/a OpenLink ODBC Driver for JDBC Data Sources | |%CATEGORY%ODBCODBCBridge |Driver: OpenLink ODBC Bridge for ODBC Clients, a/k/a OpenLink ODBC Driver for ODBC Data Sources | |%CATEGORY%MultiTier |Driver: OpenLink Multi-Tier (all) | |%CATEGORY%Relinking |Driver: OpenLink Multi-Tier: Relinking database agents | |%CATEGORY%Security |Driver: OpenLink Multi-Tier: Session Rules, SSL, and other security topics | |%CATEGORY%GenericODBCProduct |Driver: OpenLink ODBC Bridges (Single-Tier and Multi-Tier; ODBC/JDBC/OLEDB/ADO.NET Clients) | |%CATEGORY%SingleTier |Driver: OpenLink Single-Tier (all) | | *APIs* | | |%CATEGORY%DAO |API: Microsoft Data Access Objects | |%CATEGORY%ODBCAPICall |API: ODBC | | *Data Access Mechanisms* | | |%CATEGORY%JDBC |Data Access Mechanism: JDBC | |%CATEGORY%JDBCType1 |Data Access Mechanism: JDBC Type 1 or "JDBC-ODBC" Bridge connectivity | |%CATEGORY%JDBCType2 |Data Access Mechanism: JDBC Type 2 connectivity | |%CATEGORY%JDBCType3 |Data Access Mechanism: JDBC Type 3 or "DSN-Less" connectivity | |%CATEGORY%JDBCType4 |Data Access Mechanism: JDBC Type 4 or "Native" connectivity | |%CATEGORY%ODBC |Data Access Mechanism: ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) | |%CATEGORY%OLEDB |Data Access Mechanism: OLE DB | |%CATEGORY%UDBC |Data Access Mechanism: UDBC (Universal Database Connectivity, OpenLink-proprietary, deprecated) | | *Operating Systems* | | |%CATEGORY%Tru64 |Operating system: Compaq Tru64 (now merging with _Digital UNIX_, also known as _OSF_) | |%CATEGORY%DataGeneral |Operating system: Data General, DG/UX | |%CATEGORY%FreeBSD |Operating system: FreeBSD | |%CATEGORY%HP |Operating system: HP/UX | |%CATEGORY%AIX |Operating system: IBM AIX | |%CATEGORY%Linux |Operating system: Linux (any variant) | |%CATEGORY%MacClassic |Operating system: Mac Classic (Mac OS 9, Mac OS 8, System 7, etc.) | |%CATEGORY%MacOSX |Operating system: Mac OS X (Cheetah, Puma, Jaguar, Panther, Tiger, etc.) | |%CATEGORY%SCOOpenServer |Operating system: SCO OpenServer 5.x | |%CATEGORY%SCOUnixware |Operating system: SCO Unixware 7 | |%CATEGORY%Irix |Operating system: SGI Irix | |%CATEGORY%Solaris |Operating system: Solaris (and Sun OS) | |%CATEGORY%Unix |Operating system: Unix (any variant) | |%CATEGORY%VMS |Operating system: VMS and OpenVMS (Digital, Compaq, HP) | |%CATEGORY%Windows |Operating system: Microsoft Windows | | *Programming Languages* | | |%CATEGORY%C |Programming Language: C | |%CATEGORY%CPP |Programming Language: C++ | |%CATEGORY%JAVA |Programming Language: JAVA | |%CATEGORY%JSP |Programming Language: JSP (Java Server Pages) | |%CATEGORY%Perl |Programming Language: PERL | |%CATEGORY%PHP |Programming Language: PHP | |%CATEGORY%VB |Programming Language: Visual Basic | |%CATEGORY%Ruby | Programming Language: Ruby | |%CATEGORY%Python | Programming Language: Python | | | | | *Not yet sub-categorized* | | |%CATEGORY%AdminAssistant |_OpenLink Multi-Tier Request Broker Admin Assistant_ and _HTTP-based OpenLink ODBC Administrator_ (formerly known as the _iODBC Administrator_) | |%CATEGORY%AdvancedConfiguration |Specialized DSN parameters such as SQL_DBMS_NAME, <nop>OCIPrefetchRows, <nop>OCIPrefetchMemory, Multiplex sessions, Prepare Method, and so on | |%CATEGORY%BitFormat |Processor mode (16bit, 32bit, 64bit) issues | |%CATEGORY%Clustering |Load balancing and failover clustering | |%CATEGORY%Cursors |Cursors | |%CATEGORY%DataDirect |DataDirect (and precursors Merant, Visigenic, Intersolv, etc.) products and issues | |%CATEGORY%DataMigration |Data migration, via OpenLink Virtuoso, Microsoft SQL Server DTS, Microsoft SQL Server Linked Servers, Oracle Heterogeneous Services, etc | |%CATEGORY%DataSourceName |ODBC Data Source Names | |%CATEGORY%DataType |Data types | |%CATEGORY%Development |Articles of interest to developers who employ OpenLink technologies | |%CATEGORY%DiagnosticApplication |Diagnostic applications, e.g., ASNPRINT, Microsoft's ODBCTest ("Gator"), OpenLink ODBC Scan, etc. | |%CATEGORY%Diagnostic |Diagnostic tips and techniques employed by OpenLink consultants | |%CATEGORY%DOTNET |Microsoft's .NET platform | |%CATEGORY%ErrorMessage |Specific error messages | |%CATEGORY%Evidence |Evidence used to debug problems | |%CATEGORY%FAQ |Frequently Asked Questions | |%CATEGORY%LINQ |Language Integrated Query | |%CATEGORY%NeedsAssessment |Process that OpenLink consultants and evaluators embark on to identify products suitable to a solution | |%CATEGORY%Networking |TCP-related configuration and diagnostics | |%CATEGORY%OSResource |Patches, upgrades, kernel tuning parameters, memory, processor count, and other operating system resources that affect OpenLink functionality | |%CATEGORY%Performance |Performance issues | |%CATEGORY%RDF |Resource Description Framework | |%CATEGORY%RDFFramework |RDF Frameworks | |%CATEGORY%SQL |Structured Query Language | |%CATEGORY%Stability |Stability. Topics include intermittent connection failures, intermittent query failures, timeouts, coredumps, and so on | |%CATEGORY%StoredProcedure |Stored procedures | |%CATEGORY%Tableview |Tableview files and configurations associated with the Progress DBMS | |%CATEGORY%TransactionIsolationLevel |Transaction isolation levels | |%CATEGORY%Transaction |Database transactions | |%CATEGORY%Unicode |Unicode | | *Meetings* | | |%CATEGORY%Minutes | | ---+++ Website Currently just: |%CATEGORY%WebSite |reference the page as something to do with the website, preferably new upcoming versions thereof | ---+++ Rendering in Wiki The category name is a wiki word going to the category page. The category page will contain the description of the category as given above. Below this is output of a search for all pages having this category, sorted by revision date descending. For each page is given: * Revision date * Wiki word - Link to the page in question. * First title, if any * All other categories of the page in question, each link to the appropriate category page. ---+++Internal Reference / Misc |%CATEGORY%Datasource |any page where the datasource attributes are listed for communal interest, tag it with this as well | ---+++ Usage All authors of content should mark any relevant recent content entered by them according to these categories. Weekly reports are an exception since these can be found easily enough without. If the content is obsolete or otherwise of no interest it should not be marked with any category. --- CategoryCategory CategorySpec
n2:CategorySocialNetwork n2:CategoryUnixODBC n2:CategoryExcel n2:CategoryObsolete n5:MySQL n2:CategoryDTSWizard n2:CategoryMinutes n2:CategoryODBCJDBCBridge n5:UnixODBC n2:CategoryMacClassic n2:CategoryOdbctest n5:CategoryReport n5:CategoryDocumentation n2:CategoryBandoneon n2:CategoryRuby n2:CategoryVirtuoso n2:CategoryMFGPRO n5:OpenLinkVirtuoso n2:CategoryLicensing n2:CategoryDreamWeaver n2:CategoryNetworking n2:CategoryCompetition n2:CategoryDataSourceName n2:CategoryDOTNET n5:FoxPro n2:CategoryFoxPro n2:CategoryJDBC n5:CategoryWebSite n2:CategoryEvidence n2:CategoryJSP n2:CategoryWindows n5:FileMaker n2:CategoryFileMaker n2:CategoryNeedsAssessment n2:CategoryBlog n2:CategorySQL n5:CategoryODrive n2:CategoryDB2 n2:CategoryProduct n2:CategoryMSSQLServer n2:CategoryDevelopment n5:CategoryOWiki n2:CategoryC n2:CategoryFAQ n2:CategoryAccess n2:CategoryPlan n2:CategoryTagging n5:CategoryOMail n2:CategoryiODBC n2:CategoryConductor n2:CategorySybase n2:CategoryMarketing n2:CategorySecurity n2:CategoryEmployeeCenter n5:CategoryModules n5:CategoryCategories n5:CategoryQAReport n5:CategoryProspects n5:CategoryWebAd n5:CategoryCustomers n2:CategoryOracle n5:CategoryLeads n2:CategoryCompatibility n2:CategoryJDBCBench n2:CategoryJDBCType3 n2:CategoryCategory n2:CategoryODBC n2:CategoryAIX n2:CategoryPHP n5:CategoryInstallation n5:CategoryPrerequisite n5:CategoryFileName n2:CategoryJAVA n5:CategoryProductCapability n5:CategoryUpgrade n5:CategoryP21 n5:CategoryUninstall n5:CategoryService n5:CategoryProfessionalService n5:CategoryCompetitiveAdvantage n5:CategoryWA n5:CategorySoftwareDevelopment n5:CategoryEnvironmentVariable n5:CategoryFileFormat n5:CategoryConfigFile n5:CategoryDemoApplication n5:PostgreSQL n5:CategoryCrystalReports n2:CategoryModule n5:DreamWeaver n5:CategoryBusinessObjects n5:CategoryImpromptu n2:CategoryMultiTier n2:CategoryDataCenter n5:CategoryHSODBC n2:CategoryRDF n5:CategoryJDBCODBCBridge n5:CategoryLinkedServer n5:CategoryODBCBench n5:CategoryInformix n5:VirtWebDAV n5:CategoryMySQL n2:CategoryPostgreSQL n5:CategoryPS n2:CategoryDET n5:OpenIngres n2:CategoryMSProject n5:CategoryApplication n5:CategoryBrio n5:CategoryOtherDatabase n5:CategoryProgress n2:CategoryMacOSX n2:CategoryDownload n2:CategoryENews n5:CategorySCOOpenServer n5:OpenServer n5:FreeBSD n5:CategoryHP n2:CategoryDAV n5:CategorySolaris n5:CategoryUnix n5:CategorySCOUnixware n5:ColdFusion n5:CategoryIrix n2:CategoryConfiguration n5:CategoryDAO n5:CategoryODBCAPICall n2:CategoryColdFusion n5:CategoryRelinking n5:CategoryGenericODBCProduct n5:DataDirect n5:CategoryTru64 n2:CategoryGlossary n5:CategoryFreeBSD n2:CategoryDataDirect n5:CategoryOLEDB n5:CategoryUDBC n2:CategoryAdvancedConfiguration n5:CategoryDataType n5:CategoryDiagnosticApplication n2:CategoryJDBCType2 n5:CategoryCursors n5:CategoryODSBookmarks n5:CategoryDataMigration n2:CategorySpec n5:CategoryLINQ n5:CategoryOSResource n5:CategoryDiagnostic n2:CategoryUDA n5:CategoryErrorMessage n5:CategoryCPP n5:CategoryVB n2:CategoryCaseStudy n5:CategoryVMS n5:CategoryODBCODBCBridge n5:OpenVMS n5:CategoryBitFormat n5:CategoryClustering n5:CategoryPython n5:CategoryAdminAssistant n5:CategoryDatasource n2:CategoryOPIE n2:CategoryIngres n5:CategoryQA n5:CategoryStability n5:CategoryStoredProcedure n5:CategoryPerformance n2:CategorySingleTier n5:CategoryRDFFramework n20:CategoryCategory n5:CategoryTransaction n5:CategoryUnicode n2:CategoryPowerbuilder n5:CategoryTableview n5:CategoryTransactionIsolationLevel n2:CategoryPerl n2:CategoryLinux n2:CategoryODBCScan n2:CategoryJDBCType1 n5:CategorySupport n2:CategorySales n2:CategoryJDBCType4 n2:CategorySuspects n2:CategoryDataGeneral n2:CategoryPartner n5:OpenLink