"%VOSWARNING%\n%META:TOPICPARENT{name=\"VOSRDFDataProviders\"}%\n%VOSNAV%\n\n---+ Virtuoso Sesame Provider\n\n%TOC%\n\n---++What is Sesame\n\nSesame is an open source Java framework for storing, querying, and reasoning with RDF and \nRDF Schema. It can be used as a database for RDF and RDF Schema, or as a Java library for \napplications that need to work with RDF internally. For example, suppose you need to read \na big RDF file, find the relevant information for your application, and use that information. \nSesame provides you with the necessary tools to parse, interpret, query, and store all this \ninformation, embedded in your own application if you want, or, if you prefer, in a separate \ndatabase or even on a remote server. More generally: Sesame provides an application \ndeveloper with a toolbox that contains useful hammers, screwdrivers, etc., for 'Do-It-Yourself' \nprojects with RDF.\n\n---++What is the Virtuoso Sesame Provider\n\nThe Virtuoso Sesame Provider is a fully operational Native Graph Model Storage Provider for \nthe Sesame Framework, allowing users of Virtuoso to leverage the Sesame framework to \nmodify, query, and reason with the Virtuoso quad store using the Java language. The Sesame \nRepository API offers a central access point for connecting to the Virtuoso quad store. Its \npurpose is to provides a Java-friendly access point to Virtuoso. It offers various methods for \nquerying and updating the data, while abstracting the details of the underlying machinery. \nThe Provider has been tested against the two latest currently available versions, \n[[http://rdf4j.org/download.docbook?view][Sesame]] 2.6.x, 2.7.x, 2.8.x and the new Sesame 4.x release, for which a new Provider is available.\n\nFig. 1 Sesame Component Stack\n%BR%%BR%\"Sesame%BR%%BR%\n\nIf you need more information about how to set up your environment for working with the \nSesame APIs, take a look at Chapter 2 of the Sesame User Guide, \n[[http://rdf4j.org/sesame/2.7/docs/users.docbook?view#Downloading_and_Configuring_Sesame][Setting up to use the Sesame libraries]].\n\n---++ Setup\n\n---+++ Required Files\nThis tutorial assumes you have Virtuoso server installed and that the database is accessible \nat [[http://localhost:1111/][http://localhost:1111/]]. In addition, the relevant \nversion of the Virtuoso Sesame Provider, and Sesame java framework need to be installed.\n\nYou should download the Virtuoso Sesame Provider JAR archive for the version of Sesame being used, Virtuoso JDBC Driver, Sesame \nFramework and associated classes and sample programs from our [[VOSDownload][download page]]. Note the version of the Sesame Provider (virt_sesameX.jar) can be determined with the command:\n\n$ java -jar virt_sesame2.jar\nOpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Provider for Sesame2(TM) Version 2.6.5 [Build 1.7]\n$ java -jar virt_sesame4.jar \nOpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Provider for Sesame4(TM) Version 4.0.0 [Build 0.1]\n$\n\n\n---+++ Sesame 2 Sample Program\n\n---++++ Compilation\n\n 1 Ensure that full paths to the following files, or equivalents for your version of Sesame, are all included in the active CLASSPATH setting --\n * openrdf-sesame-2.1.2-onejar.jar\n * slf4j-api-1.5.0.jar\n * slf4j-jdk14-1.5.0.jar\n * commons-io-2.0.jar\n * virtjdbc3.jar\n * virt_sesame2.jar\n 1 Execute the following command --\n\njavac VirtuosoTest.java\n\n * Note: we recommend adding the following to the connect string, to use utf-8 and row-auto-commit:\n\n\"/charset=UTF-8/log_enable=2\"\n\n-- i.e., in VirtuosoTest.java, the line --\n\nRepository repository = new VirtuosoRepository(\"jdbc:virtuoso://\" + sa[0] + \":\" + sa[1], sa[2], sa[3]);\n\n-- should become --\n\nRepository repository = new VirtuosoRepository(\"jdbc:virtuoso://\" + sa[0] + \":\" + sa[1]+ \"/charset=UTF-8/log_enable=2\", sa[2], sa[3]);\n\n\n---++++ Testing\n \n 1 Ensure that full paths to the following files are all included in the active CLASSPATH \nsetting (note the addition of virtuoso_driver, here) --\n * openrdf-sesame-2.1.2-onejar.jar\n * slf4j-api-1.5.0.jar\n * slf4j-jdk14-1.5.0.jar\n * commons-io-2.0.jar\n * virtjdbc3.jar\n * virt_sesame2.jar\n * virtuoso_driver\n 1 Run the [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtSesame2Provider?att=VirtuosoTest.java][VirtuosoTest]]\nprogram to test the Sesame 2 Provider with the following command --\n\njava VirtuosoTest \n\n 1 The test run should look like this --\n\n$ java VirtuosoTest localhost 1111 dba dba\n\n== TEST 1: : Start\n Loading data from URL: http://www.openlinksw.com/dataspace/person/kidehen@openlinksw.com/foaf.rdf\n== TEST 1: : End\nPASSED: TEST 1\n\n== TEST 2: : Start\n Clearing triple store\n== TEST 2: : End\nPASSED: TEST 2\n\n== TEST 3: : Start\n Loading data from file: virtuoso_driver/data.nt\n== TEST 3: : End\nPASSED: TEST 3\n\n== TEST 4: : Start\n Loading UNICODE single triple\n== TEST 4: : End\nPASSED: TEST 4\n\n== TEST 5: : Start\n Loading single triple\n== TEST 5: : End\nPASSED: TEST 5\n\n== TEST 6: : Start\n Casted value type\n== TEST 6: : End\nPASSED: TEST 6\n\n== TEST 7: : Start\n Selecting property\n== TEST 7: : End\nPASSED: TEST 7\n\n== TEST 8: : Start\n Statement does not exists\n== TEST 8: : End\nPASSED: TEST 8\n\n== TEST 9: : Start\n Statement exists (by resultset size)\n== TEST 9: : End\nPASSED: TEST 9\n\n== TEST 10: : Start\n Statement exists (by hasStatement())\n== TEST 10: : End\nPASSED: TEST 10\n\n== TEST 11: : Start\n Retrieving namespaces\n== TEST 11: : End\nPASSED: TEST 11\n\n== TEST 12: : Start\n Retrieving statement (http://myopenlink.net/dataspace/person/kidehen http://myopenlink.net/foaf/name null)\n== TEST 12: : End\nPASSED: TEST 12\n\n== TEST 13: : Start\n Writing the statements to file: (/Users/src/virtuoso-opensource/binsrc/sesame2/results.n3.txt)\n== TEST 13: : End\nPASSED: TEST 13\n\n== TEST 14: : Start\n Retrieving graph ids\n== TEST 14: : End\nPASSED: TEST 14\n\n== TEST 15: : Start\n Retrieving triple store size\n== TEST 15: : End\nPASSED: TEST 15\n\n== TEST 16: : Start\n Sending ask query\n== TEST 16: : End\nPASSED: TEST 16\n\n== TEST 17: : Start\n Sending construct query\n== TEST 17: : End\nPASSED: TEST 17\n\n== TEST 18: : Start\n Sending describe query\n== TEST 18: : End\nPASSED: TEST 18\n\n============================\nPASSED:18 FAILED:0\n\n\n---+++ Sesame 4 Sample Program\n\n---++++ Compilation\n\n 1 Ensure that full paths to the following files, or equivalents for your version of Sesame, are all included in the active CLASSPATH setting --\n * openrdf-sesame-4.0.0-onejar.jar\n * slf4j-api-1.7.10.jar\n * commons-io-2.4.jar\n * virtjdbc4.jar\n * virt_sesame4.jar\n 1 Execute the following command --\n\njavac VirtuosoTest.java\n\n * Note: we recommend adding the following to the connect string, to use utf-8 and row-auto-commit:\n\n\"/charset=UTF-8/log_enable=2\"\n\n-- i.e., in VirtuosoTest.java, the line --\n\nRepository repository = new VirtuosoRepository(\"jdbc:virtuoso://\" + sa[0] + \":\" + sa[1], sa[2], sa[3]);\n\n-- should become --\n\nRepository repository = new VirtuosoRepository(\"jdbc:virtuoso://\" + sa[0] + \":\" + sa[1]+ \"/charset=UTF-8/log_enable=2\", sa[2], sa[3]);\n\n\n---++++ Testing\n \n 1 Ensure that full paths to the following files are all included in the active CLASSPATH \nsetting (note the addition of virtuoso_driver, here) --\n * openrdf-sesame-4.0.0-onejar.jar\n * slf4j-api-1.7.10.jar\n * commons-io-2.4.jar\n * virtjdbc4.jar\n * virt_sesame4.jar\n * virtuoso_driver\n 1 Run the [[http://download3.openlinksw.com/uda/virtuoso/rdfproviders/sesame/40/VirtuosoTest.java][VirtuosoTest]]\nprogram to test the Sesame 2 Provider with the following command --\n\njava VirtuosoTest \n\n 1 The test run should look like this --\n\n$ java VirtuosoTest localhost 1111 dba dba\n\n== TEST 1: : Start\n== TEST 1: : End\nPASSED: TEST 1\n\n== TEST 2: : Start\n Loading data from URL: http://dbpedia.org/data/Berlin.rdf\nlog4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.openrdf.rio.RDFParserRegistry).\nlog4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.\n== TEST 2: : End\nPASSED: TEST 2\n\n== TEST 3: : Start\n Clearing triple store\n== TEST 3: : End\nPASSED: TEST 3\n\n== TEST 4: : Start\n Loading data from file: virtuoso_driver/data.nt\n== TEST 4: : End\nPASSED: TEST 4\n\n== TEST 5: : Start\n Loading UNICODE single triple\n== TEST 5: : End\nPASSED: TEST 5\n\n== TEST 6: : Start\n Loading single triple\n== TEST 6: : End\nPASSED: TEST 6\n\n== TEST 7: : Start\n Casted value type\n== TEST 7: : End\nPASSED: TEST 7\n\n== TEST 8: : Start\n Selecting property\n== TEST 8: : End\nPASSED: TEST 8\n\n== TEST 9: : Start\n Statement does not exists\n== TEST 9: : End\nPASSED: TEST 9\n\n== TEST 10: : Start\n Statement exists (by resultset size)\n== TEST 10: : End\nPASSED: TEST 10\n\n== TEST 11: : Start\n Statement exists (by hasStatement())\n== TEST 11: : End\nPASSED: TEST 11\n\n== TEST 12: : Start\n Retrieving namespaces\n== TEST 12: : End\nPASSED: TEST 12\n\n== TEST 13: : Start\n Retrieving statement (http://myopenlink.net/dataspace/person/kidehen http://myopenlink.net/foaf/name null)\n== TEST 13: : End\nPASSED: TEST 13\n\n== TEST 14: : Start\n Writing the statements to file: (/Users/hwilliams/src/git/vos-7-develop/binsrc/sesame4/results.n3.txt)\n== TEST 14: : End\nPASSED: TEST 14\n\n== TEST 15: : Start\n Retrieving graph ids\n== TEST 15: : End\nPASSED: TEST 15\n\n== TEST 16: : Start\n Retrieving triple store size\n== TEST 16: : End\nPASSED: TEST 16\n\n== TEST 17: : Start\n Sending ask query\n== TEST 17: : End\nPASSED: TEST 17\n\n== TEST 18: : Start\n Sending construct query\n== TEST 18: : End\nPASSED: TEST 18\n\n== TEST 19: : Start\n Sending describe query\n== TEST 19: : End\nPASSED: TEST 19\n\n============================\nPASSED:19 FAILED:0\n\n\n--++ Getting Started\n\nThis section covers the essentials for connecting to and manipulating data stored in a Virtuoso repository \nusing the Sesame API. More information on the Sesame Framework, including extended examples on how \nto use the API, can be found in Chapter 8 of the Sesame User's guide, \n[[http://www.openrdf.org/doc/sesame2/2.1.2/users/ch08.html#d0e833][the RepositoryConnection API]]. \n\nThe interfaces for the Repository API can be found in packages virtuoso.sesame2.driver \nand org.openrdf.repository. Several implementations for these interfaces exist in the \nVirtuoso Provider download package. The [[http://www.openrdf.org/doc/sesame2/2.1.2/apidocs/][Javadoc reference for the Sesame API]] \nis available online and can also be found in the doc directory of the download.\n\n---+++Creating a Virtuoso Repository RDF object\n\nThe first step to connecting to Virtuoso through the Sesame API is to create a Repository for it. The \nRepository object operates on (stacks of) Sail object(s) for storage and retrieval of RDF data.\n\nOne of the simplest configurations is a repository that just stores RDF data in main memory, without \napplying any inference. This is also by far the fastest type of repository that can be used. The following \ncode creates and initialize a non-inferencing main-memory repository:\n\n\nimport virtuoso.sesame2.driver.VirtuosoRepository;\n\nRepository myRepository = VirtuosoRepository(\"jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111\",\"dba\",\"dba\");\n\nmyRepository.initialize();\n\n\nThe constructor of the VirtuosoRepository class accepts \nthe JDBC URL of the Virtuoso engine, and the username and password of an authorized user. \nFollowing this example, the repository needs to be initialized to prepare the Sail(s) that it \noperates on, which includes performing operations such as restoring previously stored data, \nsetting up connections to a relational database, etc.\n\nThe repository that is created by the above code is volatile: its contents are lost when the \nobject is garbage collected or when the program is shut down. This is fine for cases where, \nfor example, the repository is used as a means for manipulating an RDF model in memory. \n\n---+++Creating a Virtuoso Repository Connection\n\nNow that we have created a VirtuosoRepository object \ninstance, we want to do something with it. This is achieved through the use of the \nVirtuosoRepositoryConnection class, which can be created \nby the VirtuosoRepository class.\n\nA VirtuosoRepositoryConnection represents — as \nthe name suggests — a connection to the actual Virtuoso quad store. We can issue \noperations over this connection, and close it when we are done to make sure we are not \nkeeping resources unnecessarily occupied.\n\nIn the following sections, we will show some examples of basic operations using the Northwind \ndataset.\n\n---+++Adding RDF to Virtuoso\n\nThe Repository implements the Sesame Repository API, which offers various methods for adding \ndata to a repository. Data can be added programmatically by specifying the location of a file that \ncontains RDF data, and statements can be added individually or in collections.\n\n\nWe perform operations on the repository by requesting a RepositoryConnection \nfrom the repository, which returns a VirtuosoRepositoryConnection object. On \nthis VirtuosoRepositoryConnection object we can perform the various operations, \nsuch as query evaluation; getting, adding, or removing statements; etc.\n\nThe following example code adds two files, one local and one located on the Web, to a repository:\n\n\nimport org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException;\n\nimport org.openrdf.repository.Repository;\n\nimport org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryConnection;\n\nimport org.openrdf.rio.RDFFormat;\n\nimport java.io.File;\n\nimport java.net.URL;\n\nFile file = new File(\"/path/to/example.rdf\");\n\nString baseURI = \"http://example.org/example/localRDF\";\n\n?\ntry {\n\n RepositoryConnection con = myRepository.getConnection();\n\n try {\n\n con.add(file, baseURI, RDFFormat.RDFXML);\n\n URL url = new URL(\"http://example.org/example/remoteRDF\");\n\n con.add(url, url.toString(), RDFFormat.RDFXML);\n\n }\n\n finally {\n\n con.close();\n\n }\n\n}\n\ncatch (RepositoryException rex) {\n\n // handle exception\n\n}\n\ncatch (java.io.IOEXception e) {\n\n // handle io exception\n\n}\n\n\nMore information on other available methods can be found in the javadoc reference of the \nRepositoryConnection interface.\n\n---+++Querying Virtuoso\n\nThe Repository API has a number of methods for creating and evaluating queries. Three \ntypes of queries are distinguished: tuple queries, graph queries, and Boolean queries. The \nquery types differ in the type of results that they produce.\n\n*Select Query*: The result of a select query is a set of tuples (or variable bindings), where \neach tuple represents a solution of the query. This type of query is commonly used to get \nspecific values (URIs, blank nodes, literals) from the stored RDF data. The method \nQueryFactory.executeQuery() returns a Value \n[ ][ ] for SPARQL \"SELECT\" queries. \nThe method QueryFactory.executeQuery() also calls \nthe QueryFactory.setResult() which populates a set of \ntuples for SPARQL \"SELECT\" queries. The graph can be retrieved using \nQueryFactory.getBooleanResult().\n\n*Graph Query*: The result of a graph query is an RDF graph (or set of statements). This \ntype of query is very useful for extracting sub-graphs from the stored RDF data, which can \nthen be queried further, serialized to an RDF document, etc. The method \nQueryFactory.executeQuery() calls the \nQueryFactory.setGraphResult() which populates a graph \nfor SPARQL \"DESCRIBE\" and \"CONSTRUCT\" queries. The \ngraph can be retrieved using QueryFactory.getGraphResult().\n\n*Boolean Query*: The result of a Boolean query is a simple Boolean value, i.e., TRUE \nor FALSE. This type of query can be used to check if a repository contains specific \ninformation. The method QueryFactory.executeQuery() calls \nthe QueryFactory.setBooleanResult() which sets a Boolean value \nfor SPARQL \"ASK\" queries. The value can be retrieved using \nQueryFactory.getBooleanResult().\n\nNote: Although Sesame 2 currently supports two query languages: SeRQL and SPARQL, the Virtuoso \nprovider only supports the W3C SPARQL specification at this time.\n\n---+++Evaluating a SELECT Query\n\nTo evaluate a tuple query we simply do the following:\n\n\nimport java.util.List;\n\nimport org.openrdf.OpenRDFException;\n\nimport org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryConnection;\n\nimport org.openrdf.query.TupleQuery;\n\nimport org.openrdf.query.TupleQueryResult;\n\nimport org.openrdf.query.BindingSet;\n\nimport org.openrdf.query.QueryLanguage;\n?\n\ntry {\n\n RepositoryConnection con = myRepository.getConnection();\n\n try {\n\n String queryString = \"SELECT x, y FROM WHERE {x} p {y}\";\n\n TupleQuery tupleQuery = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryString);\n\n TupleQueryResult result = tupleQuery.evaluate();\n\n try {\n\n ? // do something with the result\n\n }\n\n finally {\n\n result.close();\n\n }\n\n }\n\n finally {\n\n con.close();\n\n }\n\n}\n\ncatch (RepositoryException e) {\n\n // handle exception\n\n}\n\n\n\nThis evaluates a SPARQL query and returns a TupleQueryResult, \nwhich consists of a sequence of BindingSet objects. Each \nBindingSet contains a set of pairs called Binding \nobjects. A Binding object represents a name/value pair for each \nvariable in the query's projection.\n\nWe can use the TupleQueryResult to iterate over all results and \nget each individual result for x and y:\n\n\nwhile (result.hasNext()) {\n\n BindingSet bindingSet = result.next();\n\n Value valueOfX = bindingSet.getValue(\"x\");\n\n Value valueOfY = bindingSet.getValue(\"y\");\n\n // do something interesting with the query variable values here?\n\n}\n\n\nAs you can see, we retrieve values by name rather than by an index. The names used should be the names \nof variables as specified in your query. The TupleQueryResult.getBindingNames() \nmethod returns a list of binding names, in the order in which they were specified in the query. To process \nthe bindings in each binding set in the order specified by the projection, you can do the following:\n\n\nList bindingNames = result.getBindingNames();\n\nwhile (result.hasNext()) {\n\n BindingSet bindingSet = result.next();\n\n Value firstValue = bindingSet.getValue(bindingNames.get(0));\n\n Value secondValue = bindingSet.getValue(bindingNames.get(1));\n\n // do something interesting with the values here?\n\n}\n\n\n\nIt is important to invoke the close() operation on the TupleQueryResult, \nafter we are done with it. A TupleQueryResult evaluates lazily and keeps resources (such as connections \nto the underlying database) open. Closing the TupleQueryResult frees up these resources. Do not forget \nthat iterating over a result may cause exceptions! The best way to make sure no connections are kept open unnecessarily is to invoke \nclose() in the finally clause.\n\nAn alternative to producing a TupleQueryResult is to supply an object that implements the \nTupleQueryResultHandler interface to the query's evaluate() \nmethod. The main difference is that when using a return object, the caller has control over when the next answer is retrieved, \nwhereas with the use of a handler, the connection simply pushes answers to the handler object as soon as it has them available.\n\nAs an example we will use SPARQLResultsXMLWriter, which is a \nTupleQueryResultHandler implementation that writes SPARQL Results \nXML documents to an output stream or to a writer:\n\n\nimport org.openrdf.query.resultio.sparqlxml.SPARQLResultsXMLWriter;\n\n?\nFileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(\"/path/to/result.srx\");\n\ntry {\n\n SPARQLResultsXMLWriter sparqlWriter = new SPARQLResultsXMLWriter(out);\n\n RepositoryConnection con = myRepository.getConnection();\n\n try {\n\n String queryString = \"SELECT * FROM WHERE {x} p {y}\";\n\n TupleQuery tupleQuery = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryString);\n\n tupleQuery.evaluate(sparqlWriter);\n\n }\n\n finally {\n\n con.close();\n\n }\n\n}\n\nfinally {\n\n out.close();\n\n}\n\n\n\nYou can just as easily supply your own application-specific implementation of \nTupleQueryResultHandler, if desired.\n\nLastly, an important warning: as soon as you are done with the RepositoryConnection \nobject, you should close it. Notice that during processing of the TupleQueryResult \nobject (for example, when iterating over its contents), the RepositoryConnection \nshould still be open. We can invoke con.close() after we have finished with the result.\n\n---+++Evaluating a CONSTRUCT query\n\nThe following code evaluates a graph query on a repository:\n\n\nimport org.openrdf.query.GraphQueryResult;\n\nGraphQueryResult graphResult = con.prepareGraphQuery(\n\n QueryLanguage.SPARQL, \"CONSTRUCT * FROM {x} p {y}\").evaluate();\n\n\nA GraphQueryResult is similar to TupleQueryResult \nin that it is an object that iterates over the query results. However, for graph queries the query results are RDF statements, \nso a GraphQueryResult iterates over Statement objects:\n\n\nwhile (graphResult.hasNext()) {\n\n Statement st = graphResult.next();\n\n // ? do something with the resulting statement here.\n\n}\n\n\nThe TupleQueryResultHandler equivalent for graph queries is \norg.openrdf.rio.RDFHandler. Again, this is a generic interface; \neach object implementing it can process the reported RDF statements in any way it wants.\n\nAll writers from Rio (such as the RDFXMLWriter, \nTurtleWriter, TriXWriter, etc.) \nimplement the RDFHandler interface. This allows them to be used \nin combination with querying quite easily. In the following example, we use a \nTurtleWriter to write the result of a SPARQL graph query to \nstandard output in Turtle format:\n\n\nimport org.openrdf.rio.turtle.TurtleWriter;\n\n?\nRepositoryConnection con = myRepository.getConnection();\n\ntry {\n\n TurtleWriter turtleWriter = new TurtleWriter(System.out);\n\n con.prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, \"CONSTRUCT * FROM WHERE {x} p {y}\").evaluate(turtleWriter);\n\n}\n\nfinally {\n\n con.close();\n\n}\n\n\n\nAgain, note that as soon as we are done with the result of the query (either after iterating over the \ncontents of the GraphQueryResult or after invoking the \nRDFHandler), we invoke con.close() \nto close the connection and free resources.\n\n---++ Javadoc API Documentation\n\nJavadocs covers the complete set of classes, interfaces, and methods implemented by the provider:\n\n * [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/sesame/][Javadoc API Documentation for the Sesame 2.6 Provider]]\n * [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/sesame2/][Javadoc API Documentation for the Sesame 2.7+ Provider]]\n * [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/sesame4/][Javadoc API Documentation for the Sesame 4.x Provider]]\n\n---++Related\n\n * [[VirtSesame2HttpRepository][Virtuoso Sesame HTTP Repository]]\n\nCategoryRDF CategoryOpenSource CategoryVirtuoso CategoryVOS CategorySesame CategoryDocumentation\n\n%VOSCOPY%" . . "VirtSesame2Provider" . "2018-04-06T12:28:29.522708"^^ . . . "49b28bc1575f71df9510c73fcec46b75" . . . . . . "VirtSesame2Provider" . "2017-06-13T06:04:39Z" . . . . . . "2017-06-13T06:04:39.898072"^^ . . . . . "2018-04-06T12:28:29Z" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "VirtSesame2Provider" . . . . .