. . . . . "OdsAddressbookCRUDEndpoint" . . . . "2017-06-13T06:01:55.891995"^^ . . . . "2017-06-13T06:01:55.891995"^^ . . "043f689d0e1ff5d167b75434e6de5723" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2017-06-13T06:01:55Z" . . . . "OdsAddressbookCRUDEndpoint" . . . . . . "2017-06-13T06:01:55Z" . "%META:TOPICPARENT{name=\"OdsAddressbook\"}%\n\n\n---+Manipulate my Addressbook data via CRUD RESTful using Addressbook CardDAV Endpoint\n\n%TOC%\n\n\n---++What?\nAddressBook CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Endpoint Service.\n\n---++Why?\nUsing CRUD RESTful Endpoint service provides an easy way to manage contacts.\n\n---++How?\nKnowing an Addressbook CRUD Endpoint Service endpoint URL, one can perform the following activities:\n * Copy-paste vCard files containing contacts. So once pasted, the system creates the contacts;\n * Edit contact(s);\n * Update contact(s);\n * Delete contact(s);\n * Update RDF Data for the Addressbook instance. Depending on the instance's model:\n * When model is \"Closed\", will be updated the RDF Data for the instance's private graph:\n\nhttp://cname/dataspace/protected/[name-of-the-instance]\n\n * When model is \"Opened\", will be updated the RDF Data for the ODS Dataspace public graph:\n\nhttp://cname/dataspace/[name-of-the-instance]\n\n\n\n\n---+++Example with Addressbook instance that has Member model from type \"Closed\" and is not set \"Visible to public\"\n\n 1. Suppose a user, for ex. \"demo\", has created Addressbook instance with name \"demoAddressBook\" and Member model is \"Closed\":\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 Mount the Addressbook CardDAV Endpoint URL http://localhost:8890/DAV/home/demo/addressbooks/demoAddressBook/ \n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 Drop a .vcf file, for ex. kidehen.vcf into the mapped CardDAV Addressbook folder:\n\n-- kidehen.vcf\nBEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nREV:2012-01-23T15:30:04-05:00\nUID:B12074BC-DB7B-47F5-856E-2DBD08923381-ABSPlugin\nNICKNAME:Idehen\nFN:Kingsley Idehen\nN:Idehen;Kingsley;;\nORG:OpenLink Software\nTITLE:CEO\nEND:VCARD\n\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 The user demo's Addressbook Dataspace instance UI now should show under \"My Contacts\" the new imported contact(s):\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 [[http://ods.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/ODS/ODSGenerateX509Certificate][Generate an X.509 Certificate hosted WebID]] for user \"demo\" WebID.\n 1 [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtAuthFOAFSSLACL][Secure your SPARQL Endpoint via user \"demo\" WebID]], for ex.:\n\n-- user \"demo\" WebID:\nhttp://localhost:8890/dataspace/person/demo#this\n\n-- SPARQL-WebID Endpoint:\n-- https://localhost:4433/sparql-webid\n\n 1 Access the SPARQL-WebID Endpoint.\n 1 When challenged for authentication select the generated from above certificate for user \"demo\":\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 The SPARQL-WebID Endpoint UI should be presented:\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 Enter the following query:\n\nSELECT * \nFROM \nWHERE {?s ?p ?o}\n\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 As result no rows are found.\n\n\n\n---+++Example with Addressbook instance that has Member model from type \"Opened\" and is set \"Visible to Public\"\n\n 1. Suppose a user, for ex. \"demo\", has created Addressbook instance with name \"demoAddressBook\" and Member model is \"Opened\" and is set \"Visible to Public\".\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 Mount the Addressbook CardDAV Endpoint URL http://localhost:8890/DAV/home/demo/addressbooks/demoAddressBook/ \n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 Drop a .vcf file, for ex. kidehen.vcf into the mapped CardDAV Addressbook folder:\n\n-- kidehen.vcf\nBEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nREV:2012-01-23T15:30:04-05:00\nUID:B12074BC-DB7B-47F5-856E-2DBD08923381-ABSPlugin\nNICKNAME:Idehen\nFN:Kingsley Idehen\nN:Idehen;Kingsley;;\nORG:OpenLink Software\nTITLE:CEO\nEND:VCARD\n\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 The user demo's Addressbook Dataspace instance UI now should show under \"My Contacts\" the new imported contact(s):\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 Access the SPARQL Public Endpoint.\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 Suppose the inserted from above contact has id=1004.\n 1 Enter the following query:\n\nSELECT * \nFROM \nWHERE { ?p ?o}\n\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 Click \"Run Query\".\n 1 As result the freshly inserted RDF Data for the contact in question will be displayed:\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n\n\n\n\n\n\n---++Related \n\n * [[http://ietfreport.isoc.org/idref/draft-ietf-vcarddav-carddav/][CardDAV Specification]]\n * [[OdsAddressbook][ODS-Addressbook Dataspace]]" . . . "OdsAddressbookCRUDEndpoint" .