. . "OdsBlogFAQ" . . . "2017-06-13T06:09:19Z" . . "2017-06-13T06:09:19Z" . . . . "83068a11a0091bcc01a3268e505e2221" . . "OdsBlogFAQ" . "OdsBlogFAQ" . . . . . . . . . . "%VOSWARNING%\n\n\n%META:TOPICPARENT{name=\"OdsFAQ\"}%\n\n%TOC%\n\n---+++What is a Weblog?\n\n\"Weblog\" (also known as \"Blog\") is a Web based Log or Diary system. \n\n---+++What makes a Blog valuable?\nThey provide individuals and groups with a convenient solution for automated \nWeb content generation and publication.\n\n---+++Why should I set up a blog?\n\nA blog is a socially oriented tool for informally or formally sharing information, experiences, and knowledge \nacross personal and professional networks.\n\n---+++How is my blog organized?\n\nAll your posts are displayed in reverse-chronological order, the latest \npost being displayed on top.\n\n * Categories: You can categorize each post by picking one or more \ncategories. Your readers can then browse your posts by category.\n * Calendar and archives: Just as via categories, you can \nbrowse people's posts via the calendar or archives tab. Via the \ncalendar, you can look at posts for each day while browsing through \nthe archives will give you longer time frames. \n * Search and Advanced \nSearch - Plus there's the search function that you will find on most \nof the blogs which can of course deliver fast and accurate results \nto you.\n\n---+++What are comments?\n\nComments are usually short articles from other people regarding a post \nyou have written. You can always leave comments regarding certain posts. \nOther readers can again comment on these comments. Also, readers leave \nan email or the internet address of his or her blog with the comment \nso people can learn a bit more about the person.\n\nHowever, please beware that spamming other people's blogs by including \ncommercial ads in your comments is NOT welcome.\n\n---+++What is RSS?\n\nRSS stands for Really Simple Syndication which enables you to notify \nother people about your new blog entries. You post your Web log entries \nin the XML specification RSS. News readers all over the world can view \nyour blog entries on content aggregators.\n\n---+++What is RSS Auto Discovery?\n\nRSS Auto Discovery will automatically find the syndication feed of a blog, news \nitem, or web page if it has one.\n\n---+++What RSS versions are supported?\n\nODS Weblog currently supports RSS versions 0.91, 0.92 and 2.0.\n\n---+++What is a tag?\n\nA tag works like a keyword. Like categories, they are used to describe \npeople, groups, or posts. You can tag a post with several tags separated \nby commas.\n\nExample: tags for the post your wrote about your holiday in Australia \ncould be: \n\nholiday, Australia, down under, sun, hot, Melbourne, Sydney, dingos.\n\nTags Technology Virtuoso SQL XML Web 2.0.\n\nHaving many tags helps your posts be found more easily, but \nfewer tags may also help more in organizing your posts.\n\n---+++Does one have to register with ODS Weblog to view my blog?\n\nNo. Your blog can be viewed by any internet user. They do not have to \nregister with ODS to view your blog.\n \n---+++What blogging APIs are supported?\n\nODS Weblog provides support for several APIs based on the XML-RPC. \nThese include the blogger API, MetaWeblog API, \nMovableType and xmlStorageSystem API.\n\n---+++How do I go about creating a blog in ODS Weblog?\n\nLog in to ODS, go to Home->My Blogs and click Create.\n\n---+++Can I personalize my blog?\n\nYes, you can personalize your blog in several ways. One way is to just \nmodify items shown on your Weblog Home page, example Amazon Search or \nAltaVista's BableFish translator. \nAnother option is choose another template under the Settings -> \nTemplates. Here you can change template by selecting from a list of \ntemplates or customize one of your own.\n\n---+++How can I post entries to my blog? What tools?\n\nODS Blog has a web age with a text area or a WSYWIG editor.\n\n---+++Are there other tools I can use to post to my blog?\n\nLike most blog applications, ODS Weblog supports the Blogger API \nwhich allows desktop and mobile client tools to connect to the blog \nfor posting and management. Virtuoso also supports \nMetaWeblog or Movable Type protocols and through \nmoblogging you can use your mobile phone or PDA to post to your \nOpenLink Virtuoso Weblog.\n\n---+++What is a blogroll?\n\nA Blogroll is a collection of links to your favorite blogs which are \nusually placed on your blog homepage.\n\n---+++What is a permalink?\n\nPermalink, short for \"permanent link\", is the permanent internet \naddress of a post. This is important, as most blogs change regularly, \nand without a permanent link, the posts would be impossible to find \nlater.\n\nPermalinks are usually indicated by a hash (#) or the permalink at \nthe end of the post.\n\n---+++What is Trackback?\n\nTrackBack is a tool to allow you to notify other blog \nauthors of your blog posts. Most bloggers use it to comment on a blog \npost as an entry on their site, rather than as comments on the other \nblog. It's similar to linking to a permalink but it adds the \nfunctionality where you actually tell the original blogger that you've \nlinked to them. This is called \"sending a ping\".\n \nHere's an example:\n\n * First, Kingsley has a blog on Virtuoso Universal Server Linked \nTables.\n * Mitko, who has is interested in Virtuoso Universal Server, reads \nKingsley's blog.\n * Mitko has just written an article regarding Virtualization that \nwould perfectly supplement Kingsley's last post. Mitko creates his post \nand believes all of Kingsley's readers will want read this article.\n * So, Mitko copies the Trackback-URL of Kingsley's post into his \nTrackback function. Then, Mitko's blog sends a message to Kingsley's \npost and Kingsley's post will display the \"Trackback\", which will \nindicate there is another article to view on that subject.\n \n---+++How to Give My Blog Content Tags Meaning via MOAT Ontology?\n\nMOAT (Meaning Of A Tag) provides a Semantic Web framework to publish semantically-annotated content from free-tagging.\nFor more information about Virtuoso MOAT Server and ODS support you can read [[VirtMOATSettings][here]]. \nHere is a scenario showing how this ontology can be used in Weblog post message:\n\n * Suppose you have defined MOAT server and have defined a rule set with name \"paris\" for ex.\n * In the New post form enter in the Tag section tag \"paris\"\n * Now when you go to the MOAT tab you can associate your tag with the offered concepts\n\n---+++ How to Hyperlink Content in My Blog?\n\n * Suppose you have entered as above MOAT server and have defined a rule set with name \"paris\".\n * Go to ODS Settings->Content Hyperlinking\n * Click the \"Import from MOAT\" button.\n * Select an URI and phrase from the retrieved ones. Note that for one phrase only 1 URI can be imported.\n * As result the prase for hyperlink will be added\n * Now go to your Weblog instance\n * Click the link \"New post\" and enter in the form:\n 1. for Title: my second blog test\n 2. for Message: Where is paris?\n * Click the button \"Post\" and go to Home.\n * As result the phrase \"paris\" will be shown as a link in the new post body, and this link will lead to the URI you have selected when importing from MOAT from above.\n\n * You can find more detailed information with screenshots [[VirtMOATSettings][here]].\n * You can find notes on ODS Weblog Automatic Hyperlinking [[ODSWeblogAutomaticHyperlinking][here]].\n\n---+++ How can I upstream (export) my Blog?\n\nUpstreaming keeps your blogs synchronized amongst your various blog sites.\nYou can find an example of ODS Weblog Upstreaming using Atom Protocol [[ODSWeblogUpstreaming][here]].\n\n\n---+++Does ODS Weblog support Movable Type API?\n\nYes. You can find detailed information [[ODSWeblogMovableTypeAPI][here]].\n\n\n---+++Does ODS Weblog support Meta Weblog (XML-RPC) API?\n\nYes. You can find detailed information [[ODSWeblogMetaWeblogAPI][here]].\n\n\n---+++Does ODS Weblog support Blogger API?\n\nYes. Detailed information you can find [[ODSWeblogBloggerAPI][here]].\n\n\n---+++How to stop the Automatic Links for a relevant string?\n\nAt the moment, you cannot stop Automatic Links only for a chosen string. You can \nturn them off for an entire post, by including the following tag anywhere in the article --\n\n\n\nOpenLink recommends that the author always place the <no-auto-href /> \nat the very end and/or the very beginning of a post, so it is easily visible to later editors.\n\n---+++How do I Downstream (Import) from other blog sites?\n\nYou can Downstream content from other blogs to your own blog through Settings ->Downstream (Import).\nYou can find a sample scenario [[ODSWeblogImport][here]].\n\n---+++What Weblog Ubiquity Commands are supported?\n\nA full list and examples of Weblog ubiquity commands you can find [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquityWeblog][here]].\n\n\nCategoryFAQ CategoryBlog CategoryODS CategoryOdsWeblog\n\n\n%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name=\"VirtuosoWebLogFlashExample1.swf\" attr=\"\" autoattached=\"1\" comment=\"\" date=\"1140179841\" path=\"VirtuosoWebLogFlashExample1.swf\" size=\"5736\" user=\"UnknownUser\" version=\"\"}%\n%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name=\"VirtuosoWebLogFlashExample2.htm\" attr=\"\" autoattached=\"1\" comment=\"\" date=\"1140179841\" path=\"VirtuosoWebLogFlashExample2.htm\" size=\"628\" user=\"UnknownUser\" version=\"\"}%\n%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name=\"VirtuosoWeblogsample.swf\" attr=\"\" autoattached=\"1\" comment=\"\" date=\"1140179841\" path=\"VirtuosoWeblogsample.swf\" size=\"5373\" user=\"UnknownUser\" version=\"\"}%\n%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name=\"VirtuosoWebLogFlashExample.htm\" attr=\"\" autoattached=\"1\" comment=\"\" date=\"1140179841\" path=\"VirtuosoWebLogFlashExample.htm\" size=\"626\" user=\"UnknownUser\" version=\"\"}%\n%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name=\"VirtuosoWebLogFlashExample.swf\" attr=\"\" autoattached=\"1\" comment=\"\" date=\"1140179841\" path=\"VirtuosoWebLogFlashExample.swf\" size=\"5731\" user=\"UnknownUser\" version=\"\"}%" . . . . . "2017-06-13T06:09:19.555369"^^ . . . "2017-06-13T06:09:19.555369"^^ . . .