"---++Bookmarks Controllers\n\n\nbookmark.get {\n bookmark_id integer\n }\nbookmark.new {\n inst_id integer,\n uri varchar,\n name varchar,\n description varchar := null,\n tags varchar := null,\n folder_id integer := null)\n }\nbookmark.edit {\n bookmark_id integer,\n uri varchar,\n name varchar,\n description varchar := null,\n tags varchar := null,\n folder_id integer := null)\n }\nbookmark.delete {\n bookmark_id integer\n }\nbookmark.folder.new {\n inst_id integer,\n path varchar\n }\nbookmark.folder.delete {\n inst_id integer,\n path varchar\n }\nbookmark.import {\n inst_id integer,\n source varchar,\n sourceType varchar, -- string, url, webdav\n tags varchar := ''\n }\nbookmark.export (\n inst_id integer,\n contentType any -- Netscape or XBEL\n )\nbookmark.annotation.get (\n annotation_id integer\n )\nbookmark.annotation.new (\n bookmark_id integer,\n author varchar,\n body varchar\n )\nbookmark.annotation.claim (\n annotation_id integer,\n claimIri varchar,\n claimRelation varchar,\n claimValue varchar\n )\nbookmark.annotation.delete (\n annotation_id integer\n )\nbookmark.comment.get (\n comment_id integer,\n )\nbookmark.comment.new (\n bookmark_id integer,\n parent_id integer := null,\n title varchar,\n text varchar,\n name varchar,\n email varchar,\n url varchar\n )\nbookmark.comment.delete (\n comment_id integer,\n )\nbookmark.publication.new (\n inst_id integer,\n name varchar,\n updateType varchar := 1,\n updatePeriod varchar := 'hourly',\n updateFreq integr := 1,\n destinationType varchar := null,\n destination varchar,\n userName varchar := null,\n userPassword varchar := null,\n folderPath varchar := '',\n tagsInclude varchar := '',\n tagsExclude varchar := ''\n )\nbookmark.publication.get (\n publication_id integer\n )\nbookmark.publication.edit (\n publication_id integer,\n name varchar,\n updateType varchar := 1,\n updatePeriod varchar := 'hourly',\n updateFreq integr := 1,\n destinationType varchar := null,\n destination varchar,\n userName varchar := null,\n userPassword varchar := null,\n folderPath varchar := '',\n tagsInclude varchar := '',\n tagsExclude varchar := ''\n )\nbookmark.publication.sync (\n publication_id integer\n )\nbookmark.publication.delete (\n publication_id integer\n )\nbookmark.subscription.new (\n inst_id integer,\n name varchar,\n updateType varchar := 1,\n updatePeriod varchar := 'hourly',\n updateFreq integr := 1,\n sourceType varchar := null,\n source varchar,\n userName varchar := null,\n userPassword varchar := null,\n folderPath varchar := '',\n tags varchar := ''\n )\nbookmark.subscription.get (\n subscription_id integer\n )\nbookmark.subscription.edit (\n subscription_id integer,\n name varchar,\n updateType varchar := 1,\n updatePeriod varchar := 'hourly',\n updateFreq integr := 1,\n sourceType varchar := null,\n source varchar,\n userName varchar := null,\n userPassword varchar := null,\n folderPath varchar := '',\n tags varchar := ''\n )\nbookmark.subscription.sync (\n subscription_id integer\n )\nbookmark.subscription.delete (\n subscription_id integer\n )\nbookmark.options.set (\n inst_id integer,\n options any -- URL encoded pairs 'name'='value' separated by comma.\n -- Ex. - chars%3D70%2Crows%3D20 decodes to chars=70,rows=20\n )\nbookmark.options.get (\n inst_id integer,\n )\n\n\n---+++Examples \n\n * [[VirtOAuthTestToolExampleBookmarks][ODS Bookmarks OAuth REST API Example performed with the Virtuoso OAuth Testing Tool]]\n\n---+++References\n\n * [[VirtuosoOdsControllers][ODS Controllers]]" . . "VirtuosoOdsControllersBookmarks" . "2017-06-13T06:07:20Z" . "2017-06-13T06:07:20.631519"^^ . "2017-06-13T06:07:20Z" . "2017-06-13T06:07:20.631519"^^ . . . . . . "VirtuosoOdsControllersBookmarks" . . . "VirtuosoOdsControllersBookmarks" . . . . "0eb7e46992ba288f9565153fe251ca94" . . . . .