. "BriefcaseFAQ" . . "1a362062e9ae1c44dff183c916caa0fa" . . "2017-06-13T05:41:36Z" . . . . "DE3A857A5FFB11DA923AF0924C194AED Cluster Main\n%META:TOPICPARENT{name=\"OdsFAQ\"}%\n\n---++ ODS Briefcase FAQ\n\n---+++General\n\n---++++What is ODS Briefcase?\n\nODS Briefcase is an integrated ODS web application that allow you to store and share resource online. Briefcase provides a unique web-based storage for your documents, which not only stores the document itself but the metadata. Upload and access from anywhere.\n\n---++++What is online file storage?\n\nOnline file storage is a way to store virtually any file including movies, documents, photos, music, and other file formats into a secure web based storage on the internet. Files stored in an on-line storage system can easily be accesses from anywhere. \n\n---++++What are some benefits of using Briefcase?\n\nNot everyone has access to a private ftp server account or integrated storage for his or her files. ODS Briefcase allows access to all of your files from any browser connected to the Internet. With ODS Briefcase resources can be moved to and from work, home and other locations and allows you to share files in an intranet environment when security is an issue. Briefcase also allows you to send a URI and share resources that would be blocked as an e-mail attachment or to large to view for email clients.\n \n---++++What platforms are supported?\n\nODS Briefcase can run on any operating system Virtuoso Universal Server currently runs on. Virtuoso offers a wide range of cross-platform support including \nWindows, U*X (HP, AIX,Sun,DEC,BSD,SCO), Linux(Redhat,Suse), Mac OSX, (32 & 64 bit platforms).\n\n---++++Does Briefcase support web browsers such as Netscape?\n\nBriefcase supports a wide array of browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape, Safari, Opera, etc.\n\n---++++Do I need to install any other software? Like IIS or Apache?\n\nYes, Briefcase is an integrated product that requires Virtuoso Universal Server and the ODS Framework to be installed and running. Web servers such as IIS, Apache are not needed as Virtuoso has a web server as part of its core feature set. \n\n---++++How do I login to Briefcase?\n\nTo login to ODS Briefcase you can login via http://localhost:8890/ods.\n\nIf you are not logged in, you will be prompted for your account name and password. If you do not have a login, you will have the opportunity to register. Simply click on MyBriefcase under the Home Tab and the select instance of your Briefcase you wish to access.\n\n---++++What types of files can I store in Briefcase?\n\nThere are no restrictions with Briefcase. Any type of file can be stored in Briefcase from MP3s to Office Documents as well as binaries and zip files. For example, you can use Briefcase to store the following types of files.\n\n * Office Documents (Microsoft Word, Excel, etc, & Open Office)\n * XML \n * HTML & XHTML \n * Other type of Electronic documents (PDF, PostScript, etc)\n * Software and archive formats (ZIP, EXE, RAR, DMG, SIT, BIN, TAR, GZ, etc)\n * Images and photos (JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, etc) \n * Digital movie and trailer downloads (MPG, AVI, MOV, WMV, etc)\n * Music, MP3 and podcasts \n * Electronic books (e-books)\n * Flash animations (SWF)\n * CD-ROM images (ISO)\n * Database Backup Files \n * Virtuoso VSP, VXPX\n * Microsoft ASP, ASPX\n * and more......\n\n---++++What types of metadata is derived from files or resources stored in Briefcase?\n\nMetadata can be derived from MS Office, Open Office, Feeds (RSS, ATOM, RSS-RDF), Feed Lists (OPML, OCS), HTML & XHTML, Web Services (BPEL, WSDL), XBRL, XBEL, Wiki, VAD FOAF & vCARD formats.\n\n---++++Can I store multiple versions of my documents in ODS Briefcase?\n\nYes, Briefcase supports versioning for all types of documents and resources. This support is provided through ODS Briefcase and Virtuoso support of WebDAV and the core DeltaV feature set. Versioning can be enabled for any resource stored in Briefcase, which will contain a history of each resource stored in separate virtual folders. Resources can be overlaid, checked in or checked out as well as locked which prevents updates from other members collaborating on those resources. \n\n---++++Does ODS Briefcase support the direct linking of files from its site to be viewed on web pages?\n\nAll Files stored in Briefcase are URI accessible, so that links can be included in emails or viewed on other web pages like Yahoo, Google or eBay.\n\n---+++Folder and File Management\n\n---++++How do I create a folder?\n\nClick the ICON above the New Folder option in the navigation toolbar of your Briefcase. Next, enter a name for your folder, the folder type, group, permissions, enable Auto Versioning, Full text search and metadata retrieval settings and then click \"Create\" and you can start adding files to your new folder.\n\n---++++How do I rename my resources and folders?\n\nThere are a number of methods to rename individual resources or folders in Briefcase. For example to rename a specific resource or folder, follow these steps:\n\n 1. Open the folder containing the resource you wish to rename.\n 2. Enter a mark next to the resource or folder name.\n 2. Click the ICON above the Rename option in the navigation toolbar.\n 3. Enter the name in the \"New Name\" field and then click the SAVE button.\n\nYou can also rename a folder or resource by:\n\n 1. Perform the same steps 1 & 2 above\n 2. Click the Properties ICON located in the Actions column at the far right of the folder or resource name or click the ICON above Properties in the navigation toolbar.\n 3. Enter the new name resource and then click save. \n\n---++++How do I move resources or other folders to another folder.\n\nYou can easily moving resources from one folder to another folder using Briefcase by following these steps:\n\n 1. Navigate to the folder where the resource (s) or folder(s) to be moved currently reside.\n 2. Select the resources to be moved by marking the checkbox next to each of the resource names. \n 3. Click the ICON above the Move option in the navigation toolbar. \n 3. Review the Source and enter the Target Path of the folder you wish to move the resource(s) or folder(s) into and click the Move button at the bottom of the page.\n 4. Click the \"OK\" button when prompted to move the file to its new location. \n\n---++++Can I edit or view my files directly from Briefcase?\n\nNot all files can edited or viewed, for most file types you will need to download them to your computer first and then use the appropriate tool for editing the file. Then when you are finished, making your changes you can then upload the new version into Briefcase. If you have Auto Versioning enabled you can save multiple versions of this file. Text Files can be edited by marking the checkbox next to the file name and clicking on the Edit ICON option under Actions on the far right. To view a file simply select the highlighted file name. Depending on your browser and Operating system, you will be able to save it to disk or open it with the appropriate application for viewing or editing.\n\n---++++Can I access files from my Weblog?\n\nYes, all weblog resources are stored in Briefcase under the folder ../DAV/home/[username]/[username]-blog-n. Resource including templates, gems, enclosures and blog posts are stored under this folder.\n\n---++++How do I create a Group?\n\nTo create a group, select the Group Tab above the navigation tool bar and perform the following steps:\n\n 1. First, click the Create button.\n 2. Enter the Group Name and a brief description of the group and click the create button\n 3. To add members to the group, select the Edit option on the far right and click the Members tab and then click the members button\n 4. In the pop-up box select the ods members you want to add to this group by marking the checkbox next to each name and then clicking the button, Add selected.\n\n---++++File and Folder Permissions\n\n---+++++How do I change the permission on a File or Folder?\n\nThere are a couple of ways to change the permissions on an individual resource or folder in Briefcase. To change the permission on a file, follow these steps:\n\n 1. Open the folder containing the resource you wish to change permissions.\n 2. Enter a mark next to the resource or folder name.\n 2. Click the ICON above the Properties option in the navigation toolbar.\n 3. Enter the new permissions for the User , Group or Other (Read, Write, Execute) then click the SAVE button.\n\nYou can also change the permissions on a folder or resource by:\n\n 1. Perform the same steps 1 & 2 above\n 2. Click the Properties ICON located in the Actions column at the far right of the folder or resource name or click the ICON above Properties in the navigation toolbar.\n 3. Enter the new permissions for the User , Group or Other (Read, Write, Execute) then click the SAVE button.\n\n---+++++How do I share Files and Folders?\n\nAny file or Folder can be shared to other members of ODS from Briefcase or non-members through WebDAV. To share resource of folder, perform the following steps:\n\n 1. Open the folder containing the resource you wish to share.\n 2. Enter a mark next to the resource or folder name.\n 2. Click the ICON above the Properties option in the navigation toolbar.\n 3. Select the Share Tab and User or Group you want to share the resource to, the type of access (permissions) you want the resource to have and then click the OK button.\n\nYou can also change the permissions on a folder or resource by:\n\n 1. Perform the same steps 1 & 2 above\n 2. Click the Properties ICON located in the Actions column at the far right of the folder or resource name or click the ICON above Properties in the navigation toolbar.\n 3. Select the Share Tab and User or Group you want to share the resource to, the type of access (permissions) you want the resource to have and then click the OK button.\n\n---++++How do I Upload and Download Files using Briefcase?\n\n---+++++Download\n\nTo download files to your computer follow these steps:\n\n 1. Add mark in the checkbox next to the file name in the Briefcase you are viewing. \n 2. Click the ICON above the Download option in the navigation toolbar.\n 3. In Windows you will be prompted with a \"Save As..\" box asking you to choose the location on your computer where you would like to save the file (this box will default to your desktop). \n 4. Once saved you can find the file on your computer and open it in the appropriate program.\n\n---+++++Upload\n\nTo upload a file, follow these steps:\n\n 1. Click on the ICON above the Upload option in the navigation toolbar.\n 2. Enter the source path and choose a URL or File or select the \"Browse\" button to choose the resource to be uploaded.\n 3. Locate the item on your computer's hard drive, select it, and click on the \"Open\" button. \n\n---++++How do I make a backup of my files and content stored in Briefcase?\n\nThere are two options for backing up your files. Since Virtuoso Universal Server is a database, it has the ability to create and schedule backups. Any files stored are part of the database and therefore will be backed up when you create a backup. Another option is to backup all the data under /DAV/... mounted as a WebDAV folder. Backup of WebDAV folders can be added into any type of OS backup routine.\n\n---++++Can I use FTP to copy files to and from Briefcase?\n\nVirtuoso Universal Server provides FTP, which can be set up to access to your Briefcase. For more on FTP and Virtuoso read docs.openlinksw.com\n\n---+++Advanced Features\n\n---++++Search\n\n---++++What types of searches can I perform?\n\nODS Briefcase allows you to search your resources through a basic and advanced search functionality. \n\n---+++++Basic Search:\n\nYou can perform case sensitive keyword searches with Briefcase basic search by entering a keyword in the search box at the top of the page on the far right and clicking on the Search Link. All resource matching the keyword will be displayed in the bottom frame.\n\n---+++++Advanced Search:\n\nAdvance search option can perform searches and filters based on file type, content, date ranges, tags, owner or group, mime type, resource property or metadata. Results displayed can be limited to a max number of rows shown, displayed in ascending or descending order and grouped by name, file type, date or owner as well as displayed as a tag cloud.\n\nAdvanced metadata search\n\n * WebDAV Properties\n * RDF Properties\n * provides the ability to issue SPARQL queries against all the resource in Briefcases metadata. \n\n\n---+++Security\n\n---++++Is WebDAV access to ODS secure?\n\nYes, HTTP over Secure Socket Layer (SSL) can be used with WebDAV to access ODS. All file permissions set on ODS resources are respected as well though WebDAV.\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" . "BriefcaseFAQ" . . . "2017-06-13T05:41:36.964131"^^ . . "BriefcaseFAQ" . "2017-06-13T05:41:36.964131"^^ . . . . . . . . . "2017-06-13T05:41:36Z" . .