. . . . . "ODSWikiClusterAdministration" . "4dc480f13b32ffa396676eccb4496ca0" . "2017-06-13T05:36:11Z" . "2017-06-13T05:36:11.830896"^^ . . . . "2017-06-13T05:36:11.830896"^^ . "ODSWikiClusterAdministration" . . "2017-06-13T05:36:11Z" . . "ODSWikiClusterAdministration" . . "%META:TOPICPARENT{name=\"ODSWiki\"}%\n\n---++ ODS Wiki Cluster Administration\n\n---+++ Create a Wiki cluster\n 1 Using a web browser, login into you ODS user account, for example, <http://myopenlink/ods/>.\n 1 Select the Wiki tab from the ODS Bar.\n 1 Select the \"Create New\" Link.\n 1 Enter your Wiki name, for example, myWiki.\n 1 If you want to change the URL you see, just click the button \"Change\" next to the URL and write the new path.\n 1 Click the button \"Create and Launch Application\", which will create a new Wiki instance (also called a \"Wiki Cluster\") \nmyWiki.\n 1 To customize your Wiki, look in [[ODSWikiClusterSettings][Cluster Settings]].\n\n---+++References\n * [[OdsWiki][ODS-Wiki]]\n * [[ODSWikiClusterSettings][ODS Wiki Cluster Settings]]\n\n\nCategoryODS CategoryWiki CategoryHowTo" . . . . . . . .