"2017-06-13T05:46:13Z" . . . . . . . . "OdsAPlusLinks" . . "eac0535114426c4b029b7a0676c94152" . "2017-06-13T05:46:13.423892"^^ . . "2017-06-13T05:46:13.423892"^^ . . . . "OdsAPlusLinks" . "%META:TOPICPARENT{name=\"Ods\"}%\n\n%ODSNAV%\n\n---++ODS <a>++ links\n\n---+++What are <a>++ links?\n\nThe essence of the Web is the *link*. We use it to navigate, discover, form communities, and rank our Web pages on search engines. But each link carries much more behind it than what has generally been exposed. \n\nODS <a>++ links extend the basic HTML link by including relationships to other data in the ODS dataspace. \n\n---+++Implementation\n\nThe implementation (mainly in app.js) is based on [[http://oat.openlinksw.com/][OAT]], the OpenLink AJAX Toolkit, combined with the free-text search features of Virtuoso SPARQL. It is a part of the ODS Framework and other hosted applications may use it.\n\nThe main function from the JS file is *generateAPP()*. It takes the following parameters:\n\n * appArea - id of the element containing the area with the links to be <a>++ transformed;\n * appOptions - options that will be applied to all links in appArea. They are the same as the options for the anchors from OAT:\n * imagePath - path for images used for lookup bubble;\n *\ttitle - title of the window;\n * activation - \"hover\" or \"click\";\n * width, height - dimensions of the lookup window;\n \nOnly links with id attribute are transformed. The default content of the anchor window is:\n\n * Web page - default link location\n * Data link (RDF) - RDF representation of the object (if the object is a part of the ODS dataspace)\n * Horizontal line\n * Found links - list of related IRIs found in the ODS dataspace based on the link text\n \n---+++Usage\n\nAny hosted application may use <a>++ JS by including the script below in the head: \n\n \n \n \n \n\n\nThe following ODS applications support <a>++ links: \n\n * [[OdsBlog][ODS-Weblog]]\n * [[OdsBriefcase][ODS-Briefcase]]\n * [[OdsAddressbook][ ODS-Addressbook]] \n * [[OdsPolls][ ODS-Polls]] \n * [[OdsBookmarkManager][ODS-Bookmark-Manager]]\n * [[OdsCalendar][ODS-Calendar]]\n * [[OdsFeedManager][ODS-Feed-Manager]] \n * [[OdsMail][ODS-Mail]].\n\nThe settings for <a>++ links can be changed in ODS Framework UI->user name->Edit My Profile->Personal page, drop-down list \"Show <a>++ links\". The options scope is:\n * disabled - this is the default;\n * click - the anchor is opened when user clicks the RDF icon shown at the right of the link;\n * hover - the anchor is opened when the cursor hovers over the RDF icon shown at the right of the link.\n\nCategoryVirtuoso CategoryODS CategoryAPlusLinks CategoryWebSite CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryVOS \n\n%ODSCOPY%" . . . . "2017-06-13T05:46:13Z" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "OdsAPlusLinks" . .