. . . . . "OdsAddressbookImport" . . . . . . "OdsAddressbookImport" . "2017-06-13T05:46:32Z" . . . . "%TOC%\n\n---++Importing contacts in Addressbook\n\n---+++Importing contacts using the Addressbook UI\n\nYou can import your contacts in ODS Addressbook using the Import feature by:\n * different type:\n 1. File\n 1. WebDAV\n 1. URL\n 1. LDAP Server\n * content type:\n 1. vCard\n 1. CSV\n 1. FOAF\n\nHere is sample scenario of importing a vCard file kidehen.vcf:\n\n 1. Go to http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods\n 1. Log in as demo with password demo.\n 1. Go to Addressbook.\n * \n 1. Click the \"Import\" button .\n 1. Click the \"Next\" button.\n * \n 1. Leave \"Content Type\" to vCard and click the \"Next\" button.\n * \n 1. Click the \"Browse\" button and select a vCard file for ex. the kidehen.vcf file from your local file system.\n 1. Click the \"Next\" button.\n * \n 1. In the shown form:\n 1. Enter tags, for ex.: OpenLink\n 1. Check Validation fields if needed in order to keep the fields value in case there is already such contact in your Addressbook.\n 1. Click the \"Import\" button.\n * \n 1. As result the contact(s) will be imported and shown in \"My contacts\" list.\n * \n\n---+++Importing contacts using SyncML\n\nDetailed information and sample scenario you can find [[OdsAddressbookSyncML][here]].\n\nCategoryODS CategoryOpenSource CategoryAddressBook CategoryOdsAddressBook " . "d6275f4b3e9f084734f1d9361b7838be" . . . . . . . . "2017-06-13T05:46:32Z" . . "2017-06-13T05:46:32.122025"^^ . . "OdsAddressbookImport" . . "2017-06-13T05:46:32.122025"^^ . . . . .