. . . "2017-06-13T05:49:28Z" . . . . "OdsDiscussion" . "2017-06-13T05:49:28.459907"^^ . . "2017-06-13T05:49:28.459907"^^ . . . . . "%META:TOPICINFO{author=\"RumiTsekova\" date=\"1164631036\" format=\"1.1\" version=\"1.1\"}%\n%META:TOPICPARENT{name=\"Ods\"}%\n\n%ODSNAV%\n\n---++ODS Discussions Framework\n\nA Web-based Newsgroups Aggregator and Reader.\n\nConversation & Discussion Management that also provides Conversation/Comment/Discussion \nmanagement services to all of the ODS applications.\n\n---+++Feature Highlights \n\n * Read ODS Newsgroups messages\n * Read messages in other Newsgroups subscribed to from the Conductor\n * Reply to messages\n * Attach files in reply messages\n * Search within Newsgroups\n * Add to RSS a particular Newsgroup\n * View Newsgroups messages in simple list of thread mode.\n\n---++Reference\n\n---+++Learn More\n\n * [[OdsDiscussionsFAQ][Discussions FAQ]]\n * [[OdsDiscussionsGettingStarted][Getting Started with Discussions]] \n * [[SIOCRefDiscussions][Query ODS Discussions Data using SPARQL and SIOC Ontology]]\n * [[ODSSKOSRefExampleDiscussion][Query ODS-Discussions Data using SPARQL and SKOS Ontology]]\n * [[ODSFOAFRefExampleDiscussion][Query ODS-Discussions Data using SPARQL and FOAF Ontology]]\n\n---+++See also \n * [[ODSSIOCRef][ODS SIOC reference]]\n * [[ODSAtomOWLRef][Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and Atom OWL Ontology]]\n * [[ODSSKOSRef][Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and SKOS Ontology]]\n * [[ODSFOAFRef][Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and FOAF Ontology]]\n * [[ODSAnnoteaRef][Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and Annotea Ontology]]\n * [[VOSODSSparqlSamples][ODS SPARQL Samples]]\n * [[NorthWindREF][Northwind SPARQL Reference]]\n * [[SIOCRefTutorial][Query Virtuoso Tutorials using SPARQL]]\n * [[SIOCRefDocs][Query Virtuoso Documentation using SPARQL]]\n * [[WordPressSIOCRef][WordPress SIOC Reference]]\n * [[MediaWikiSIOCRef][MedaWiki SIOC Reference]]\n * [[PHPBBSIOCRef][PHPBB SIOC Reference]]\n\nCategoryODS CategoryDiscussions CategoryOpenSource CategoryOdsDiscussions CategoryWebSite\n\n%ODSCOPY%" . . . "OdsDiscussion" . . . . . . . . . "2017-06-13T05:49:28Z" . "OdsDiscussion" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "de79e846f2ed3fc96507445525414e7c" . .