. . "OdsFacebookIntegrationSetupAdminGuide" . . "a0b69d8a043d54e704cd63e94635fd93" . . "2017-06-13T05:49:38Z" . . . . . . . . . "OdsFacebookIntegrationSetupAdminGuide" . . "OdsFacebookIntegrationSetupAdminGuide" . . . "2017-06-13T05:49:38.229637"^^ . . . . . "2017-06-13T05:49:38.229637"^^ . "2017-06-13T05:49:38Z" . . . . . . . . "---++ODS Facebook Integration Administrators Guide\n\nThe following guide presents the steps an ODS Administrator must perform in order to setup Facebook for given ODS dataspace.\nAfterwords, regular ODS users will be able to set their own Facebook accounts too.\n\n 1. [[http://www.facebook.com][Create Facebook account]].\n 1. [[http://www.facebook.com/developers/editapp.php?new][Add a Facebook developer application]] to the created from above Facebook account, by performing the following steps:\n 1. Set the \"Callback URL\" to: \n\nhttp://cname:port/ods\n\n 1. Specify \"Canvas Page URL\" field value; this is the Facebook URL where the application will be available. \n 1 Click Create\n 1 As result the application should be created\n 1. Copy the generated API key and Secret values that are shown bellow the Facebook application. The Key and the Secret values can also be found [[http://www.facebook.com/developers/apps.php][here]].\n 1. Install the ods_framework_dav.vad and the rdf_mappers_dav.vad packages on a running Virtuoso database, using either the Conductor UI or the iSQL tool.\n 1. Go to http://cname:port/ods\n 1 Enter credentials for dba user.\n 1. Go to \"Profile ->Edit\"-> \"Associations & Web Services\" tab.\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 In the shown form:\n 1 Select Service \"FaceBook\".\n 1 Enter your Virtuoso instance URL\n 1. Enter the copied values from above in the Keys text-area respectively for:\n\nkey={this is the API key from the Facebook site}\nsecret={this is the secret from the Facebook site}\n\n * Note: The session parameter is not obligatory. When is set, it is used by the Virtuoso Sponger. Use the button \"Get Facebook session\" to obtain the session key value.\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1. Press \"Add\". \n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 The Administrator's Facebook Setup Process is complete.\n\n\n---++Related\n\n * [[OdsFacebookIntegration][ODS Facebook Guide]]\n * [[OdsFacebookIntegrationLinkODSFacebook][Link existing ODS user with Facebook account]]\n * [[OdsFacebookIntegrationLinkODSFacebookSignUp][Link ODS user with Facebook account using the Sign Up Facebook feature]].\n * [[OdsFacebookIntegrationLinkODSFacebookProfile][Link existing ODS user with Facebook account using the Profile Setup Feature]].\n * [[OdsFacebookIntegrationAuthentcFacebook][Authenticate in ODS using your Facebook account]]" .