. . . "2017-06-13T05:39:20Z" . "VOSArticles" . . "VOSArticles" . . . "VOSArticles" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "4bd7e93a5c55a9a8d5e4e2b367da5302" . . . "%META:TOPICINFO{author=\"KingsleyIdehen\" date=\"1161191069\" format=\"1.1\" version=\"1.1\"}%\n%META:TOPICPARENT{name=\"VOSIndex\"}%\n%VOSNAV%\n\n\n---+++Virtuoso White Papers\n\n * [[VirtWhitePapers][White Papers]]\n\n\n---+++Virtuoso Presentations\n\n * [[VirtPresentations][Presentations]]\n\n---+++Virtuoso Technical Articles\n\n * [[VOSArticleVirtuosoAHybridRDBMSGraphColumnStore][Virtuoso a Hybrid RDBMS/Graph Column Store]]\n\n * [[VOSArticle150BillionTripleDatasetLOD2StoreCluster][150 Billion Triple dataset hosted on the LOD2 Knowledge Store Cluster]]\n\n * [[VirtDirectionsChallengesSemdata][Directions and Challenges for Semantically Linked Data]]\n\n * [[ODSWikiRDFa][Deploying RDFa using ODS-Wiki]]\n\n * [[VirtuosoPHP][Exposing PHP application data as RDF using Virtuoso as Application Server]] \n\n * [[VOSScale][Virtuoso and Database Scalability]]\n\n * [[VOSScalableInference][SPARQL and Scalable Inference on Demand]]\n\n * [[VirtConfigScale][Configuring Virtuoso for different scales]]\n\n * [[VOSRDFWP][How Virtuoso uses Relational Technology in its RDF Triple Store and SPARQL implementation ]]\n\n * [[VOSSQLRDF][Declarative SQL Schema to RDF Ontology Mapping]]\n\n\n * [[VOSArticleLUBMBenchmark][LUBM Benchmarks in Virtuoso]]\n\n * [[VOSLODData][Loading data to LOD]]\n\n * [[VOSTPCHLinkedData][TPC H As Linked Data]]\n\n * [[VOSArticleBISPARQL2][Business Intelligence Extensions for SPARQL]] [pdf]\n\n * [[VOSArticleRDFandMappedBI][Integrating Open Sources and Relational Data with SPARQL]] [pdf]\n\n * [[VOSArticleWebScaleRDF][Towards Web Scale RDF]] [pdf]\n\n * [[VirtSpongerWhitePaper][Virtuoso Sponger]]\n\n * [[VOSScalableInference][SPARQL and Scalable Inference on Demand]] [pdf]\n\n * [[VOSArticleRDF][RDF support in Virtuoso DBMS]]\n\n * [[VOSTextIndexingArticle][Virtuoso Text and XML Indexing and Filtering]]\n\n\n%VOSCOPY%" . "2017-06-13T05:39:20Z" . . . . . "2017-06-13T05:39:20.920160"^^ . "2017-06-13T05:39:20.920160"^^ . . .