. "VOSBldMono" . "2017-06-13T05:49:23Z" . . . "cefe5161bd01b56aec920e0e09cecee7" . . . . . . "2017-06-13T05:49:23.130034"^^ . . . "2017-06-13T05:49:23.130034"^^ . . . . . "VOSBldMono" . . "%VOSWARNING%\n\n\n%META:TOPICINFO{author=\"TimHaynes\" date=\"1144078633\" format=\"1.1\" version=\"1.1\"}%\n%META:TOPICPARENT{name=\"VOSBuild\"}%\n%VOSNAV%\n\n---+ Building the Virtuoso Server with Mono hosting support\n\n---++ Version Supported\nCurrently the Mono 1.1.6 is supported.\n\n---++ Configure and Compilation\n\nTo enable mono hosting binary the configure must be invoked with --enable-mono .\nThis flag will enable following action to be performed :\n * download the appropriate mono version\n * apply a patch to the mono sources in order to allow Mono to be integrated in the Virtuoso server\n * compile the mono with the patch \n * make the Virtuoso Server with Mono hosting support\n\nThe mono-hosting-enabled binary requires the following environment variables to be set:\n\nExpect next exports:\n\nMONO_CFLAGS = -I /mono/include -I /mono/include/glib-2.0 -I /mono/lib/glib-2.0/include -DNO_UDBC_SDK\nMONO_CFG_DIR = /mono/etc\nMONO_GAC_PATH = /mono/lib\nMONO_LDFLAGS = -L /mono/lib/libmono.a -L /mono/lib -lgmodule-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -lgthread-2.0 -lrt\nMONO_PATH = /mono/lib\nMONO_ROOT = /mono/lib\n\nTo build the VirtuosoClient.NET data provider, run the following:\n\n\n cd binsrc/VirtuosoClient.Net/\n make -f Makefile.mono\n\n\n---++ Test \n\nTo test the Mono-enabled Virtuoso server, run:\n\n\ncd /binsrc/hosting/mono/tests/\nsh tclrsrv.sh \n\n\n%VOSCOPY%\n\nCategoryVirtuoso CategoryWebSite CategoryMono CategoryOpenSource" . "VOSBldMono" . . "2017-06-13T05:49:23Z" . .