"2017-06-13T05:44:19.697319"^^ . . . . . . . . "VOSGIT" . . "VOSGIT" . . "2017-06-13T05:44:19Z" . . "2017-06-13T05:44:19Z" . . . "VOSGIT" . . . . . "b8e447adfc651e1848fada2ae42157be" . . . . . . . . . . "%META:TOPICPARENT{name=\"VOSIndex\"}%\n\n---+ Using Virtuoso Open Source Edition GIT Tree\n\n%TOC%\n\n---++ Introduction\n\nDevelopers who want to actively track progress of the\nVirtuoso source code and contribute bugfixes or enhancements to the project need Git access.\n\nThis access requires basic knowledge of git itself; the general layout of open source and\nGNU projects; the use of autoconf and automake; and other things which are beyond the scope \nof this document.\n\nIf you have any questions, please email the\n[[mailto:vos.admin@openlinksw.com][Virtuoso Open Source Maintainer]].\n\n\n---++ Git Archive Server Access\n\n---+++GitHub\n\nFor main development, we will publish the Virtuoso Open Source tree to [[http://github.com/][GitHub]]. \nWe encourage everyone who is interested in tracking the project to make\nan account there.\n\nUsers who mainly just want to look at the code can use the\n[[https://github.com/openlink/virtuoso-opensource][GitHub Web interface]] or\ntrack the archive by checking out a local copy of the tree, with a command like this:\n\n\n$ git clone git://github.com/openlink/virtuoso-opensource.git\n\n\nAt this point, you can create your own work-branch based on any available branch;\ncreate bugfixes; commit them to your own branch; and then use the\ngit format-patch command to generate appropriate diffs to email\nto the [[mailto:vos.admin@openlinksw.com][Virtuoso Open Source Maintainer]].\n\nDevelopers are encouraged to fork the project using GitHub; create your own\nbranches to make enhancements/bugfixes; and then send pull requests using the\nexcellent GitHub interface, so we can examine and incorporate those fixes into \nthe master tree for future release.\n\nFor more information, please read the [[http://help.github.com/][GitHub Documentation]]\non how to fork a project, send pull requests, track a project, etc.\n\n---+++SourceForge\n\nOpenLink will continue to use [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtuoso/][sourceforge.net]] \nfor to release source tarballs and certain binaries.\n\nSourceForge also contains the frozen [[http://virtuoso.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/virtuoso/virtuoso-opensource/][CVS Archive]]\nfor historical reference, and for completeness, read-only \n[[http://virtuoso.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=virtuoso/virtuoso-opensource][Git Archive]] access will also be available there.\n\nFor more information, please see the [[https://sourceforge.net/scm/?type=git&group_id=161622][SourceForge Git Documentation]].\n\n\n---++Git Tag-Signing Key\n\nTo verify signed releases, you should import our Git public GPG key,\nby either:\n\n * running\n\n$ gpg --recv-keys 089DE67A\n\n\n * or downloading the attached 089DE67A.asc file, and running\n\n$ gpg --import 089DE67A.asc\n\n\n * or running\n\n$ echo '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n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\n3ojRNFlZbFHr2Hwjwrh0vo9y5XeXUebMu+QPkIQmMeECFkcdl7Y=\n=zD+s\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n' | gpg --import\n\n\n\nThe fingerprint of this key is 7D6E 3898 F670 9F7A C25C 19D0 7B69 B670 089D E67A.\n\n---++Further Documentation\n\nPlease see our [[VOSGitUsage][Git Usage]] document concerning the usage of branches and tags.\n\nFor an introduction to Git, see our [[GitQuickstartTips][Git Quickstart and Tips]] guide.\n\n--++ Next...\n\nProceed to the [[VOSMake][build documentation]]." . "2017-06-13T05:44:19.697319"^^ .