. . . . "VOSMakeWindows" . "2017-06-13T05:40:17Z" . . . . "2017-06-13T05:40:17Z" . . . "VOSMakeWindows" . "3142230af7a49d0faf1854df4ea27e56" . . . . . "2017-06-13T05:40:17.267742"^^ . . . . . . "2017-06-13T05:40:17.267742"^^ . "VOSMakeWindows" . . . . . . . "%VOSWARNING%\n\n%VOSNAV%\n\n---+ Building on Windows\n\n%TOC%\n\n---++ Introduction\n\nThis page gives instructions for building Virtuoso Open-Source Edition\non Windows 32- or 64-bit platforms.\n\nNote: The build process on Windows is rather more complex than on other platforms, so pre-built Windows packages are available in [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtuoso/files/virtuoso/6.1.6/virtuoso-opensource-win32-20120802.zip/download][32-bit (x86)]] or [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtuoso/files/virtuoso/6.1.6/virtuoso-opensource-win64-20120802.zip/download][64-bit (x86_64)]] formats. (These links are for v6.1.6, as of 2012-08-02. You can [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtuoso/files/virtuoso/][manually browse]] to locate pre-built binaries of other versions.)\n\n---++ Prerequisites\n\nYou must have the following development tools and software installed:\n\n * Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 or later for 32-bit builds; 2005 or later for 64-bit builds %BR%Note: The Virtuoso projects and solution are maintained under VS 2003, so they must be converted to the VS 2005 format if you are using VS 2005 or later. To do this, just open the solution with your VS, and you will be asked to confirm project conversion. Then follow the instructions on screen.\n * Cygwin bash with developer tools (gawk, flex, bison) installed. \n * Bison must be version 1.875b; newer versions (2.x+) are not compatible.\n * Active Perl, available from http://www.activestate.com/ActivePerl\n * OpenSSL version 0.97 static libraries for Windows and header files.\n\nOptionally, you may want to also install:\n\n * Java Development Kit (JDK) for Windows version 1.4 or above, available from http://java.com/\n * PHP library for Windows version 4 and header files.\n * Active Python, available from http://www.activestate.com/ActivePython\n * ImageMagick library, available from http://www.imagemagick.org/\n\n---+++ Building the openssl library\n\nThe OpenSSL library must be built as a static library using Visual\nStudio. Detailed instructions for this build can be found in the \nINSTALL.W32 document in the OpenSSL source distribution.\n\nIMPORTANT: by default the OpenSSL library is built using MSVCRT compile flags, which lead to conflicts when linking the Virtuoso Open-Source binaries. To resolve these conflicts, after unpacking the OpenSSL source tarball, you must edit the <OpenSSL dir</util/pl/VC-32.pl and change the \"cflags\" to use the \"/MT\" and \"/MTd\" compiler switches instead of \"/MD\" and \"/MDd\".\n\nFinally, the libeay32.lib and ssleay32.lib from <OpenSSL dir>/out32 and\nfiles from <OpenSSL dir>/inc32/openssl must be copied to <Virtuoso\nOpen Source dir>/win32/openssl/.\n\n---+++ Microsoft Visual Studio settings \n\nFor Visual Studio to find the Cygwin developer tools (gawk, bison,\nflex), the path to the Cygwin programs (e.g., c:\\cygwin\\bin) must be\nadded to standard settings.\n\nTo do this, execute the following steps:\n\n 1 Open the IDE\n 1 Open \"Tools\", then \"Options\"\n 1 In the \"Options\" menu select \"Projects\" settings\n 1 From \"Projects\" settings select \"VC++ Directories\"\n 1 Add the Cygwin programs path to the list for \"Executable files\", before <WIN>/system32, so VS will use cygwin's \"find\" command\n 1 Confirm the changes.\n\n---+++ Known issues\n\n * Bison version 2.1 that comes with Cygwin bash generates buggy code. To resolve this, you must either \n * install an older version of bison (1.875b is recommended) or \n * edit the generated files (sql3.c and turtle_p.c in <Virtuoso Open Source dir>/libsrc/Wi) and remove the ';' after the start of the 'yyparse' function:\n\n...\n#else\nint \nyyparse ()\n; <-- remove this \n#endif\n#endif\n...\n\n\n * The OLE DB Provider for Virtuoso cannot be built under VS 2005; it should be disabled.\n\n\n---++ Build targets\n\n---+++ Core components\n\n * virtuoso_t - the Virtuoso Server\n * isql, isqlo - SQL command line tools\n * virtoledb - Virtuoso OLEDB provider\n * wi, wic, dk1t, dksrv, threads, threadw, xml, zlib, tidy, util - library modules\n\n---+++ Optional components\n\n * tpcc, blobs, scroll, burstoff, cutter, cursor - test suite programs\n * libvirtuoso_t - the Virtuoso server shared object, needed for hosting servers\n * virtodbc - Virtuoso ODBC Driver\n * virtuoso_clr_t - .NET CLR-hosting server (requires .NET Framework SDK v1.1)\n * virtuoso_javavm_t - Java hosting server (requires Java SDK)\n * virtuoso_php_t - PHP4 hosting server (requires PHP4 library)\n * virtuoso_sample_t - sample of the Virtuoso server with extensions\n * hosting_perl - Perl hosting plugin (requires Active Perl)\n * hosting_python - Python hosting plugin (requires Active Python)\n * wikiv - Virtuoso Wiki plugin\n * im - ImageMagick plugin (requires ImageMagick library)\n\n\n---++ Building Virtuoso Open Source with Microsoft Visual Studio\n\n 1 Open the IDE.\n 1 Open the appropriate solution file \n * For 32-bit, from <Virtuoso Open Source dir>/win32/virtuoso-opensource.sln.\n * For 64-bit, from <Virtuoso Open Source dir>/win64/virtuoso-opensource.sln. \n 1 Select desired configuration (Debug or Release).\n 1 Build the solution.\n\n---++ Building optional components\n\n---+++ PHP4 library notes\n\nThe following directories with the header files from the PHP4 source tree\nneed to be placed under <Virtuoso Open Source dir>/win32/php4/:\n\n * ext/\n * main/\n * regex/\n * TSRM/\n * win32/\n * Zend/\n\nTo the same directory (<Virtuoso Open Source dir>/win32/php4/), you should\nalso copy the following:\n\n * php4ts.dll\n * php4ts.lib\n * php_version.h\n\n\n---+++ Building the Virtuoso Open-Source Java hosting binary under Microsoft Visual Studio 2003\n\n 1 Make sure that JDK 1.4 or later is installed. (A JRE is not sufficient.)\n 1 Add environment setting JDK_PATH with value of JDK installation directory (e.g., c:\\jdk1.5).\n 1 Start the Visual Studio IDE and enable the virtuoso_javavm_t target in the solution.\n 1 Build the virtuoso_javavm_t target.\n\n---+++ Building the Virtuoso Open-Source Perl hosting plugin\n\n 1 Make sure Active Perl is installed.\n 1 From the VS.NET 2003 command prompt, go to <Virtuoso Open Source dir>/win32.\n 1 Run 'perl mkperlenv.pl'; this should produce output like:\n\nPERL_CFLAGS=...\nPERL_LDFLAGS=...\n\n 1 Add the PERL_CFLAGS and PERL_LDFLAGS in the environment with values printed from the step above.\n 1 Start the Visual Studio IDE and enable the hosting_perl target in the solution.\n 1 Build the hosting_perl plugin.\n\n\n---+++ Building the Virtuoso Open-Source Python hosting plugin\n\n 1 Make sure Active Python is installed\n 1 From the VS.NET 2003 command prompt, go to <Virtuoso Open Source dir>/win32.\n 1 Run 'python mkpythonenv.py'; this should produce output like:\n\nPYTHON_CFLAGS=...\nPYTHON_LDFLAGS=...\n\n 1 add the PYTHON_CFLAGS and PYTHON_LDFLAGS in the environment with values printed from the step above\n 1 Start the Visual Studio IDE and enable the hosting_python target in the solution.\n 1 Build the hosting_python plugin\n\n---+++ Building the Virtuoso Open-Source Imagemagick plugin\n\n 1 Install the ImageMagick library, available from http://www.imagemagick.org/\n 1 add the IM_PATH in the environment with a value of ImageMagick installation directory\n 1 Start the Visual Studio IDE and enable the im target in the solution\n 1 Build the ImageMagick plugin\n\n---++ Testing your build\n\n\n 1 Make sure that following binaries exist in <Virtuoso Open Source dir>/win32/[Release|Debug]:\n * virtuoso-t.exe\n * isql.exe\n * blobs.exe\n * ins.exe\n * scroll.exe\n 1 Open a Cygwin bash shell\n 1 Change directory to <Virtuoso Open Source dir>/\n 1 Execute the following commands (Note: replace in $PATH the 'Release' with 'Debug' if you are going to run the tests using debug binaries.)\n\nexport HOME=`pwd`\nexport PATH=$HOME/win32/Release:$PATH\nexport BLOBS=blobs.exe\nexport INS=ins.exe\nexport ISQL=isql.exe\nexport PORT=5555\nexport ENABLE_MTS_TEST=0\nexport SCROLL=scroll.exe\nexport GETDATA=getdata.exe\n\n 1 Change directory to <Virtuoso Open Source dir>/binsrc/tests/suite\n 1 Run the tests:\n\n./test_server virtuoso-t\n\n\n\n---++ Installation\n\n---+++ ODBC Driver registration\n\n Perform the following steps to register the ODBC Driver for Virtuoso:\n\n 1 Open a Command prompt\n 1 Navigate to the directory where the virtodbc.dll (Virtuoso Open Source ODBC Driver) is built.\n 1 execute:\n\nregsvr32 virtodbc.dll\n\n 1 A confirmation dialog stating that the driver was registered should be displayed.\n\n\n---+++ Running the Demo Database\n\n 1 Make a folder, e.g., c:\\dbs\\virtuoso.\n 1 Copy the Demo database (demo.db) and default demo.ini file to the new directory.\n\ncd c:\ncd \\dbs\\virtuoso\ncopy <Virtuoso Open Source dir>\\binsrc\\samples\\demo\\demo.db\ncopy <Virtuoso Open Source dir>\\binsrc\\samples\\demo\\demo.ini\n\n 1 Create a Windows service to run the Virtuoso Open-Source server:\n\nSET PATH=%PATH%;<irtuoso Open Source dir>\\win32\\Release\nvirtuoso-t -c demo -I Demo -S create\nvirtuoso-t -c demo -I Demo -S start\n\n\nTo connect with the command line SQL tool,\n\n isql 1112 dba dba\n\ngives a SQL> prompt.\n\nTo switch to the demo database, containing the Microsoft Northwind sample\ntables, type:\n\n SQL> use Demo;\n\nThe help command in iSQL can give further instructions.\n\nTo use a web admin interface, point the browser to http://localhost:8890/conductor .\n\nTo read the online documentation: http://localhost:8890/doc/html\n\nTo experiment with online tutorials, http://localhost:8890/tutorial\n\nFor VAD Packages, read the README file for Linux.\n\n---+++ .NET CLR hosting server\n\nIn order to run the .NET CLR hosting server (virtuoso-clr-t),\n\n 1 Make a folder, e.g., c:\\dbs\\virtuoso\n 1 Copy the Demo database (demo.db) and default demo.ini file to the new directory.\n\ncd c:\ncd \\dbs\\virtuoso\ncopy <Virtuoso Open Source dir>\\binsrc\\samples\\demo\\demo.db\ncopy <Virtuoso Open Source dir>\\binsrc\\samples\\demo\\demo.ini\n\n 1 Register the virt_http.dll in the GAC:\n\n gacutil /i <Virtuoso Open Source dir>\\win32\\Release\\virt_http.dll\n\n 1 Make sure virtclr.dll and virtuoso-clr-t are in the search path.\n 1 To try the tutorial examples, Point.dll and tax.dllmust be copied from <Virtuoso Open Source dir>\\binsrc\\tutorial\\hosting\\ho_s_2 to <Virtuoso Open Source dir>\\win32\\Release\\:\n\nSET PATH=%PATH%;<Virtuoso Open Source dir>\\win32\\Release\nvirtuoso-clr-t -c demo -I Demo -S create\nvirtuoso-clr-t -c demo -I Demo -S start\n\n\nIMPORTANT: The current version of the .NET CLR hosting server is supported in .NET Framework v1.1 environment.\n\n---+++ Java hosting server\n\nIn order to run the Java hosting server (virtuoso-javavm-t),\n\n 1 Make a folder, e.g., c:\\dbs\\virtuoso\n 1 Copy the Demo database (demo.db) and default demo.ini file to the new directory.\n\ncd c:\ncd \\dbs\\virtuoso\ncopy <Virtuoso Open Source dir>\\binsrc\\samples\\demo\\demo.db\ncopy <Virtuoso Open Source dir>\\binsrc\\samples\\demo\\demo.ini\n\n 1 Set the CLASSPATH to the place where Java classes are. \n 1 Make sure virtuoso-javavm-t is in the search path\n\nset CLASSPATH=<Virtuoso Open Source dir>\\binsrc\\tutorial\\hosting\\ho_s_1;%CLASSPATH%\nSET PATH=%PATH%;<Virtuoso Open Source dir>\\win32\\Release\nvirtuoso-javavm-t -c demo -I Demo -S create\nvirtuoso-javavm-t -c demo -I Demo -S start\n\n" .