"2017-06-13T05:39:51Z" . . . . . . . . . . "2017-06-13T05:39:51.933147"^^ . . . . "2017-06-13T05:39:51.933147"^^ . "VOSSPARQL" . . . "99879f72a6a60a1cd0212d459797b171" . . . . "%VOSWARNING%\n\n\n%META:TOPICPARENT{name=\"VOSRDF\"}%\n%VOSNAV%\n\n---+ Virtuoso SPARQL\n\n---++ Language \n\nVirtuoso's SPARQL implementation is based on the W3C SPARQL Working Draft of Feb 20, 2006. The implementation covers almost all of the specification, including:\n\n * optional and union with arbitrary nesting \n * filter and expressions, including calling SQL functions\n * ask, select, describe, construct \n * order, skip, limit \n * graph for scoping a query to a given graph\n\nVirtuoso SPARQL translates a SPARQL query to the corresponding SQL query referring to the triple store tables. In the present implementation, all graphs are stored in one large table containing G, S, P, O quads. Future developments will introduce more flexibility in this regard.\n\n---++ API\n\nA SPARQL statement is a valid top-level SQL select as well as a valid subquery or derived table. Hence there is almost no need for a special API for querying, as SPARQL goes wherever SQL does, see [[VOSSPARQLDemo][the SPARQL demo]] for examples.\n\nThere are SQL API functions for reading RDF XML and Turtle files, mapping between internal ids of nodes and their external names, inserting results of construct queries as new graphs, asserting individual triples and any other such tasks.\n\n---++ Protocol\n\nVirtuoso provides a full implementation of the [[VOSSparqlProtocol][SPARQL Protocol]] with basic HTTP and SOAP bindings. Virtuoso offers SPARQL Protocol client APIs in addition to its capabilities as a compliant server.\n\n\n---++SPARUL\n\nSince version 5.0, Virtuoso supports the [[http://jena.hpl.hp.com/~afs/SPARQL-Update.html][SPARQL/Update]] (SPARUL) extension of SPARQL. \n\nSee [[VirtSPARUL][Virtuoso SPARUL]] Implementation notes.\n\n---+++ Examples\n\n * [[VOSODSSparqlSamples][Set of Sample SPARQL Queries]]\n\nCategoryWebSite CategoryVirtuoso CategoryOpenSource CategoryVOS CategorySPARQL CategoryRDF\n\n%VOSCOPY%" . . . "2017-06-13T05:39:51Z" . . "VOSSPARQL" . "VOSSPARQL" . . . . .