. . "2722dcc6dba8c657f5282434f7b61c39" . . . . . . . . . "VirtFoursquareInMeta" . . . "2017-06-13T05:44:19.576185"^^ . . "%META:TOPICPARENT{name=\"VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesMeta\"}%\n\n---++Foursquare Meta-Cartridge \n\nThe meta-cartridge looks for geo:long and geo:lat items in the source graph being enriched then searches against \nFoursquare to get nearest foursquare venues. The URL is then exposed as an foaf:based_near link in the source graph. When de-referenced, \nthis link is materialized by the Foursquare cartridge into a Linked Data representation of that venue's Foursquare profile.\n\nThe Foursquare meta-cartridge must be configured with a Foursquare Oauth token. These are specified through the cartridge options \noauth_token. It can share the same Foursquare API and Oauth token used by the Foursquare extractor cartridge. For details of \nhow to configure the latter, please see [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtCartConfigFoursquare][here]].\n\n---+++Related \n * [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesMeta][Virtuoso Meta Cartridges]]\n * [[VirtSponger][Virtuoso Sponger]]\n * [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesMetaRESTExamples][Parametrized Examples of Meta Cartridge Usage via REST Request]]\n * [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesMetaREST][Meta Cartridges Usage via REST Request]]\n * [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSources][OpenLink-supplied Virtuoso Sponger Cartridges]]" . . "2017-06-13T05:44:19.576185"^^ . . . "VirtFoursquareInMeta" . . "VirtFoursquareInMeta" . "2017-06-13T05:44:19Z" . . . "2017-06-13T05:44:19Z" .