. "VirtLinkRemoteTables" . . . "VirtLinkRemoteTables" . "2017-06-13T05:40:58.981283"^^ . . "2017-06-13T05:40:58.981283"^^ . . "VirtLinkRemoteTables" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2017-06-13T05:40:58Z" . . "2017-06-13T05:40:58Z" . . . . . "94f51cd5a3c18fa121fe680e42894b55" . "---+ Attaching the Virtuoso Virtual Database Engine to ODBC- or JDBC-accessible Data Sources\n\nOnce the Virtuoso VDB Engine has been attached to an external data source, all objects (Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, etc.) accessible in that source may be exposed and addressed through a Virtual Schema in Virtuoso, as if they were local Virtuoso objects.\n\nThe general principles of this attachment are the same for all targets, but there are some known nuances to various targets. Source-specific articles covering these nuances are linked below.\n\nNote: This feature is only available in the Commercial Editions (Personal, Enterprise, etc.) of Virtuoso.\n\n * [[VirtDB2LinkingObjects][DB2]]\n * [[VirtFirebirdLinkingObjects][Firebird]]\n * [[VirtINFLinkingObjects][Informix]]\n * [[VirtIngresLinkingObjects][Ingres]]\n * [[VirtMySQLLinkingObjects][MySQL]]\n * [[VirtMSSQLLinkingObjects][Microsoft SQL Server]]\n * [[VirtOracleLinkingObjects][Oracle]]\n * [[VirtPGRLinkingObjects][PostgreSQL]]\n * [[VirtProgressLinkingObjects][Progress/OpenEdge]]\n * [[VirtSybaseLinkingObjects][Sybase ASA/ASE]]\n\n * [[VirtOJDBCLinkingObjects][Other JDBC-accessible sources, via ODBC-to-JDBC Bridge]]\n * [[VirtOODBCLinkingObjects][Other ODBC-accessible sources, via ODBC-to-ODBC Bridge]]\n" . . . .