. . . . "VirtOAuthTestToolExampleBriefcase" . "8fcf66f34c2c43030a52a09a712c27af" . . . . . . "VirtOAuthTestToolExampleBriefcase" . . "2017-06-13T05:36:27.724811"^^ . "2017-06-13T05:36:27.724811"^^ . "2017-06-13T05:36:27Z" . "VirtOAuthTestToolExampleBriefcase" . "%VOSWARNING%\n\n\n---++Briefcase OAuth REST API Example performed with the Virtuoso OAuth Testing Tool\n\nThe following example demonstrates adding a resource and getting resource info by the ODS REST APIs briefcase.resource.store and briefcase.resource.get using the OAuth Test Tool. A full list of the ODS REST APIs for ODS-Briefcase is found [[../ODS/VirtuosoOdsControllersBriefcase][elsewhere]].\n\n 1. Go to [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods][http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods]]\n 1. Log in as user demo with password demo\n 1. Go to Settings -> OAuth Keys\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1. Copy the Token value for a Briefcase instance, or create one if none exist. For example: 32e2a8fdddb69cb76b0e8309c42e5a7d008fdefc\n 1. Go to [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/oauth_test.vsp][http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/oauth_test.vsp]]\n 1. Complete the form as follows —\n * *Server*: http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/api\n * *Consumer Key*: 32e2a8fdddb69cb76b0e8309c42e5a7d008fdefc\n * *API method*: briefcase.resource.store\n * *API parameters*: path=/DAV/home/demo/Public/mytest&content=TEST\n * *Query options*: choose Generate URI and Submit from the menu\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1. Click the Execute button.\n 1. Click the Authorize button.\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1. The generated URI and the output message from executing the ODS REST API will be shown. In our case, the ID of the newly created resource will be: 110997\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1. Now let's get the data for the created resource. Complete the form as follows —\n * *API method*: briefcase.resource.get\n * *API parameters*: path=/DAV/home/demo/Public/mytest\n * *Query options*: choose Generate URI and Submit from the menu\n 1. Click the Execute button.\n 1. The Response Body text-area will show the retrieved content for the resource with the given ID.\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n\nCategoryBriefcase CategoryODS CategoryOdsBriefcase CategoryTutorial CategoryOAuth CategoryDocumentation" . . . . . . . "2017-06-13T05:36:27Z" . . . . . .