"VirtOAuthTestToolExampleCalendar" . . . . "%VOSWARNING%\n\n\n---++Calendar OAuth REST API Example performed with the Virtuoso OAuth Testing Tool\n\nThe following example demonstrates adding and getting event details by the ODS REST APIs *calendar.event.new* and *calendar.get* using the OAuth Test Tool. Full list of the ODS REST APIs for ODS Calendar you can find [[VirtuosoOdsControllersCalendar][here]].\n\n 1. Go to http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods\n 1. Log in as user demo with password demo\n 1. Go to Settings->OAuth Keys\n * \n 1. Copy the Token value for an Calendar instance or create such in not existing. For ex.: dffa13c301c5915a4fb9c8c1ee7c69e2fad88454\n 1. Go to http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/oauth_test.vsp\n 1. In the shown form enter for:\n 1. *Server*: http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/api\n 1. *Consumer Key*: dffa13c301c5915a4fb9c8c1ee7c69e2fad88454\n 1. *API method*: calendar.event.new\n 1. *API parameters*: inst_id=59&subject=test event&eventStart=2008.11.17T12:00&eventEnd=2008.11.17T14:00\n * An easy way to get the instance id is using the [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquity][ODS ubiquity commands]] sequence:\n\nods-host http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods\nods-set-mode sid\nods-authenticate-user demo password demo\nods-get-instance-id mycalendar\n\n 1. Select for *Query options*: \"Generate URI and Submit\".\n * \n 1. Click the \"Execute\" button.\n 1. Enter the password for user demo and click the \"Login\" button.\n 1. In the shown authorization form click the \"Authorize\" button.\n * \n 1. As result will be shown the generated URI and the output message of executing the ODS REST API. In our case, the id of the new created event will be: 1683\n * \n 1. Now lets get the data for the created event. In the form enter:\n 1. *API method*: calendar.get\n 1. *API parameters*: event_id=1683\n 1. Select for *Query options*: \"Generate URI and Submit\".\n 1. Click the \"Execute\" button.\n 1. As result in the \"Response Body\" text-area will be shown the retrieved details for the event with the given above id.\n * \n\nCategoryCalendar CategoryODS" . . "VirtOAuthTestToolExampleCalendar" . . . "2017-06-13T05:47:50Z" . "VirtOAuthTestToolExampleCalendar" . . . "7b6851d0beec4daff501269e1a2c9070" . . . . . . . . "2017-06-13T05:47:50.971537"^^ . . . . "2017-06-13T05:47:50.971537"^^ . . . . "2017-06-13T05:47:50Z" . . . . .