. . . . . . . . . . "9e4194b6e51ab8bfa2ad2161e02a9320" . . . . "---++Virtuoso RDF Views for the TPC H Database\n\nEach TPC H installation includes a demonstration database that includes a TPC H management system schema and instance data. This sample database provides an easy route for introducing TPC H users and developers to the virtues of RDF based Linked Data Views built atop existing TPC H relational databases. In the sections that follow, we include links for the following:\n\n 1 Linked Data View Creation Script\n 1 Live Examples of Linked Data Views built using the script above.\n\n|*Resource*|*Execution*|\n|Live links to a sample RDF Views|View demo links [[VirtRDFViewTPCHDemo][here]]|\n|Script to set up your own instance|View the script [[VirtRDFViewTPCHScript][here]].|\n\n\n---+++Related\n\n|*RDF View Type*|*Relational Database*|\n|Web 2.0 Platforms| |\n| | [[VirtRDFViewPHPBB3][phpBB3 to RDF]]|\n| |[[VirtRDFViewWordpress][Wordpress to RDF]]|\n| |[[VirtRDFViewMediaWiki][MediaWiki to RDF]]|\n| |[[VirtRDFViewDrupal][Drupal to RDF]]|\n| |[[VirtRDFViewBugzilla][Bugzilla to RDF]]|\n|Semi-Structured Content Examples | |\n| | [[VirtRDFViewDocs][Virtuoso Product Documentation (DocBook) to RDF]]|\n| | [[VirtRDFViewTutorial][Virtuoso Online Tutorials to RDF]]|\n|Enterprise Data Access & Integration| |\n| |[[VirtRDFViewTutorialNorthwind][Virtuoso's Northwind based Demo Database (Tutorials variant) to RDF]]| \n| |[[VirtRDFViewNorthwind][SQL Server's Northwind Demo Database]]|\n| |[[VirtRDFViewsOracleHrDb][Oracle using the demonstration 'Human Resources' database]]|\n| |[[VirtRDFViewsDB2SampleDb][DB2 using the demonstration 'Sample' database]]|\n| |[[VirtRDFViewsInformixStoresDemo][Informix using demonstration 'Stores' database]]|\n| |[[VirtRDFViewsIngresTutDb][Ingres using demonstration 'Tutorial' database]]|\n| |[[VirtRDFViewsSybasePubs2Db][Sybase using demonstration 'pubs2' database]]|\n| |[[VirtRDFViewsProgressSQ89ISports][Progress (SQL-89) using demonstration 'iSports' database]]|\n| |[[VirtRDFViewsProgressSQ92ISports][Progress (SQL-92) using demonstration 'iSports' database]]|\n| |[[VirtRDFBSBM][BSBM to RDF]]|\n|ODS Applications RDF Views| |\n| |[[VOSODSViews][ODS RDF Views]]|\n| |[[VOSeCRMViews][eCRM Views]]|\n|Business Intelligence||\n| |[[VirtRDFViewTPCD][TPCD to RDF]]|\n| | [[VirtRDFViewsThalia][Thalia to RDF]]|\n| |[[VirtRDFViewMusicbrainz][Musicbrainz to RDF]]|" . "2017-06-13T05:47:20.564925"^^ . . . . "2017-06-13T05:47:20.564925"^^ . . . . "2017-06-13T05:47:20Z" . "VirtRDFViewTPCH" . . . . . . . . . . . . "2017-06-13T05:47:20Z" . . . . . . "VirtRDFViewTPCH" . . "VirtRDFViewTPCH" . .