. "2017-06-13T05:37:05Z" . . . . . "VirtSetPrefixNames" . . . . . "VirtSetPrefixNames" . . "d0f00dab8533d0249d13cc6d0de2f37b" . . . . "2017-06-13T05:37:05Z" . "---+Set Standard Prefix Names for common vocabularies\n\nIn order to set standard prefix names for common vocabularies on dumps to either .n3 or .ttl, you should use the [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/fn_xml_set_ns_decl.html][xml_set_ns_decl]] Virtuoso function.\n\nThe initial list of namespace declarations can be found by executing from iSQL or Conductor UI:\n\nSQL> SELECT * FROM DB.DBA.SYS_XML_PERSISTENT_NS_DECL;\n\n\n\n---++Example\n\n 1. Load the ontology, for ex.:\n\nSQL> DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_RDFXML (http_get('http://lod.taxonconcept.org/ontology/txn.owl'), '', 'http://lod.taxonconcept.org/ontology/txn.owl#');\n\nDone. -- 109 msec.\n\n 1 Check total triples retrieved:\n\nSQL>SPARQL \nSELECT COUNT(*) \nfrom \nWHERE {?s ?p ?o};\ncallret-0\nINTEGER\n_______________________________________________________________________________\n\n495\n\n1 Rows. -- 16 msec.\n\n 1 Register the XML NS prefix:\n\nSQL>DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('txn', 'http://lod.taxonconcept.org/ontology/txn.owl#', 2);\nDone. -- 0 msec.\n\n 1 Use the prefix, for ex. executing:\n\nSQL>SPARQL \nSELECT COUNT(*) \nWHERE\n {\n ?s ?p txn:SpeciesConcept\n };\n\ncallret-0\nINTEGER\n_______________________________________________________________________________\n\n25\n\n1 Rows. -- 0 msec.\n\n\n" . "2017-06-13T05:37:05.188677"^^ . . "2017-06-13T05:37:05.188677"^^ . "VirtSetPrefixNames" .