. . . . . . . "2017-06-13T05:39:03Z" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "VirtSponger" . . . . . . "2017-06-13T05:39:03.889136"^^ . . . . "2017-06-13T05:39:03.889136"^^ . . . "VirtSponger" . . . . . . . . . "VirtSponger" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "%META:TOPICPARENT{name=\"VOSIndex\"}%\n---+Virtuoso Sponger\n\n%TOC% \n\n---++ What Is The Sponger?\n\nThe Virtuoso Sponger is the [[http://dbpedia.org/resource/Linked_Data][Linked Data]] middleware \ncomponent of Virtuoso. It generates Linked Data from a variety of data sources, and supports \na wide variety of data representation and serialization formats. The Sponger is transparently \nintegrated into Virtuoso's SPARQL Query Processor where it delivers URI de-referencing within \nSPARQL query patterns, across disparate data spaces. It also delivers configurable smart HTTP \ncaching services. Optionally, it can be used by the \n[[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/admui.webservices.html#importtargets][Virtuoso Content Crawler]] \nto periodically populate and replenish data within the native RDF Quad Store. \n\nThe Sponger is also a full-fledged HTTP proxy service, directly accessible via SOAP or REST interfaces.\n\nAs depicted below, OpenLink's broad portfolio of Linked-Data-aware products supports a number of \nroutes for creating or consuming Linked Data. The Sponger provides a key platform for developers \nto generate quality data meshes from unstructured or semi-structured data sources.\n\n\n\n\n---++ Why is it Important?\n\nA majority of the worlds data naturally resides in non-Linked-Data form at the current time. The \nSponger delivers middleware that accelerates the bootstrap of the Semantic Data Web by unobtrusively \ngenerating Linked Data (typically in RDF form, today) from non-Linked-Data data sources. This \"Swiss \narmy knife\" for on-the-fly Linked Data generation provides a bridge between the traditional Document \nWeb and the Linked Data Web (\"Data Web\").\n\nSponging non-Linked-Data Web sources and converting their data content to Linked Data exposes that \ndata in a canonical form for querying and inference, and enables fast and easy construction of \nLinked-Data-driven \"mesh-ups\" (as opposed to code-driven Web 2.0 mash-ups).\n\nLinked Data extraction and instance data generation products that offer functionality similar to \nthat demonstrated by the Sponger are also commonly referred to as \"RDFizers.\"\n\n\n---++ How Does It Work?\n\nDesigned with a pluggable architecture, the Sponger's core functionality is provided by \n[[VirtSpongerCartridge][Cartridges]]. Each cartridge includes [[VirtSpongerCartridgeExtractor][Data Extractors]] \nwhich extract data from one or more data sources, and [[VirtSpongerCartridgeOntologyMapper][Ontology Mappers]] \nwhich map the extracted data to one or more ontologies/schemas, en route to producing RDF Linked Data.\n\nCartridges are highly customizable, and can be developed using any language supported by the Virtuoso \nServer Extensions API. This enables generation of structured linked data from virtually any resource \ntype, rather than limiting users to resource types supported by the default Sponger Cartridge collection \nbundled as part of the Virtuoso Sponger VAD package (cartridges_dav.vad).\n\n\n\n\n\n(See [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/screencasts/virtuoso-rdf-middleware3.swf][an animation of the concept]], \nif the embed above fails in your browser.)\n\nThe Sponger also includes a pluggable name resolution mechanism that enables Custom Resolvers for naming schemes \n(e.g., URNs) associated with protocols beyond HTTP. Examples of custom resolvers include:\n\n\n| *URN handler* | *Sample URI* | *Resource Description* | *Linked Data View* | *Linked Data Graph* | *Needs* |\n| DOI | doi:10.1038/35057062 | [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/about/html/doi:10.1038/35057062][HTML Representation]] | [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/describe/?url=doi:10.1038/35057062][Linked Data View]] | [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/ode/?uri=doi:10.1038/35057062][Data Explorer View]] | hslookup plugin; and enabling of relevant mappers for html, pdf, xml, etc. |\n| LSID | urn:lsid:ubio.org:namebank:12292 | [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/about/html/urn:lsid:ubio.org:namebank:12292][HTML Representation]] | [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/describe/?url=urn:lsid:ubio.org:namebank:12292][Linked Data View]] | [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/ode/?uri=urn:lsid:ubio.org:namebank:12292][Data Explorer View]] | None |\n| OAI | oai:dcmi.ischool.washington.edu:article/8 | [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/about/html/oai:dcmi.ischool.washington.edu:article/8][HTML Representation]] | [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/describe/?url=oai:dcmi.ischool.washington.edu:article/8][Linked Data View]] | [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/ode/?uri=oai:dcmi.ischool.washington.edu:article/8][Data Explorer View]] | None |\n\n\nCache expiration is managed through the \n[[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/databaseadmsrv.html#ini_SPARQL][MinExpiration]] parameter \nin the virtuoso.ini file. \n\n\n---++ Installation Steps\n\n 1 A default Virtuoso installation includes the cartridges VAD package, which includes \nall publicly-available Sponger cartridges and associated components. Check to ensure it is installed using \nthe System Admin -> Packages tab of the Virtuoso Conductor.\n * If listed as uninstalled, click the install button to the right of the package.\n * If the cartridges VAD is not listed, it can be \ndownloaded now. Install the \ncartridges_dav.vad package using the Conductor UI from the \nSystem Admin -> Packages tab or by using iSQL: \n\nSQL> DB.DBA.VAD_INSTALL('tmp/cartridges_dav.vad',0);\nSQL_STATE SQL_MESSAGE\nVARCHAR VARCHAR\n_______________________________________________________________________________\n\n00000 No errors detected\n00000 Installation of \"Linked Data Cartridges\" is complete.\n00000 Now making a final checkpoint.\n00000 Final checkpoint is made.\n00000 SUCCESS\n\n6 Rows. -- 1078 msec.\n\n 1 To enable data insertion into the Quad Store via SPARQL queries, you need to \nassign \nSPARQL_SPONGE privileges to user SPARQL. (Note: more sophisticated security \nis provided via [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfsparql.html#sparqloauthendpointfoafssl][WebID based ACL protection]] \nof your SPARQL endpoint).\n 1 [[VirtConfigureCartridges][Configuring Sponger Cartridges]]\n * [[VirtSpongerCartridge][Sponger Cartridges Registering API Key]]\n * [[#ExtractorCartridges][Extractor Cartridges]]\n * [[#MetaCartridges][Meta Cartridges]]\n * [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/virtuososponger.html#virtuosospongercreatecustcartrrgst][See also our doc]]\n\n---+++ Sponger Cartridges included in a Standard Virtuoso Installation\n\nThere are a few kinds of Cartridge, and many of each kind are included in a standard Virtuoso installation.\nClick [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSources][here]] for a breakdown of OpenLink-supported Data Sources.\n\n#ExtractorCartridges\n---++++ Extractor Cartridges\n\nAn Extractor Cartridge processes a Resource of a given format, extracting RDF according to rules appropriate \nto that format. External data does not come into play; only the content of the Resource fed to the Sponger.\n\n---+++++ Supported Standard Non-RDF Data Formats \n\nThese Cartridges handle open formats -- typically community-developed, openly-documented, and \nfreely-licensed data structures.\n\n * [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesNonRDF][Complete list of supported Standard Non-RDF Data Formats]]\n\n---+++++ Supported Vendor-specific Non-RDF Data Formats \n\nThese Cartridges handle closed formats -- typically proprietary; sometimes undocumented; possibly \nlicensed to no-one except the format originator. Sometimes data may not be parsed as desired or expected, \nas many of these Cartridges have required reverse-engineering of the data format in question.\n\n * [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesVendorNonRDF][Complete list of supported Vendor-specific Non-RDF Data Formats]]\n\n#MetaCartridges\n---++++ Meta Cartridges\n\nA Meta Cartridge submits a Resource to a third-party Web Service for processing. Returned RDF supplements \nthe RDF generated by Extractor and other Meta Cartridges. Locally generated RDF may also be submitted to \nthe third-party services, instead-of or in-addition-to the original Resource itself.\n\nDefault Sponger behavior is for all installed Meta Cartridges to be brought to bear on all submitted Resources.\n\n * [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesMeta][Complete list of supported Meta Cartridges]]\n * [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesMetaREST][Meta Cartridge Usage via REST Request]]\n * [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesMetaRESTExamples][Parametrized Examples of Meta Cartridge Usage via REST Request]]\n\n\n---+++ Sponger Cartridge-based, Dynamic Linked Data Cloud\n\nClick the image for a full-size, clickable version!\n\n[[ClickableVirtSpongerCloud][\"Sponger]]\n\n---++ Sponger pragmas\n\nVirtuoso's Sponger is a sophisticated piece of middleware that provides full Linked Data fidelity for pre-existing data objects or resources. This Linked Data is then accessible via HTTP-based Web Services, and SPARQL is enhanced with Sponger pragmas and some optional additions to the FROM clause. See [[VirtSpongerLinkedDataHooksIntoSPARQL][full list of supported pragmas and usage examples]].\n\n---++ Sponger Cartridge Configuration\n\n * [[VirtConfigureCartridges][Sponger Cartridge Configuration and Implementation Notes]]\n\n---++ Sponger Usage Examples\n\n * [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/virtuososponger.html#virtuosospongerusageprocessorex][SPARQL Processor Usage Example]]\n * [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/virtuososponger.html#virtuosospongerusageproxyex2][RDF Proxy Service Example]]\n * [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtDeployingLinkedDataGuide_BrowsingNorthwindRdfView#AncMozToc2][Browsing & Exploring RDF View Example Using ODE]]\n * [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtDeployingLinkedDataGuide_BrowsingNorthwindRdfView#AncMozToc3][Browsing & Exploring RDF View Example Using iSPARQL]]\n * [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfinsertmethods.html#rdfinsertmethodplapissimpleexample][Basic Sponger Cartridge Example]]\n * [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/virtuososponger.html#virtuosospongerusagebriefex][HTTP Example for Extracting Metadata using CURL]]\n * [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/virtuososponger.html#virtuosospongercartridgetypesmetarestexamples][RESTFul Interaction Examples]]\n * [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/sect5_virtuosospongercreatecustcartrrgstflickr.html][Flickr Cartridge Example]]\n * [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/virtuososponger.html#virtuosospongercreatecustcartrexmp][MusicBrainz Metadatabase Example]]\n * [[VirtTipsAndTricksGuideAddTriplesNamedGraph][SPARQL Tutorial -- Magic of SPARUL and Sponger]]\n\n---++ Other Related Pages\n\n * [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/Whitepapers/html/VirtSpongerWhitePaper.html][Technical White Paper]]\n * [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSources][Supported Virtuoso Sponger Cartridges]]\n * [[SPARQLSponger][SPARQL Sponger]]\n * [[VirtInteractSpongerMiddlewareRESTPatterns][Interacting with Sponger Middleware via RESTful Patterns]]\n * [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSourcesMetaRESTExamples][Interacting with Sponger Meta Cartridge via RESTful Patterns]]\n * [[VirtSpongerCartridgeRDFExtractor][Sponger Cartridge RDF Extractor]]\n * [[RDFMappers][ Extending SPARQL IRI Dereferencing with RDF Mappers]]\n * [[VirtSpongerCartridgeProgrammersGuide][Programmer Guide for Virtuoso Linked Data Middleware (\"Sponger\")]]\n * [[VirtProgrammerGuideRDFCartridge][Create RDF Custom Cartridge Tutorial]]\n * [[VirtSpongerCartridgeSupportedDataSources][OpenLink-supplied Virtuoso Sponger Cartridges]]\n * [[VirtAuthServerUI][Virtuoso Authentication Server]]\n * [[VirtOAuthSPARQL][Virtuoso SPARQL OAuth Tutorial]]\n * [[VirtSpongerACL][Virtuoso Sponger Access Control List (ACL) Setup]]\n * [[VirtSPARQLSecurityWebID][WebID Protocol & SPARQL Endpoint ACLs Tutorial]]\n * [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/virtuososponger.html][Virtuoso Documentation]]\n\nCategoryEvangelism CategoryDocumentation CategoryPR CategoryVirtuoso CategoryRDF CategorySPARQL\n\n" . . . "802d413144ec54e484b4e95885b240fe" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2017-06-13T05:39:03Z" .