. . . "VirtTipsAndTricksGuideConductorR2RML" . . . . "cbd0b8daa399b22eaadfb6527d057a64" . . "VirtTipsAndTricksGuideConductorR2RML" . "2017-06-13T05:40:56Z" . . . . "2017-06-13T05:40:56Z" . . . . . . . . . "%META:TOPICPARENT{name=\"VirtTipsAndTricksGuide\"}%\n\n---+ Generate Transient and/or Persistent Linked Data Views atop Remote Relational Data Sources\n\nThis simple scenario demonstrates how you can generate R2RML Scripts from Linked Data Views, using the Virtuoso Conductor ODBC or JDBC accessible.\n\n---++ Prerequisites\n\n * Your Virtuoso [[http://s3.amazonaws.com/opldownload/uda/vad-packages/6.1/virtuoso/conductor_dav.vad][Conductor VAD package]] must be version 1.32.38 or higher. \n\n---++ Steps\n\n 1 Go to http://<cname>[:<port>]/conductor.\n 1 Enter dba credentials.\n 1 Go to Linked Data -> Views:\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 Select Qualifier Demo:\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 Select table(s) by hatching the check-box to the left of the table name; for example, select the following tables from the Northwind DB: Categories, Customers, Employees, Order_Details, Orders, Products .\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 Click Generate via Wizard:\n%BR%%BR%%BR%%BR%\n 1 Click Prepare to Execute.\n 1 The R2RML script for the selected table(s) will be generated and displayed in the R2RML Graph text-area:\n%BR%%BR%%BR%\n%BR%\n%BR%%BR%\n 1 You can also view the R2RML script [[VirtTipsAndTricksGuideConductorR2RMLGenR2RML][generated while writing this example]].\n\n\n---++Related\n\n * [[VirtR2RML][Virtuoso R2RML Support]]\n * [[VirtGenerateR2RMLLinkedDataView][Generate Linked Data Views via R2RML from iSQL]]\n * [[VirtConductorR2RMLImport][Virtuoso Conductor R2RML Import Wizard]]\n * W3C page for [[http://www.w3.org/TR/r2rml/][R2RML: RDB to RDF Mapping Language]] \n" . "2017-06-13T05:40:56.663472"^^ . . . "2017-06-13T05:40:56.663472"^^ . . . . . "VirtTipsAndTricksGuideConductorR2RML" . . .