---++Addressbook Controllers |*Controller*|*Demo Links*|*Description*| |
addressbook.get (
  contact_id integer )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx1][cURL Example]]|Get contact details| |
addressbook.new (
  inst_id integer,
  name varchar,
  category_id integer := null,
  kind integer := 0,
  title varchar := null,
  fName varchar := null,
  mName varchar := null,
  lName varchar := null,
  fullName varchar := null,
  gender varchar := null,
  birthday datetime := null,
  iri varchar := null,
  foaf varchar := null,
  mail varchar := null,
  web varchar := null,
  icq varchar := null,
  skype varchar := null,
  aim varchar := null,
  yahoo varchar := null,
  msn varchar := null,
  hCountry varchar := null,
  hState varchar := null,
  hCity varchar := null,
  hCode varchar := null,
  hAddress1 varchar := null,
  hAddress2 varchar := null,
  hTzone varchar := null,
  hLat real := null,
  hLng real := null,
  hPhone varchar := null,
  hMobile varchar := null,
  hFax varchar := null,
  hMail varchar := null,
  hWeb varchar := null,
  bCountry varchar := null,
  bState varchar := null,
  bCity varchar := null,
  bCode varchar := null,
  bAddress1 varchar := null,
  bAddress2 varchar := null,
  bTzone varchar := null,
  bLat real := null,
  bLng real := null,
  bPhone varchar := null,
  bMobile varchar := null,
  bFax varchar := null,
  bIndustry varchar := null,
  bOrganization varchar := null,
  bDepartment varchar := null,
  bJob varchar := null,
  bMail varchar := null,
  bWeb varchar := null,
  tags varchar := null )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx2][cURL Example]]|Create new contact| |
addressbook.edit (
  contact_id integer,
  name varchar,
  category_id integer := null,
  kind integer := 0,
  title varchar := null,
  fName varchar := null,
  mName varchar := null,
  lName varchar := null,
  fullName varchar := null,
  gender varchar := null,
  birthday datetime := null,
  iri varchar := null,
  foaf varchar := null,
  mail varchar := null,
  web varchar := null,
  icq varchar := null,
  skype varchar := null,
  aim varchar := null,
  yahoo varchar := null,
  msn varchar := null,
  hCountry varchar := null,
  hState varchar := null,
  hCity varchar := null,
  hCode varchar := null,
  hAddress1 varchar := null,
  hAddress2 varchar := null,
  hTzone varchar := null,
  hLat real := null,
  hLng real := null,
  hPhone varchar := null,
  hMobile varchar := null,
  hFax varchar := null,
  hMail varchar := null,
  hWeb varchar := null,
  bCountry varchar := null,
  bState varchar := null,
  bCity varchar := null,
  bCode varchar := null,
  bAddress1 varchar := null,
  bAddress2 varchar := null,
  bTzone varchar := null,
  bLat real := null,
  bLng real := null,
  bPhone varchar := null,
  bMobile varchar := null,
  bFax varchar := null,
  bIndustry varchar := null,
  bOrganization varchar := null,
  bDepartment varchar := null,
  bJob varchar := null,
  bMail varchar := null,
  bWeb varchar := null,
  tags varchar := null )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx3][cURL Example]]| Edit contact details| |
addressbook.delete (
  contact_id integer )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx4][cURL Example]]|Delete contact| |
addressbook.import (
  inst_id integer,
  source varchar,
  sourceType varchar,
  contentType varchar := 'vcard',
  tags varchar := '' )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx5][cURL Example]]|Import contact(s)| |
addressbook.export (
  inst_id integer )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx6][cURL Example]]|Export contact(s)| |
addressbook.annotation.get (
  annotation_id integer )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx7][cURL Example]]|Get annotation details| |
addressbook.annotation.new (
  contact_id integer,
  author varchar,
  body varchar )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx8][cURL Example]]|Create annotation| |
addressbook.annotation.claim (
  annotation_id integer,
  claimRelation varchar,
  claimValue varchar )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx9][cURL Example]]|Make annotation claim| |
addressbook.annotation.delete (
  annotation_id integer )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx10][cURL Example]]|Delete annotation| |
addressbook.comment.get (
  comment_id integer )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx11][cURL Example]]|Get comment details| |
addressbook.comment.new (
  contact_id integer,
  parent_id integer := null,
  title varchar,
  text varchar,
  name varchar,
  email varchar,
  url varchar )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx12][cURL Example]]|Create comment| |
addressbook.comment.delete (
  comment_id integer, )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx13][cURL Example]]|Delete comment| |
addressbook.publication.new (
  inst_id integer,
  name varchar,
  updateType varchar := 1,
  updatePeriod varchar := 'hourly',
  updateFreq integr := 1,
  destinationType varchar := null,
  destination varchar,
  userName varchar := null,
  userPassword varchar := null,
  tagsInclude varchar := '',
  tagsExclude varchar := '' )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx14][cURL Example]]|Create new publication| |
addressbook.publication.get (
  publication_id integer )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx15][cURL Example]]|Get publication details| |
addressbook.publication.edit (
  publication_id integer,
  name varchar,
  updateType varchar := 1,
  updatePeriod varchar := 'hourly',
  updateFreq integr := 1,
  destinationType varchar := null,
  destination varchar,
  userName varchar := null,
  userPassword varchar := null,
  tagsInclude varchar := '',
  tagsExclude varchar := '' )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx16][cURL Example]]|Edit publication details| |
addressbook.publication.sync (
  publication_id integer )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx17][cURL Example]]|Perform publication synchronization| |
addressbook.publication.delete (
  publication_id integer )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx18][cURL Example]]|Delete publication| |
addressbook.subscription.new (
  inst_id integer,
  name varchar,
  updateType varchar := 1,
  updatePeriod varchar := 'hourly',
  updateFreq integr := 1,
  sourceType varchar := null,
  source varchar,
  userName varchar := null,
  userPassword varchar := null,
  tagsInclude varchar := '',
  tagsExclude varchar := '' )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx19][cURL Example]]|Create new subscription| |
addressbook.subscription.get (
  subscription_id integer )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx20][cURL Example]]|Get subscription details| |
addressbook.subscription.edit (
  subscription_id integer,
  name varchar,
  updateType varchar := 1,
  updatePeriod varchar := 'hourly',
  updateFreq integr := 1,
  sourceType varchar := null,
  source varchar,
  userName varchar := null,
  userPassword varchar := null,
  tagsInclude varchar := '',
  tagsExclude varchar := '' )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx21][cURL Example]]|Edit subscription details| |
addressbook.subscription.sync (
  subscription_id integer )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx22][cURL Example]]|Perform subscription synchronization| |
addressbook.subscription.delete (
  subscription_id integer )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx23][cURL Example]]|Delete subscription| |
addressbook.options.set (
  inst_id integer,
  options any )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx24][cURL Example]]|Set Addressbook Instance options
Options parameters names can be:
  - chars
  - rows
  - tbLabels
  - hiddens
  - atomVersion| |
addressbook.options.get (
  inst_id integer, )
|  *  [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbookEx25][cURL Example]]|Get Addressbook Instance options details| ---+++Examples * [[VirtOAuthTestToolExampleAddressbook][ODS Addressbook OAuth REST API Example performed with the Virtuoso OAuth Testing Tool]] ---+++References * [[VirtuosoOdsControllers][ODS Controllers]]