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An Entity of Type : atom:Entry, within Data Space : associated with source document(s)

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  • %META:TOPICPARENT{name="VOSIndex"}% ---+RDF Insert Methods in Virtuoso %TOC% ---+++Loading RDF datasets into a Virtuoso Graph IRI * [[][Load TTL (TURTLE or N3 resource) datasets into Virtuoso Graph IRI]] * [[][Load RDF/XML datasets into Virtuoso Graph IRI]] ---+++Loading RDF datasets into one or more Virtuoso Graph IRIs * [[VirtBulkRDFLoader][Bulk Loading of RDF Source Files into one or more Graph IRIs]] ---+++Loading RDF datasets using the Conductor "Quad Store Upload" tab menu option * [[][Conductor "Quad Store Upload" tab]] ---+++ RDF Sink Folders (Virtuoso or ODS-Briefcase) * [[VirtuosoRDFSinkFolder ][Using Virtuoso RDF Sink Folder]] * [[][Using ODS RDF Sink Folder]] * [[][Using WebDAV and ODS-Briefcase Graphical Interfaces]] --+++ HTTP PUT Using this approach we can upload RDF resources into Virtuoso's WebDAV repository and then automatically upload the triples within the resource into the Virtuoso Quad store (if you so choose via [[VirtuosoRDFSinkFolder][Virtuoso's special RDF Sink Folder]] feature of WebDAV ). ---++++ HTTP PUT Example 1 Jose Jimen~ez Jo File: myfoaf.rdf Destination Server: curl -T myfoaf.rdf -u demo:demo 201 Created


    Resource /DAV/home/demo/rdf_sink/ myfoaf.rdf has been created.
    ---++++ HTTP PUT Example 2 1. Create a folder of type "Linked Data Import" for an ODS user with the Briefcase application 1 Go to http://cname/ods, click the "Sign In" link and login as user "demo" for example; 1 Click the Briefcase application from the left vertical navigation bar; 1 Click "New Folder"; 1 In the presented form specify the folder name and type, for example: * Folder name: "MyData"; * Folder type: "Linked Data Import" %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Go to the tab "Linked Data Import"; 1 Specify "Graph name", for example "urn:mydata"; 1 Select the "Sponger (on/off)" check-box option to enable the Virtuoso sponger for use. * Optionally you can select which cartridges to be included from the "Sponger Extractor Cartridges" and "Sponger Meta Cartridges" lists: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Click "Create". 1 As result the new folder will be created. %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Assume the existence of a local file called "kidehen.n3" containing: . "Kingsley" . . 1 Run the following command from a terminal shell, where cname is replaced with the actual Virtuoso host:port to load the file to the specified location: $ curl -T kidehen.n3 http://cname/DAV/home/demo/MyData/ -u demo:demo 201 Created


    Resource /DAV/home/demo/MyData/kidehen.n3 has been created.
    1. Go to Briefcase application and view the content of the folder "DAV/home/demo/MyData" 1. As a result of the curl command to uploaded file "kidehen.n3" an additional file "urn_mydata.RDF" is available as the identifier for the Linked Data graph created in the Quad Store: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1. The inserted triples can be queried from the Virtuoso SPARQL endpoint, i.e. http://cname/sparql by: 1. Entering the query below in the "Query Text" window: SELECT * FROM WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1. Click the "Run Query" button; 1. The inserted triples from the "kidehen.n3" is displayed as the result set: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% ---++++ References 1. [[][HTTP/1.1 PUT]] 1. [[][Some Virtuoso PUT Documentation regarding Multipart Forms]] ---+++ HTTP POST Virtuoso's support for HTTP content negotiation and the SPARQL Protocol enables the execution of SPARUL as part of an HTTP POST payload using Content-Type: application/sparql-query. ---++++HTTP POST Example 1 1. For user demo from Conductor -> System Admin -> User Accounts -> user demo -> Edit make sure the following properies are set: * User type is SQL/ODBC and WebDAV; * Accounts Roles contains in "Selected" list SPARQL_UPDATE: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1. From Conductor -> Web Application Server -> Content Management or ODS Briefcase UI create a DAV collection "xx" with the following properties: * owner is user demo (the user's password let's say is "demo"); * permissions set to rwxrwxrwxn: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1. Execute the following command: curl -i -d "INSERT { }" -u "demo:demo" -H "Content-Type: application/sparql-query" http://localhost:8890/DAV/xx/yy 1. The response should be: HTTP/1.1 201 Created Server: Virtuoso/05.00.3023 (Win32) i686-generic-win-32 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 12:50:12 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes MS-Author-Via: SPARQL Content-Length: 0 1. the result in the DAV/xx location will be a new WebDAV resource with name "yy" containing the inserted RDF: ---++++HTTP POST Example 2 1. Create a DAV collection, for ex. with name "test" for user for ex. demo with password demo. * Note: user "demo" should have from "User type": SQL/ODBC and WebDAV and should have "SPARQL_UPDATE" role set from Conductor -> System Admin -> User Accounts -> user demo' Edit Properties. 2. Execute the following command: curl -i -d "INSERT IN GRAPH { . . } " -u "demo:demo" -H "Content-Type: application/sparql-query" http://localhost:8890/DAV/home/demo/test/myrq 3. As result the response will be: HTTP/1.1 201 Created Server: Virtuoso/05.00.3023 (Win32) i686-generic-win-32 VDB Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 16:25:25 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes MS-Author-Via: SPARQL Content-Length: 0 4. Now let's check the inserted triples. Go to the SPARQL endpoint, i.e., http://localhost:8890/sparql and: 1. Enter for Default Graph URI: 1. Enter in the Query area: SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} 1. Click the button "Run Query" 1. As result will be shown the inserted triples: s p o Kingsley ---+++ Examples using LOAD feature of SPARUL ---++++Using the file: protocol specifier 1 A RDF file can be loaded from an absolute path on the file system (whose location is specified in the DirsAllowed param in the INI file) using the file:/// protocol specifier: SQL> sparql load into ; Done. -- 48 msec. SQL> sparql select count(*) from where {?s ?p ?o}; callret-0 INTEGER _______________________________________________________________________________ 31 1 Rows. -- 1 msec. SQL> 1 A RDF file can also be uploaded directly from the Virtuoso Web Server root(~/vsp) directory using the file:/ protocol specifier: SQL> sparql load into ; Done. -- 8 msec. SQL> sparql select count(*) from where {?s ?p ?o}; callret-0 INTEGER _______________________________________________________________________________ 31 1 Rows. -- 1 msec. SQL> ---++++Using a SPARQL query stored on DAV 1. Execute from ISQL: SPARQL INSERT IN GRAPH { . . . . . . . . }; 1. Create DAV collection which is visible to public, for ex: http://localhost:8890/DAV/tmp 1. Upload to the DAV collection the following file for ex. with name listall.rq and with the following content: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX sioc: SELECT ?x ?p ?o FROM WHERE { ?x rdf:type sioc:User . ?x ?p ?o. ?x sioc:id ?id . FILTER REGEX(str(?id), "^King") } ORDER BY ?x 1. Now from ISQL execute the following command: SPARQL LOAD bif:concat ("http://", bif:registry_get("URIQADefaultHost"), "/DAV/tmp/listall.rq") INTO GRAPH ; 1. As result should be shown the message: callret-0 VARCHAR _______________________________________________________________________________ Load into graph -- done 1 Rows. -- 321 msec. ---+++ SPARQL Insert via /sparql endpoint SPARQL INSERT operation can be sent to a web service endpoint as a single statement and executed in sequence. ---++++Example Using the Virtuoso ISQL tool or using the /sparql UI, for ex. at http://localhost:8890/sparql, execute the following: 1. Insert into graph 3 triples: SPARQL INSERT IN GRAPH { <1999-04-01T00:00:00> . <1998-05-03T00:00:00> . <2001-02-08T00:00:00> }; 1. As result will be shown the message: Insert into , 3 triples -- done 1. Next we will select all triples from the graph SPARQL SELECT * FROM WHERE {?s ?p ?o}; 1. As result will be shown: s p o VARCHAR VARCHAR VARCHAR _______________________________________________________________________________ 1998-05-03T00:00:00 2001-02-08T00:00:00 1999-04-01T00:00:00 3 Rows. -- 0 msec. 1. Now let's insert into graph another graph's values: SPARQL PREFIX dc: PREFIX xsd: INSERT INTO GRAPH { ?book ?p ?v } WHERE { GRAPH { ?book dc:date ?date FILTER ( xsd:dateTime(?date) < xsd:dateTime("2000-01-01T00:00:00")). ?book ?p ?v. } }; 1. As result will be shown: callret-0 VARCHAR _______________________________________________________________________________ Insert into , 2 triples -- done 1. Finally we will check the triples from the graph SQL> sparql select * from where {?s ?p ?o}; 1. As result will be shown: s p o VARCHAR VARCHAR VARCHAR _______________________________________________________________________________ 1998-05-03T00:00:00 1999-04-01T00:00:00 2 Rows. -- 10 msec. ---++++ References * [[][Virtuoso Documentation for Manage RDF Storage]] ---+++ SPARQL Insert via HTTP Post using Content-Type: application/sparql-query and ODS wiki * With HTTP Post and ODS wiki, you can write an RDF document and perform INSERT/UPDATE actions over it. * You can write to a file using SIOC terms for ODS-Wiki. * You can check with sparql the inserted / updated triples in the Quad Store. ---++++Example 1. Suppose there is ODS user test3 with ODS password 1, which has testWiki wiki instance. 1. Execute the following: curl -i -d "INSERT { . . . . . . . . 'MyTest' . . }" -u "test3:1" -H "Content-Type: application/sparql-query" http://localhost:8890/DAV/home/test3/wiki/testWiki/MyTest 1. As result we should have 2 files created: 1. In the user DAV folder "DAV/home/test3/wiki/testWiki/" will be created a file "MyTest" with type "application/sparql-query". 1. You can view the content of this file from from the Conductor UI or from the user's Briefcase UI, path "DAV/home/test3/wiki/testWiki": 2. It content will be: MyTest test 1. To the user's wiki instance will be added a new WikiWord "MyTest" with content the value of the SIOC term attribue "content": i.e., the content will be "test". 1. You can view this file in path "DAV/home/test3/wiki/testWiki/" and its name will be "MyTest.txt". 1. Using the ODS wiki UI you can: 1. Go to Index link 1. As result the MyTest article will be shown in the given list. Click on its link. 1. As result the content of the article will be shown. 1. Now lets check what data was inserted in the Quad Store: 1. Go to the sparql endpoint, i.e. for ex. to http://localhost:8890/sparql 1. Enter for Default Graph URI: http://localhost:8890/DAV/home/test3/wiki/testWiki/MyTest 1. Enter for Query text: SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} 1. Click the "Run Query" button. 1. As result will be shown the inserted triples: s p o http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki/MyTest http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki/MyTest http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki/MyTest http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki/MyTest http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki/MyTest http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki/MyTest http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki/MyTest MyTest http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki/MyTest http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki/MyTest test http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki/MyTest http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki/MyTest http://localhost:8890/dataspace/test3/wiki/testWiki ---++++References * [[][ODS Wiki]] * [[][Wiki FAQ]] * [[][Getting Started with Wiki]] * [[][Query ODS-Wiki Data using SPARQL and SIOC Ontology]] #ExampleUsingWebDAV ---+++Example Using WebDAV Mount folder to DAV and dump; if this is the rdf_sink the Quad Store is updated automatically, or you can load from DAV manually to quad store. 1. Using ODS Briefcase: 1. Go to your ods location, for ex. http://localhost:8890/ods 2. Register user, for ex. user test1 3. Login if not already in ods 4. Go to ODS ->Briefcase 5. Create new instance 6. Go to the briefcase instance by clicking its name link 7. Upload file in a new created folder mytest or in the rdf_sink folder with: 1. checked option "RDF Store" 1. set RDF Graph Name, for example, http://localhost:8890/DAV/home/test1/<name of the current folder>/, e.g., http://localhost:8890/DAV/home/test1/mytest/ or http://localhost:8890/DAV/home/test1/rdf_sink/ 1. For example, upload the following file with name jose.rdf. Jose Jimen~ez Jo 8. Execute the following query: -- for specified user folder: SELECT * FROM WHERE {?s ?p ?o} -- or if the file is uploaded into the rdf_sink folder SELECT * FROM WHERE {?s ?p ?o} 9. As result the following triples should be found: s p o http://www.example/jose/foaf.rdf#jose http://www.example/jose/foaf.rdf#jose Jo http://www.example/jose/foaf.rdf#jose Jose Jimen~ez http://www.example/jose/foaf.rdf#jose http://www.example/jose/foaf.rdf#juan http://www.example/jose/foaf.rdf#jose http://www.example/jose/ http://www.example/jose/foaf.rdf#jose http://www.corp.example/ http://www.example/jose/foaf.rdf#kendall http://www.example/jose/foaf.rdf#edd http://www.example/jose/foaf.rdf#julia http://www.example/jose/foaf.rdf#julia mailto:julia@mail.example http://www.example/jose/foaf.rdf#juan http://www.example/jose/foaf.rdf#juan mailto:juan@mail.example 1. Using Conductor UI: 1. Go to Conductor UI, for ex. at http://localhost:8890/conductor 1. Login as dba user 1. Go to WebDAV&HTTP and create new folder, for ex. test 1. Upload in the folder test a file, for ex. the file jose.rdf from above with options: 1. Destination: RDF Store 2. Set the RDF IRI ---+++Example Using Linked Data Import folder and Upload from File 1. Create for ODS user demo a folder from type "Linked Data Import" using the Briefcase UI: 1 Go to http://cname/ods and click Sign In; 1 Enter user demo log in credentials; 1 Click Briefcase from the left vertical navigation bar; 1 Click "New Folder"; 1 In the presented form specify for ex.: * Folder name: "MyData"; * Folder type: "Linked Data Import" %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Go to tab "Linked Data Import"; 1 Specify "Graph name", for ex. "urn:mydata"; 1 Hatch "Sponger (on/off)" check-box, which setting will enable the Sponger usage. 1 Optionally you can select which cartridges to be included from the "Sponger Extractor Cartridges" and "Sponger Meta Cartridges" lists: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Click "Create". 1 As result the new folder should be created: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Click its name link: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Click "Upload". 1 In the presented form: 1 Choose "Destination": WebDAV; 1 Specify the source for the n3, .ttl etc. file we are going to import. For example, choose source "File" and click "Choose file" in order to select from your local filesystem for ex. a file with name "kidehen.n3" and content as follows: . "Kingsley" . . %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Click "Upload". 1 Should be created a new file with the name as specified in the form from above: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1. Now let's check the inserted triples. Go to your Virtuoso SPARQL endpoint, i.e., http://cname/sparql and: 1. Enter in the Query area the following simple query: SELECT * FROM WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1. Click the button "Run Query" 1. As result will be shown the inserted triples: s p o Kingsley ---+++Example Using Linked Data Import folder and a manually created resource with N3/Turtle content 1. Create for ODS user demo a folder from type "Linked Data Import" using the Briefcase UI: 1 Go to http://cname/ods and click Sign In; 1 Enter user demo log in credentials; 1 Click Briefcase from the left vertical navigation bar; 1 Click "New Folder"; 1 In the presented form specify for ex.: * Folder name: "MyData"; * Folder type: "Linked Data Import" %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Go to tab "Linked Data Import"; 1 Specify "Graph name", for ex. "urn:mydata"; 1 Hatch "Sponger (on/off)" check-box, which setting will enable the Sponger usage. 1 Optionally you can select which cartridges to be included from the "Sponger Extractor Cartridges" and "Sponger Meta Cartridges" lists: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Click "Create". 1 As result the new folder should be created: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Click its name link: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Click "Create". 1 In the presented form: 1 Specify "File name", for ex: mytest.n3 ; 1 Specify "File Mime Type", for ex: text/rdf+n3 ; 1 Enter in the "File Content" text area the following triples: "" . . . %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Click "Create". 1 Should be created a new file with the name as specified in the form from above: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1. Now let's check the inserted triples. Go to your Virtuoso SPARQL endpoint, i.e., http://cname/sparql and: 1. Enter in the Query area the following simple query: SELECT * FROM WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1. Click the button "Run Query" 1. As result will be shown the inserted triples: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% #ExampleUsingVirtuosoCrawler ---+++ Example Using Virtuoso Crawler The following example is using Virtuoso Crawler which includes the Sponger options so you crawl non-RDF and get RDF and this data will go to the Quad Store. 1. Go to conductor UI. For ex. at http://localhost:8890/conductor 1. Login as dba user 1. Go to tab "Web Application Server" -> "Content Management" -> "Content Imports" 1. Click the "New Target" button 1. In the shown form enter set respectively: 1. "Crawl Job Name": Tim Berners-Lee's electronic Business Card 1. "Data Source Address (URL)": 1. "Local WebDAV Identifier" for ex.: /DAV/home/demo/rdf_sink/ 1. Choose from the list "Local resources owner": demo 1. Check the with label "Store metadata". 1. Check all the check-boxes shown below the check-box "Store metadata". %BR%%BR%%BR% %BR% %BR%%BR% 1. Click "Create". 1 The new created target should be presented in the list of available targets: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1. Click the button "Import Queues". 1. For "Robot target" with label "Tim Berners-Lee's electronic Business Card" click the start link. 1. As result should be shown the number of the pages retrieved. %BR%%BR% 1. Now using the SPARQL endpoint with Sponger option "Use only local data" enter for Default Graph URI: and execute the following query: SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} 1. As result should be shown the following triples: s p o Answers for young people - Tim Berners-Lee Berners-Lee: Weaving the Web Declaration by Tim BL 28 Feb 1996 w.r.t. CDA challenge Errata - Berners-Lee: Weaving the Web Frequently asked questions by the Press - Tim BL Glossary - Weaving the Web - Berners-Lee Longer Bio for Tim Berners-Lee Michael Dertouzos has left us The Future of the Web and Europe The World Wide Web: Past, Present and Future The World Wide Web: A very short personal history Tim Berners-Lee Tim Berners-Lee - 3Com Founders chair Tim Berners-Lee: Disclosures Tim Berners-Lee: WWW and UU and I Tim Berners-Lee: WorldWideWeb, the first Web client ---++++ References * [[][Use the Content Crawler to Populate the RDF Quad Store]] * [[][Virtuoso Conductor Administration]] ---+++ Examples using SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol * [[VirtGraphUpdateProtocolUI][sparql-graph-crud-auth Endpoint UI Usage Example]] * [[VirtGraphProtocolCURLExamples][SPARQL 1.1. Graph Store HTTP Protocol cURL Examples Collection]] ---+++ Example using SPARQL Query & Sponger (i.e. we Sponge the Resources in the FROM Clause or values for the graph-uri parameter in SPARQL protocol URLs) 1. Execute the following query: SPARQL SELECT ?id FROM NAMED OPTION (get:soft "soft", get:method "GET") WHERE { GRAPH ?g { ?id a ?o } } LIMIT 10; 2. As result will be shown the retrived triples: id VARCHAR _______________________________________________________________________________ 10 Rows. -- 20 msec. ---++++ References * [[][Virtuoso tutorial for RDF data import using SPARQL sponger.]] * [[VOSSPARQL][SPARQL Query Language support]] * [[VOSSparqlProtocol][SPARQL Protocol support]] ---+++ Example using Virtuoso PL APIs 1. In the example script we implement a basic mapper which maps a text/plain mime type to an imaginary ontology, which extends the class Document from FOAF with properties 'txt:UniqueWords' and 'txt:Chars', where the prefix 'txt:' we specify as 'urn:txt:v0.0:'. USE DB; CREATE PROCEDURE DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_TXT_META ( IN graph_iri VARCHAR, IN new_origin_uri VARCHAR, IN dest VARCHAR, INOUT ret_body ANY, INOUT aq ANY, INOUT ps ANY, INOUT ser_key ANY ) { DECLARE words, chars INT; DECLARE vtb, arr, subj, ses, str ANY; DECLARE ses ANY; -- if any error we just say nothing can be done DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR SQLSTATE '*' { RETURN 0; }; subj := COALESCE (dest, new_origin_uri); vtb := vt_batch (); chars := LENGTH (ret_body); -- using the text index procedures we get a list of words vt_batch_feed (vtb, ret_body, 1); arr := vt_batch_strings_array (vtb); -- the list has 'word' and positions array, so we must divide by 2 words := LENGTH (arr) / 2; ses := string_output (); -- we compose a N3 literal http (sprintf ('<%s> .\n', subj), ses); http (sprintf ('<%s> "%d" .\n', subj, words), ses); http (sprintf ('<%s> "%d" .\n', subj, chars), ses); str := string_output_string (ses); -- we push the N3 text into the local store DB.DBA.TTLP (str, new_origin_uri, subj); RETURN 1; } ; -- DELETE FROM DB.DBA.SYS_RDF_MAPPERS WHERE RM_HOOK = 'DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_TXT_META'; INSERT SOFT DB.DBA.SYS_RDF_MAPPERS (RM_PATTERN, RM_TYPE, RM_HOOK, RM_KEY, RM_DESCRIPTION) VALUES ('(text/plain)', 'MIME', 'DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_TXT_META', null, 'Text Files (demo)'); -- here we set order to some large number so don't break existing mappers UPDATE DB.DBA.SYS_RDF_MAPPERS SET RM_ID = 2000 WHERE RM_HOOK = 'DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_TXT_META'; 1. To test the mapper we just use /sparql endpoint with option 'Retrieve remote RDF data for all missing source graphs' to execute: SELECT * FROM WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } 1. Check the results [[*+where+%7B+%3Fs+%3Fp+%3Fo+.+%7D&format=text%2Fhtml][here]]. ---++++Important: Setting Sponger Permissions In order to allow the Sponger to update the local RDF quad store with triples constituting the the Network Resource being fetched as structured data, the role "SPARQL_UPDATE" must be granted to the account "SPARQL". This should normally be the case. If not, you must manually grant this permission. As with most Virtuoso DBA tasks, the Conductor provides the simplest means of doing this. ---++++ References * [[][Virtuoso on-line tutorial]] ---+++ Example using SIMILE RDF Bank API Virtuoso implements the HTTP-based Semantic Bank API that enables client applications to post to its RDF Triple Store. This method offers an alternative to using Virtuoso/PL functions or WebDAV uploads as the triples-insertion mechanism. 1. From your machine go to FireFox->Tools->PiggyBank->My Semantic Bank Accounts 2. Add in the shown form: 1. For bank address: 2. For account id: demo 3. For password: demo 3. Go to 4. Log in as user demo, password: demo 5. Go to the Weblog tab from the main ODS Navigation 6. Click on weblog instance name, for ex. "demo's Weblog". 7. When the weblog home page is loaded, click Alt + P. 8. As result is shown the "My PiggyBank" page with all the collected information presented in items. 9. For several of the items add Tags from the form "Tag" shown for each of them. 10. As result should be shown the message "Last updated: [here goes the date value]. 11. You can also click "Save" and "Publish" for these items. 12. Go to 13. Enter for the "Default Graph URI" field: 14. Enter for the "Query text" text-area: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX sioc: SELECT * FROM WHERE {?s ?p ?o} 15. Click "Run Query". 16. As results are shown the found results. ---++++ References * [[VOSSemanticBank][Implementation of the SIMILE project's HTTP based Semantic Bank API]] * [[][Virtuoso Documentation Semantic Bank end point]] ---+++ Example using RDF NET SQL> SELECT DB.DBA.HTTP_RDF_NET ('SPARQL LOAD "" INTO GRAPH '); callret VARCHAR _______________________________________________________ LOAD INTO GRAPH -- done 1 Rows. -- 1982 msec. ---+++See Also * [[VirtEvaluatorGuideLinkedDataDeployment][Evaluator Guide for Linked Data Deployment]] * [[VirtLinkedDataDeploymentTutorialDOAP][Linked Data Deployment DOAP Tutorial]] * More Examples for [[VirtTipsAndTricksImportLinkedDataCreateFeature][Create Linked Data Resources using a variety content formats from the RDF family]]: * [[VirtTipsAndTricksImportLinkedDataCreateFeatureNTriples][Create a Linked Data Resource with N-Triples content]] * [[VirtTipsAndTricksImportLinkedDataCreateFeatureTTL][Create a Linked Data Resource with Turtle content]] * [[VirtTipsAndTricksImportLinkedDataCreateFeatureRDFXML][Create a Linked Data Resource with RDF/XML content]] * [[VirtTipsAndTricksImportLinkedDataCreateFeatureRDFA][Create a Linked Data Resource with RDFa content]] ---+++ References * [[][RDF NET API Specification]] * [[][Virtuoso RDF tutorials]] CategoryRDF CategoryHowTo CategoryVirtuoso CategorySPARQL
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