| - ---+Addressbook
ODS-Addressbook offers features to add, manage, and organize contacts for every ODS user.
---++Feature Highlights
* Create/Update/Delete Contact.
* Organize information in four main tabs: Personal, Contact, Home and Business
* Tag Contacts. One or more contacts can be selected in order to add (n) tags to them.
An additional option is to add tags from the user's tags list, so-called "My Tags".
* Import Contacts: User can import contacts from:
* The following file types, found in the local file system or WebDAV:
1. vCard
3. CSV (the user will be given the opportunity to map fields from the file to Addressbook properties)
* LDAP Servers: depends on what servers the user has defined at his User Profile Page->Tab "LDAP Servers"
* Export contact(s) to vCard, FOAF, or CSV files
* Share contact(s) with other users
* View contact(s) others have shared with the user
* Simple/Advanced Search
* Advanced search adds options to:
1. search among own and/or shared contact(s)
2. set max rows
3. order by Name, Link, or Folder
4. Set Direction of the search results: Desc or Asc
5. Show a Tag Cloud within search results
* RSS, Atom, and RDF support
* SIOC(RDF/XML), SIOC(N3/Turtle) support
* SyncML support
---++Web Services
* [[ODSAddressBookProgrammersGuideWebServices][Services]]
---+++How Do I ...?
* [[OdsAddressbookSyncML][Synchronize my contacts to DAV location using SyncML?]]
* [[OdsAddressbookSubscr][Subscribe to URL accessible Addressbook files?]]
* [[OdsAddressbookPublish][Publish My Contacts?]]
* [[OdsAddressbookShare][Share My Contacts?]]
* [[OdsAddressbookExport][Export My Contacts?]]
* [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbook][Manage my AddressBook data via REST using authentication based on OAuth, sessions, or password hash?]]
* [[OdsAddressbookCRUDEndpoint][Manipulate my AddressBook data via CRUD RESTful using Addressbook CardDAV Endpoint?]]
* [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquityAddressbook][Use the Addressbook Ubiquity Commands?]]
* [[VirtOAuthTestToolExampleAddressbook][Use the Virtuoso OAuth Test tool to manage my contacts?]]
* [[ODSWebIDACLInstanceSettingAddressBook][Set Up WebID ACL for ODS Addressbook Dataspace Instance Automatic Inheritance?]]
* [[ODSAddressBookWebIDACL][Use WebID Protocol for enhanced ODS-Addressbook Access Control Lists (ACLs)?]]
* [[ODSAddressBookRef][Use SPARQL to Query My Contacts using the SIOC Ontology]]
* [[ODSFOAFRefExampleAddressBook][Use SPARQL to Query My Contacts using the FOAF Ontology]]
* [[ODSAtomOWLRefExampleAddressbook][Use SPARQL to Query My Contacts using the Atom OWL Ontology]]
* [[ODSSKOSRefExampleAddressBook][Use SPARQL to Query My Contacts using the SKOS Ontology]]
* [[ODSAnnoteaRefExampleAddressBook][Use SPARQL to Query My Contacts using the Annotea Ontology]]
* [[OdsAddressbookFAQ][Addressbook FAQ]]
---+++Quick Start Guides
* [[OdsAddressbookGettingStarted][Getting Started with ODS-Addressbook]]
---+++Addressbook Tutorials
* [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquityTutorialsPublAddressbook][Addressbook Publication Ubiquity Tutorial]]
* [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquityTutorialsSubscrAddressbook][Addressbook Subscription Ubiquity Tutorial]]
* [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquityTutorialsAddressbookOAuthD][Addressbook OAuth Authentication Tutorial]]
* [[VirtOAuthTestToolExampleAddressbook][Addressbook OAuth REST API Tutorial with the Virtuoso OAuth Testing Tool]]
---+++Reference Guides
* [[OdsAddressbookProgrammersGuide][Addressbook's Programmers Guide]]
---+++See also
* [[ODSSIOCRef][ODS SIOC reference]]
* [[ODSAtomOWLRef][Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and Atom OWL Ontology]]
* [[ODSSKOSRef][Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and SKOS Ontology]]
* [[ODSFOAFRef][Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and FOAF Ontology]]
* [[ODSAnnoteaRef][Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and Annotea Ontology]]
* [[VOSODSSparqlSamples][ODS SPARQL Samples]]
* [[][Northwind SPARQL Reference]]
* [[][Query Virtuoso Tutorials using SPARQL]]
* [[][Query Virtuoso Documentation using SPARQL]]
* [[][WordPress SIOC Reference]]
* [[][MedaWiki SIOC Reference]]
* [[][PHPBB SIOC Reference]]
CategoryODS CategoryOpenSource CategoryAddressBook CategoryOdsAddressBook