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  • ---++Virtuoso Tutorial Linked Data Views Script to set up your own instance <verbatim> use DB; create procedure DB.DBA.exec_no_error (in expr varchar) { declare state, message, meta, result any; exec(expr, state, message, vector(), 0, meta, result); } ; --GRANT SPARQL_UPDATE TO "SPARQL"; GRANT SELECT ON "WS"."WS"."SYS_DAV_RES" TO "SPARQL"; GRANT SELECT ON "WS"."WS"."SYS_DAV_COL" TO "SPARQL"; GRANT SELECT ON "WS"."WS"."SYS_DAV_PROP" TO "SPARQL"; GRANT SELECT ON "DB"."DBA"."SYS_USERS" TO "SPARQL"; GRANT SELECT ON "DB"."DBA"."TUT_SEARCH" TO "SPARQL"; create function DB.DBA.TUT_ID_TO_IRI(in _prefix varchar,in _id varchar) { declare iri, uriqa_host any; uriqa_host := cfg_item_value(virtuoso_ini_path(), 'URIQA','DefaultHost'); iri := 'http://' || uriqa_host || '/tutorial_view/' || _prefix || '/' || _id || '#this'; return sprintf ('http://%s/DAV/home/tutorial_view/RDFData/All/iid%%20(%d).rdf', uriqa_host, iri_id_num (iri_to_id (iri))); } ; create function DB.DBA.TUT_IRI_TO_ID(in _iri varchar) { declare parts any; parts := sprintf_inverse (_iri, 'http://%s/DAV/home/tutorial_view/RDFData/All/iid (%d).rdf', 1 ); if (parts is not null) { declare uriqa_host, iri any; uriqa_host := cfg_item_value(virtuoso_ini_path(), 'URIQA','DefaultHost'); if (parts[0] = uriqa_host) { iri := id_to_iri(iri_id_from_num(parts[1])); parts := sprintf_inverse (iri, 'http://%s/tutorial_view/%s/%s#this', 1 ); if (parts[0] = uriqa_host) { return parts[2]; } } } return NULL; } ; create function DB.DBA.POST_IRI (in _id integer) returns varchar { return TUT_ID_TO_IRI('Post', cast(_id as varchar)); } ; create function DB.DBA.POST_IRI_INVERSE (in _iri varchar) returns integer { return atoi(DB.DBA.TUT_IRI_TO_ID(_iri)); }; create function DB.DBA.SECTION_IRI (in _id integer) returns varchar { return TUT_ID_TO_IRI('Section', cast(_id as varchar)); } ; create function DB.DBA.SECTION_IRI_INVERSE (in _iri varchar) returns integer { return atoi(DB.DBA.TUT_IRI_TO_ID(_iri)); }; grant execute on DB.DBA.POST_IRI to "SPARQL"; grant execute on DB.DBA.POST_IRI_INVERSE to "SPARQL"; grant execute on DB.DBA.COL_IRI to "SPARQL"; grant execute on DB.DBA.COL_IRI_INVERSE to "SPARQL"; SPARQL drop quad map graph iri("http://^{URIQADefaultHost}^/tutorial_view") . ; SPARQL drop quad map virtrdf:tutorial . ; SPARQL prefix tutorial: <> prefix bibo: <> prefix oplsioc: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix sioc: <> prefix foaf: <> prefix owl: <> create iri class tutorial:Post "http://^{URIQADefaultHost}^/tutorial_view/Post/%d/%U#this" (in post_id integer not null, in post_name varchar not null) . create iri class tutorial:Section "http://^{URIQADefaultHost}^/tutorial_view/Section/%d/%U#this" (in col_id integer not null, in col_name varchar not null) . create iri class tutorial:DocPath "http://^{URIQADefaultHost}^%U#this" (in prop_name varchar not null) . ; SPARQL prefix tutorial: <> prefix bibo: <> prefix oplsioc: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix sioc: <> prefix foaf: <> prefix owl: <> create iri class tutorial:post_iri using function DB.DBA.POST_IRI (in customer_id integer) returns varchar, function DB.DBA.POST_IRI_INVERSE (in customer_iri varchar) returns integer. create iri class tutorial:section_iri using function DB.DBA.SECTION_IRI (in customer_id integer) returns varchar, function DB.DBA.SECTION_IRI_INVERSE (in customer_iri varchar) returns integer. ; SPARQL prefix tutorial: <> prefix bibo: <> prefix oplsioc: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix sioc: <> prefix foaf: <> prefix owl: <> alter quad storage virtrdf:DefaultQuadStorage from WS.WS.SYS_DAV_RES as resources text literal RES_CONTENT from WS.WS.SYS_DAV_COL as collections from DB.DBA.SYS_USERS as users where (^{collections.}^.COL_ID = ^{resources.}^.RES_COL) where (^{resources.}^.RES_FULL_PATH LIKE '/DAV/VAD/tutorial/%') where (DB.DBA.DAV_SEARCH_PATH(^{collections.}^.COL_ID, 'c') LIKE '/DAV/VAD/tutorial/%') { create virtrdf:tutorial as graph iri ("http://^{URIQADefaultHost}^/tutorial_view") option (exclusive) { tutorial:Post (resources.RES_ID, resources.RES_NAME) a tutorial:Post as virtrdf:tutPost-RES_ID ; a foaf:Document as virtrdf:tutsiocPost-RES_ID; a bibo:Article as virtrdf:tutBiboPost-RES_ID ; foaf:primaryTopic tutorial:Post (resources.RES_ID, resources.RES_NAME) ; bibo:identifier resources.RES_NAME as virtrdf:tutPost-RES_NAME ; bibo:author users.U_NAME where (^{resources.}^.RES_OWNER = ^{users.}^.U_ID) as virtrdf:tutPost-RES_OWNER ; tutorial:belongs_to_section tutorial:Section(collections.COL_ID, collections.COL_NAME) where (^{resources.}^.RES_COL = ^{collections.}^.COL_ID) as virtrdf:tutPost-RES_COL ; sioc:content resources.RES_CONTENT as virtrdf:tutPost-RES_CONTENT ; sioc:description resources.RES_NAME as virtrdf:tutsiocPost-RES_NAME ; tutorial:type resources.RES_TYPE as virtrdf:tutPost-RES_TYPE ; bibo:presentedAt resources.RES_CR_TIME as virtrdf:tutPost-RES_CR_TIME ; bibo:url tutorial:DocPath(resources.RES_FULL_PATH) as virtrdf:tutPost-RES_FULL_PATH ; rdfs:isDefinedBy tutorial:post_iri (resources.RES_ID) ; rdfs:isDefinedBy tutorial:Post (resources.RES_ID, resources.RES_NAME) ; rdfs:seeAlso tutorial:Section(collections.COL_ID, collections.COL_NAME) where (^{resources.}^.RES_COL = ^{collections.}^.COL_ID) as virtrdf:tutPost-RES_COL2. tutorial:DocPath(resources.RES_FULL_PATH) a tutorial:DocPath as virtrdf:tutDocPath-RES_FULL_PATH . tutorial:Section (collections.COL_ID, collections.COL_NAME) a tutorial:Section as virtrdf:tutSection-COL_ID ; a sioc:Container as virtrdf:tutsiocSection-COL_ID ; a bibo:Collection as virtrdf:tutBiboSection-COL_ID ; bibo:identifier collections.COL_NAME as virtrdf:tutSection-COL_NAME ; bibo:author users.U_NAME where (^{collections.}^.COL_OWNER = ^{users.}^.U_ID) as virtrdf:tutSection-COL_OWNER ; rdfs:isDefinedBy tutorial:section_iri (collections.COL_ID) ; rdfs:isDefinedBy tutorial:Section (collections.COL_ID, collections.COL_NAME) . tutorial:Section (collections.COL_ID, collections.COL_NAME) sioc:is_container_of tutorial:Post(resources.RES_ID, resources.RES_NAME) where (^{resources.}^.RES_COL = ^{collections.}^.COL_ID) as virtrdf:tutsiocSection-COL_ID2 . } . } . ; delete from db.dba.url_rewrite_rule_list where urrl_list like 'tutorial_%'; delete from db.dba.url_rewrite_rule where urr_rule like 'tutorial_%'; create procedure tutorial_rdf_doc (in path varchar) { declare r any; r := regexp_match ('[^/]*\x24', path); return r||'#this'; }; create procedure tutorial_html_doc (in path varchar) { declare r any; r := regexp_match ('[^/]*#', path); return subseq (r, 0, length (r)-1); }; DB.DBA.URLREWRITE_CREATE_REGEX_RULE ( 'tutorial_rule2', 1, '(/[^#]*)', vector('path'), 1, '/sparql?query=CONSTRUCT+{+%%3Chttp%%3A//^{URIQADefaultHost}^%U%%23this%%3E+%%3Fp+%%3Fo+}+FROM+%%3Chttp%%3A//^{URIQADefaultHost}^/tutorial_view%%3E+WHERE+{+%%3Chttp%%3A//^{URIQADefaultHost}^%U%%23this%%3E+%%3Fp+%%3Fo+}&format=%U', vector('path', 'path', '*accept*'), null, '(text/rdf.n3)|(application/rdf.xml)', 0, null ); --DB.DBA.URLREWRITE_CREATE_REGEX_RULE ( -- 'tutorial_rule1', -- 1, -- '(/[^#]*)', -- vector('path'), -- 1, -- '/rdfbrowser/index.html?uri=http%%3A//^{URIQADefaultHost}^%U%%23this', -- vector('path'), -- null, -- '(text/html)|(\\*/\\*)', -- 0, -- 303 -- ); DB.DBA.exec_no_error(' DB.DBA.URLREWRITE_DROP_RULELIST (\'tutorial_rule_list1\') '); DB.DBA.exec_no_error(' DB.DBA.URLREWRITE_DROP_RULE (\'tutorial_rule1\') '); DB.DBA.URLREWRITE_CREATE_REGEX_RULE ( 'tutorial_rule3', 1, '(/[^#]*)/\x24', vector('path'), 1, '%s', vector('path'), null, null, 0, null ); create procedure DB.DBA.REMOVE_TUT_RDF_DET() { declare colid int; colid := DAV_SEARCH_ID('/DAV/home/tutorial_view/', 'C'); if (colid < 0) return; update WS.WS.SYS_DAV_COL set COL_DET=null where COL_ID = colid; } ; DB.DBA.REMOVE_TUT_RDF_DET(); drop procedure DB.DBA.REMOVE_TUT_RDF_DET; create procedure DB.DBA.TUT_MAKE_RDF_DET() { declare uriqa_str varchar; uriqa_str := cfg_item_value(virtuoso_ini_path(), 'URIQA','DefaultHost'); uriqa_str := 'http://' || uriqa_str || '/tutorial_view'; DB.DBA."RDFData_MAKE_DET_COL" ('/DAV/home/tutorial_view/RDFData/', uriqa_str, NULL); VHOST_REMOVE (lpath=>'/tutorial_view/data/rdf'); DB.DBA.VHOST_DEFINE (lpath=>'/tutorial_view/data/rdf', ppath=>'/DAV/home/tutorial_view/RDFData/All/', is_dav=>1, vsp_user=>'dba'); } ; DB.DBA.TUT_MAKE_RDF_DET(); drop procedure DB.DBA.TUT_MAKE_RDF_DET; -- procedure to convert path to DET resource name create procedure DB.DBA.TUT_DET_REF (in par varchar, in fmt varchar, in val varchar) { declare res, iri any; declare uriqa_str varchar; uriqa_str := cfg_item_value(virtuoso_ini_path(), 'URIQA','DefaultHost'); uriqa_str := 'http://' || uriqa_str || '/tutorial_view'; iri := uriqa_str || val; res := sprintf ('iid (%d).rdf', iri_id_num (iri_to_id (iri))); return sprintf (fmt, res); } ; DB.DBA.URLREWRITE_CREATE_REGEX_RULE ('tutorial_rdf', 1, '/tutorial_view/(.*)', vector('path'), 1, '/tutorial_view/data/rdf/%U', vector('path'), 'DB.DBA.TUT_DET_REF', 'application/rdf.xml', 2, 303); DB.DBA.URLREWRITE_CREATE_REGEX_RULE ( 'tutorial_rule4', 1, '/schemas/tutorial#(.*)', vector('path'), 1, '/sparql?query=DESCRIBE%20%3Chttp%3A//', vector('path'), null, '(text/rdf.n3)|(application/rdf.xml)', 0, null ); DB.DBA.URLREWRITE_CREATE_RULELIST ( 'tutorial_rule_list1', 1, vector ( 'tutorial_rule2', 'tutorial_rule3', 'tutorial_rule4', 'tutorial_rdf' )); VHOST_REMOVE (lpath=>'/tutorial_view'); DB.DBA.VHOST_DEFINE (lpath=>'/tutorial_view', ppath=>'/DAV/home/tutorial_view/', vsp_user=>'dba', is_dav=>1, def_page=>'sfront.vspx', is_brws=>0, opts=>vector ('url_rewrite', 'tutorial_rule_list1')); create procedure DB.DBA.LOAD_TUT_ONTOLOGY_FROM_DAV() { declare content1, urihost varchar; whenever not found goto none; select cast (RES_CONTENT as varchar) into content1 from WS.WS.SYS_DAV_RES where RES_FULL_PATH = '/DAV/VAD/tutorial/tutorial.owl'; DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_RDFXML (content1, '', ''); urihost := cfg_item_value(virtuoso_ini_path(), 'URIQA','DefaultHost'); if (urihost = '') { DB.DBA.VHOST_REMOVE (lpath=>'/schemas/tutorial'); DB.DBA.VHOST_DEFINE (lpath=>'/schemas/tutorial', ppath=>'/DAV/VAD/tutorial/tutorial.owl', vsp_user=>'dba', is_dav=>1, is_brws=>0); DB.DBA.VHOST_REMOVE (lpath=>'/schemas/tutorial#'); DB.DBA.VHOST_DEFINE (lpath=>'/schemas/tutorial#', ppath=>'/DAV/VAD/tutorial/tutorial.owl', vsp_user=>'dba', is_dav=>1, is_brws=>0); } none: ; }; DB.DBA.LOAD_TUT_ONTOLOGY_FROM_DAV(); drop procedure DB.DBA.LOAD_TUT_ONTOLOGY_FROM_DAV; create procedure DB.DBA.LOAD_TUT_ONTOLOGY_FROM_DAV2() { declare urihost varchar; whenever not found goto none; sparql base <> load bif:concat ("http://", bif:registry_get("URIQADefaultHost"), "/DAV/VAD/tutorial/tutorial.owl") into graph <>; urihost := cfg_item_value(virtuoso_ini_path(), 'URIQA','DefaultHost'); if (urihost = '') { DB.DBA.VHOST_REMOVE (lpath=>'/schemas/tutorial'); DB.DBA.VHOST_DEFINE (lpath=>'/schemas/tutorial', ppath=>'/DAV/VAD/tutorial/tutorial.owl', vsp_user=>'dba', is_dav=>1, is_brws=>0); DB.DBA.VHOST_REMOVE (lpath=>'/schemas/tutorial#'); DB.DBA.VHOST_DEFINE (lpath=>'/schemas/tutorial#', ppath=>'/DAV/VAD/tutorial/tutorial.owl', vsp_user=>'dba', is_dav=>1, is_brws=>0); } none: ; }; --DB.DBA.LOAD_TUT_ONTOLOGY_FROM_DAV2(); drop procedure DB.DBA.LOAD_TUT_ONTOLOGY_FROM_DAV2; </verbatim> ---+++References * [[SIOCRefTutorial][Virtuoso Tutorials SIOC Reference]]
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