How do I recover from "Invalid log entry in replay" when transaction log is being replayed during server start?

Error Condition

A Virtuoso transaction log file may fail to replay, with an error of the form:

11:42:57 Invalid log entry in replay. Delete transaction log virtuoso.trx or truncate at point of error. 
Valid data may exist after this record. A log record begins with bytes 193 188 5 188 0. Error at offset 13205546
11:42:57 Searching for the next valid header signature starting at 13205547
11:42:57 No valid looking header found.
11:42:57 Server exiting

Resolution of this error varies with the kind of Virtuoso server you're running.

Recovery Methods

Single-Server Deployments of both Open Source and Commercial Edition

WARNING: Do not use this recovery method on Cluster Deployments of Commercial Edition.

This can be recovered by truncating to the transaction log to the reported error offset.

Users on Unix-like OS can use the built-in dd command; Windows users must first install WinDD or cygwin to get the same functionality.

Given the error above, the recovery steps on a Unix-like OS would look like those below.

  1. Rename the bad trx file.

    mv virtuoso.trx old.trx

  2. Use the dd to create a truncated copy of the file. The count value should match that shown for Error at offset value.

    dd if=old.trx of=new.trx bs=1 count=13205546

    Output will look like this.

    13205546+0 records in 13205546+0 records out

  3. Now move the truncated file into place.

    mv new.trx virtuoso.trx

  4. Then restart Virtuoso with the truncated transaction log.

    virtuoso-iodbc-t -f

    Stopping and restarting Virtuoso as normal should now succeed.

Replication Cluster Deployments of Commercial Edition

Recovery instructions coming soon! Until then, please contact Support for assistance.

Elastic Cluster Deployments of Commercial Edition

Recovery instructions coming soon! Until then, please contact Support for assistance.