Simple Client Written in VSP
declare consumer_key, consumer_secret, oauth_token, oauth_secret, signature, timest, nonce varchar;
declare srv, res, signature_base, ret_url, url, tmp, sid varchar;
declare meth, pars any;
consumer_key := {?'key'};
srv := sprintf ('http://localhost:%s/OAuth/', server_http_port ());
sid := null;
res := '';
sid := {?'sid'};
if (sid = '')
sid := null;
-- if selected token is not same as one from the session we need to get new authentication token
if (consumer_key <> OAUTH..get_consumer_key (sid))
OAUTH..session_terminate (sid);
sid := null;
meth := get_keyword ('meth', params, '');;
pars := get_keyword ('pars', params, 'inst_id=15&title=testing&description=Some test post');;
if ({?'rt'} is not null and sid is null) -- request new token for the session
url := srv||'request_token';
url := OAUTH..sign_request ('GET', url, '', consumer_key, sid);
res := http_get (url);
sid := OAUTH..parse_response (sid, consumer_key, res);
OAUTH..set_session_data (sid, params);
ret_url := sprintf ('http://localhost:%s/oauth/oauth_client.vsp?ready=%U', server_http_port (), sid);
-- call authorize
url := sprintf ('%sauthorize?oauth_token=%U&oauth_callback=%U', srv, OAUTH..get_auth_token (sid), ret_url);
http_status_set (301);
http_header (sprintf ('Location: %s\r\n', url));
else if ({?'ready'} is not null) -- get access token
-- we go here when token above is authorized
sid := {?'ready'};
url := srv||'access_token';
consumer_key := OAUTH..get_consumer_key (sid);
url := OAUTH..sign_request ('GET', url, '', consumer_key, sid);
res := http_get (url);
sid := OAUTH..parse_response (sid, consumer_key, res);
if (sid is not null) -- access token is ready, and we can call API
-- here we are ready to call service
if ({?'rt'} is null)
tmp := OAUTH..get_session_data (sid);
pars := get_keyword ('pars', tmp, pars);
meth := get_keyword ('meth', tmp, meth);
url := sprintf ('http://localhost:%s/ods/api/%s', server_http_port (), meth);
tmp := split_and_decode (pars);
params := '';
for (declare i,l int, l:=length (tmp); i < l; i := i + 2)
params := params || sprintf ('%U=%U&', tmp[i], tmp[i+1]);
--params := sprintf ('inst_id=%d&description=%U&title=%U', 15, 'Some test post', 'testing');
consumer_key := OAUTH..get_consumer_key (sid);
url := OAUTH..sign_request ('GET', url, params, consumer_key, sid);
res := http_get (url);
--dbg_obj_print (res);
<head><title>OAuth Client</title></head>
<h1>OAuth client for ODS Controllers</h1>
<form method="POST" action="oauth_client.vsp">
<input type="hidden" name="sid" value="<?V sid ?>"/>
APPLICATION : <br/> <select name="key">
<?vsp for select a_name, a_key from OAUTH..APP_REG do { ?>
<option value="<?V a_key ?>" <?vsp if (consumer_key = a_key) http ('selected'); ?>><?V a_name ?></option>
<?vsp } ?>
if (sid is not null) http (sprintf (' TOKEN: %s', OAUTH..get_auth_token (sid)));
ODS API: <br/><input type="text" name="meth" value="<?V meth ?>" size=50/> <br/>
PARAMETERS: <br/> <textarea name="pars" rows="5" cols="50"><?V pars ?></textarea> <br/>
<input type="submit" value="Execute" name="rt"/><br/>
<pre><?V res ?></pre>